Pauline; Cast a Spell

Hugo became so consumed with his evil thoughts about Pauline that he didn't even realize that he was being compared to marc, the one who's been talking to people all over the country.

"You met the guy in person, don't you? "Ask Pauline.

Her voice sounded so calm yet critical. Pauline wouldn't stand a dispute if Ava were willing to do it. It was implied in how she looked at Ava sitting across from her.

Inevitably, Ava nodded. Just nod. Ava covered her mouth shut on purpose. Ava realized she had no right to speak about the alpha even if she wanted to.

"Who's more handsome? Thea's new boyfriend, or Hugo?" Ask Pauline again.

Ava shrugged her shoulders with a clumsy smile.

"Relative," she said casually. "Handsome standards for every woman are different."

Pauline pointed to Hugo as he was preoccupied with dreaming on her right side. Pauline asked Ava to take a quick look at her boyfriend's face.