The Blonde Girl Was So Hate

Through the binoculars, Joe saw clearly that Julien and Marc had become engrossed in conversation. Far away from the apartment building across from him, Joe could hear clearly what these men were talking about in the distance as Joe opened wide his left palm, letting a cool breeze blow over his skin.

The air that spins around Joe's palm shows a change of color every time Joe hears a sentence upon a sentence that flows from the mouths of those he is spying on.

A thin white smoke appeared around Joe's palm whenever he heard an honesty. A reddish smoke rose as Joe listened, even feeling a struggle of anger. And then, when Joe hears the warming cold and appears without any color when he hears clearly, he feels the words affectionately.

Joe lowered his left hand slowly and dropped his binoculars from his view as someone came and filled up the space on his left side.