The Others Are Coming

"Someone is watching us," Marc murmured as he caught the reflection of the small, firefly-like round light he felt every time he stared at the building on the other side.

Julien nodded. "Someone was watching us at the same point in the building across the street," he said, so calm because he was so used to being spied on by the owners of apartment units in buildings opposite them.

"Ava and Pauline live in that building, and are on the same floor as us," Julien explained. "They used to watch each other, then call and talk from their balconies."

Marc nodded in understanding. He got a clear picture from Julien's description.

"You know, they've made up?" asked Marc spontaneously.

Julien turned his head, looking at Marc with his frowning forehead. "Who? Thea and Pauline?" he asked curiously.

  Marc nodded again. "We had just met them." replied Marc.

"Are you going there too?" Julien has been made even more curious.