Finding Thea

"What happened to you?" Sebastian asked Marc as he watched blood dripping from Marc's ears.

Marc rubbed his ears, his forehead frowning when he saw the blood on his forefingers. Still not believing what he had just seen, Marc again rubbed his ear with his other finger; the same, fresh blood sticking to his fingertips.

"It's not mine," Marc muttered.

Sebastian frowned. "I don't understand what you're saying," he said.

"This blood is a little scented," Marc replied, remembering the smell of the blood.

Sebastian put his nose to Marc's ear, sniffed the rancid smell that emanated from the blood, then shook his head, looking at Marc with a frown on his face in confusion. "No special scent. It's your blood, there's no way someone's blood dripped in your ear." he said sarcastically.

"It's Thea's blood," Marc muttered again as he looked at the dried blood on his fingers.