Getting Answers

Thea borrowed Ava's magic green robe. She refused to accompany Ava and Joe because she did not want to involve them in the mission again. Only Arthur she asked for help at that time.

Together with Arthur, Thea managed to break into a room filled with hunters who were busy playing with Catania, the baby girl she was looking for and wanted to save.

Arthur tried to talk to several hunters who were busy playing with the baby girl. He tried to take over the tasks of the hunters, carrying Catania even though the baby girl seemed uncomfortable when touching him.

"Leave the human baby here with us," a hunter in Ancient Xaera Language asked. His bass voice sounded so loud, just like how he looked at Arthur.

Arthur stood frozen in the doorway —not understanding what the hunter was saying.

Witnessing this, Thea came closer and translated the hunter's words from behind the magical green robe that covered her, then told Arthur the proper reply to say.