Black Tulips

Julien and Esme tell of an argument between them and Leonor before they were forced to take a heavy dose of a potion they assumed were like a sleeping pill. Until when they woke up and were told by Joe and Ava about all kinds of things that happened while they were unconscious.

At first, they wanted to follow and help Thea, but Joe and Ava forbade it and brought Esme and Julien to this place to meet Thea and Marc. Meanwhile, other humans, werewolves, and shadow souls who previously hid in Xaera Palace were released; they said they wanted to help Marc fight barbarians and hunters.

Thea also shared her journey and spiritual experience when she entered and met the Oakencrown. Thea tells the world inside and everything she's experienced to Julien and Esme, except for one. About her destiny, her life.

Thea let this become personal consumption, a secret she would never reveal to anyone.