Pyuku Is Missing!


Today in the morning the sky was clouded, and there was white and cold fog everywhere, covering most of the jungle mysteriously. There was also less amazon wandering around, most of them were confined in their tents passing the day in there.

We quickly reached Zack's tent, as we found him there.

Zack was sleeping right over a pile of monster pelts he called his "bed", it felt a bit weird to sleep in such a place to me, to be honest, but well, whoever likes whatever they like, I am not here to judge him for that… I guess.

"ZACK! Wake up!" roared Aquarina.

"Uwah! Agh! Let me sleep for a few seconds, would yo?!" roared Zack angrily.

Aquarina began to jump over him. She really was like the annoying little sister archetype for him.

"Aaagh! You're so annoying! Okay, fine! You win!" roared Zack angrily, waking up and crossing his arms.

Zack woke up energetically after Aquarina annoyed the living shit out of him.