The Power Of Cooking Magic


We moved forward with our plans and reached Ninhursag's tent, without thinking about going out for Pyuku, as although I was worried, I knew it would be fine as it is a pretty strong slime to be honest.

We reached Ninhursag's tent in an instant and we were greeted by the beautiful skin changer sleeping soundly below her blankets. Her body was quite big, so her foot was out of the bed… but she was still sleeping like nothing, even if the chilly air passed across her legs. I suppose she's quite resistant to temperatures changes, seeing how she probably lives, eats, and sleeps in the wild jungle.

"Ninhursag!" said Aquarina.

"Wake up already, it's around 11 Am!" said Zack.

"Hmmm? Ah! Eh?! Children… Oh, I slept here… right…" said Ninhursag.

She quickly tried to stand out of bed, but suddenly made a face of pain.

"Ouch… My entire body still hurts a bit…" sighed Ninhursag.

"You're still wounded from all the battles!" said Aquarina.