

"You know? I should burn you into ashes before you die out of bleeding…" Allan said. Suddenly leaving away the façade of the "good cop", as he quickly realized that leaving a witnesser alive would be no good either. He didn't wanted to kill, but this man that has been enslaving and selling off innocent people for years wasn't someone that deserved to live in his book. However, Shade stopped him.

"No. We said we wouldn't kill…" Said Shade. "I know this sounds stupid, but if we kill, we'll only continue an endless cycle of hatred and slaughter… I know it is ironic to say this despite being someone that has taken so many lives… But if we never truly make a difference starting with ourselves, then who else will do one? For my daughter too… I don't want to take more human lives. I promised to myself that I would better myself after she was born, that I would do things right this time…"