Freeing The Slaves


Jack had a sudden change of heart! The sudden change completely left Allan and Shade shocked and threw them off completely. This wasn't something they expected to happen, but deep down they felt it was quite welcomed. Now the true question was… How could they use this to their benefit?

"Is there something I can do to help you? To redeem myself?" Asked Jack, supplicating the two heroes. "I've always… since I was young that I admired the heroes, both of you… You brought down the Demon King and started a new Era of Peace…"

"He seems to be saying the truth." Said Allan.

"…I see." Shade said in disbelief.

The two heroes looked at one another and quickly ran away from Jack, beginning to speak with one another alone while ignoring the grieving Jack.

"So what do we do now?" Asked Allan.

"Our plans won't change; we'll rescue the slaves and then we'll delete their memories." Said Shade.