The Limits Of Normal Magicians


Small Nova was more devastating than I could had ever imagined, the power it had was completely insane. It completely roasted the centipedes in an instant, and left such a loud explosion that it could had destroyed an entire house and the surrounding ones as well…

However, it took a toll on me to actually conjure the spell, as I needed to concentrate for over a minute and it really tired me mentally. However, there might be a way to make the conjuration of Small Nova easier though… but I might try it later, as it is also quite tiring to my body and soul.

"Wow, that was amazing…" Aquarina said.

"You could had done that before as well!" Zack said.

"Hah… Not really, it took a lot of effort to make it up. It needs dedication and everything else… It's not something we can do easily, sadly." I sighed. "Unless I practice more, I cannot make it into a big battle, I fear."