Dungeon Break


"So that's what Sylphy did to make that strong spell, wow…" Said Zack.

"Sylphy you're a monster!" Said Aquarina. "Can you teach me how to do a strong spell like that?"

"Erm… Well, it is complicated…" I sighed.

"Hm, for now we should really just go back, to be honest, if we stay longer in the dungeon, your parents are going to bark at me." My father sighed, quickly deciding to pull back as he took out some Ariadne threads.

"Come on dad, let us do the last room at least! With your fire I was fully healed and I feel more energetic than ever." I said with a nod.

"Hmm… You know that if I do that a few more times you'll get a negative effect instead? The spell forcefully takes away exhaustion, but when you finally pass out you might be sleeping for hours and hours without stopping, your mother is going to get very angry, and I really don't want that." My father sighed. As strong as he was, he really respected and feared my mother.