Playful Night


I brought Aquarina with me to our tent after leaving Pyuku on his own and explained her about what I meant. And no, I didn't mean I had a penis! I was born a girl and have no such organ. It was dumb she even thought about it. What's wrong with my perverted girlfriend's head sometimes?

"Okay, okay, don't get mad, it's not like I got hyped you could have one or something." She laughed. "Sorry, sorry…" She giggled while saying that.

"Ugh…" I sighed, crossing my arms. "Anyways…"

"But you can't like, make a potion to grow one for a limited time?" She wondered. "I have been thinking, magic can do so much so-"

"Aquarina we are too young to think about that stuff, enough!" I crossed my arms, looking like my grumpy mother now.

"Hahaha! Alright, sorry!" She laughed out loud at my response, even she thought her own imagination was plain stupid and laughable sometimes.