Back To The Old House


"Sylphy! Aquarina! Hurry up and get your tent down, we're moving out already!"

My mother's words quickly woke us up from our daze, as we had to quickly separate each other's bodies, we weren't doing too much of anything, just a lot of plain ol' loving, I guess.

But that might be considered too much by some, so we quickly stopped what we were doing before wasting more of everyone's time and got the tent down.

"Yeah, mom, coming! Wait a bit please…!" I cried, as Aquarina was getting her shirt back on.

"Hahaha, we overdid it a bit." She giggled. "But I can't get enough of my Sylphy~"

"Geez, enough with that." I felt embarrassed. "We can continue with what we left off tonight though?"

"Sure~!" She said happily.