9. 2nd visit to the Portal

5 March 2017,

Alfred called Ajay a few times while slightly tapping him.

"Umm," Ajay opened his eyes. A middle aged face came into his voice.

Alfred greeted Ajay while slightly bending forward respectfully.

"Good morning Alfred." Ajay sat up and stretched his body by spreading his arms.

"OK, after washing and eating breakfast we will go to the town."

Alfred took a quick shower and ate breakfast with his family. Then he prepared so rations like water and some food to bring with him to the portal.

He wore some clothes to protect himself from dust and sun but much less compared to yesterday as he has a car to drive in the desert.

After preparing and checking everything, Ajay stood beside Alfred. Alfred had one backpack on the back and two in his hands.

"Open" Ajay slowly said.

Then the red portal opened and then a while light went from the centre to outwards and soon the whole portal became white and vast desert came into Ajay's and Alfred's view.

"Don't worry Alfred, you will know it soon. Just follow me."

Then Ajay went forward and entered the portal and soon Alfred followed him with backpacks. There was only a vast desert wherever sight fell, there was only a car which was half covered with sand.

Ajay turned around and stood facing the portal. He wants to try whether he can relocate the portal to town by closing it here and then opening it in the town.

"Exit" Ajay whispered.

Suddenly the portal vanished like it was never there.

"This can make my life a lot easier. I can directly buy a warehouse and bring useful things to the Earth." Ajay was slightly excited. After a few minutes, he calmed himself.

Then both of them moved toward the car and cleaned the windshield And put all the backpacks in the back of the car.

"Alfred, can you drive a car?"

"OK good, then you drive the car."

Alfred first opened the door on the passenger side. Ajay went and sat on the passenger seat and put on the seat belt. Then Alfred sat on the driver's seat and put on the seat belt.

"Ok just drive on that sand dune and we will know the direction towards the town."

Alfred started the car and drove the car to the dune and then drove towards the town at full speed. The car was running like a boat in the ocean leaving a duststorm behind.

Soon when Alfred saw the town from distance, he asked Ajay his doubt.

"You know this town. OK, tell me about this town."

"Are there any cities or towns nearby?"

"Ok, Hey Is there any advanced AI with can connect with a network or like do many things like supervising the whole city, region or even country."

"Is there any in this town?"

"Good, well how big is a quantum computer. Can we bring it to the portal where we just came from?"

"How is Quantum Computer compared to the supercomputer?"

"Good Good" Ajay became excited after hearing Alfred's explanation and said good two times in excitement.

"Then is there any threat from AI" Ajay asked Alfred. His brows slightly furrowed. He saw many movies like the terminator or I Robot in which AI rebels against the owner or even the whole human civilisation.

"OK, that's good." Ajay's brows relaxed after hearing Alfred's explanation.

While talking they reached the entrance to the town.

"Alfred, do you know every shop in this town?"

"OK, Let's go to the Gene Strengthen Solution shop first and then bring Quantum computer and a few formal and casual clothes. Let's also bring some suits."

Alfred set the destination of Gene Strengthen Solution shop on his map and started to drive towards it.

After a few minutes, they arrived in front of the shop. Both of them came down from the car.

Ajay nodded and moved forward and entered the shop.

'It feels like I have came to a big chemist shop on earth, just the products are different.' Ajay thought while looking around.

"OK, Alfred find the Gene strengthen solution."

Alfred slightly bowed and then went to find the potion around.

And in the meantime, he started to look around and read the description of the products. All types of medicines were available. The medicines whose effects were written on the pack, Ajay could understand and others were jumping over his head.

There were many medicines available here which can not be cured on earth.

'Looks like I can open a pharcauticals company and make these medicines with the help of robots. I can both make money and also help countless families.' Ajay nodded at this thought.