10. Real AI

While Ajay was thinking, Alfred came with 5 boxes with exquisite packing.

"Alfred, you said there are only 3 types of Gene Strengthen solution, how come there are five packs?"

Alfred explained showing three packs first and then put them on the counter by his side. then showed a black packing with golden marking.

"Oh, tell me about this special military Gene Strengthen solution. what about its effects?" Ajay became interested and asked Alfred.

"Alfred this data you told me, is it fixed?"

"No side effects right?"

"Slightly meaning?" Ajay found this slight word odd here.

"What is external medicine or help?"

"I have one doubt. Is there any expiration period time of Gene Strengthen solution?"

"OK, then bring two advanced and one special military Gene Strengthen solution. I will take it at home after returning. Let's go to Quantum computer."

Ajay and Alfred went out of the shop and started walking towards the Quantum computer shop. After a few minutes of walking, they came in front of a large showroom. It was like Apple showroom back on earth.

They went into the shop. Many product types were placed on the counters. All of them have a Z written on the case in a stylish font. The design and appearance are good.

"OK, Alfred tell me about it."

"Is Super Quantum computer here in this town?"

"OK, Just chose the best quantum laptop from here."

Alfred went forwards and started to inspect the laptops and then he picked a slightly bigger laptop than the others. It is of a similar size as a workstation. The colour is full black and Z written on it is in golden colour and the design was good.

Ajay nodded in satisfaction. When he turned to go out of the shop, his sight fell on a Human sized chamber placed horizontally near the wall. Ajay turned towards Alfred pointing the finger toward the cabin.

"What is that?"

Ajay became excited and ran towards the capsule. Half of the upper portion of the capsule is made up of glass and the rest is made up of unknown material.

"Alfred, are there any VR Headset?"

"OK, I will check it another day. Let's go to the car. It's very hot here. Let's check the laptop in the car."

Then Ajay and Alfred went outside the shop and went to the car and sat in it. Alfred switched on the Air Conditioner of the car.

Ajay opened the laptop, It only took a few seconds to start. Like the watch, they asked to choose the holographic projection avatar. Ajay directly chose the same avatar as the watch and then chose the name Friday.

Then a beautiful woman just similar to a watch avatar projected in front of him. The only difference is that this avatar feels like a real woman is standing in front of him.

Friday greeted Ajay while slightly bowing. Her voice was very sweet, he has never heard such a melodious voice.

"Hello Friday, what can you do this ordinary watch and Alfred can't do?" Ajay asked Friday pointing towards Alfred.

Friday replied while slightly puffing her chest showing some pride. She looked cute.

"What external help?" Ajay asked Friday immediately after hearing Friday.

Friday replied Ajay without much thinking like she knew that he will ask her this question.

"Where can we find it?" Ajay heard servers from his Laboratory professor in college and some novels but never heard of quantum servers. But he guessed that like quantum computers, it is quantum servers.

Friday replied while staring straight at Ajay with expectant eyes.

"Then If you are connected with those servers, can you also know the manufacturing process, materials and data."

There was slight joy in her voice.

"Good, we will talk about it when we reached home."

But there was a slight disappointment in her voice.

Ajay guessed the reason for her disappointment. His mouth slightly curled up seeing Friday 'This is real AI. There is even emotions in her voice. But she looked cute.'

"Don't worry I will connect you with many Quantum servers not just one if you do as I said."

She said patting her chest. A light showed in her eyes, and her face looked determined.

"Ha ha, ok let's go."