Chapter 10. The Magi Project (Part 2)

Editor: Cherish

— We're looking for support! Only those whose level is above D rank are accepted!

— Tank? No tank?

— I'm a robber.

— Oh, sorry, stay back.

The E level Gate was near Seoul.

A huge number of people gathered around the gate in the turmoil, searching for a party.

'What's wrong with robbers?' Kang Yu had heard this kind of conversation before, so he thought about it.

But it seems that everyone has a certain order to collect party members.

'Well, I don't care.' He, as someone who was going to hunt on his own, didn't give a damn about chattering around.

Kang Yu gave the employee his just received Player ID.

— It's been confirmed. —

There was another person in uniform. It seemed to him that they would check his ID again, so he gave it.

Kang Yu thought that the remnants of the Power of Illusion from last time might still act on the man, and if he just showed him his hand, he would still miss it. So when he showed his ID, he just moved on.

The surrounding air trembled.

'I don't like this feeling.' Every time, it reminded him of the feeling of throwing himself in Hell's Nine Thousandth Circle.

When Kang Yu entered the Gate, the first thing he wanted to do was go into the forest to hunt monsters.

— Sir, are you alone? — There was a kind voice addressing Kang Yu.

He turned towards the source of the sound and saw the shield that was hiding the young man and apparently his flock.

He was over two meters tall and his body was made up of cubes.

'Bear or something?' It was definitely a human, but he looked like a predatory animal.

— Yes, I am.

— Are you going hunting alone?

Kang Yu nodded lightly.

The guy spat and continued:

— You're advancing to the second rank?

— I'm not.

— It seems like you haven't gone through basic training either. Do you have rank F? If so, it's better not hunting on your own. Even though goblins are small, and they look flimsy, they're monsters, — he said with anxiety in his voice.

— If you can't find a party, you can join us for a while to see what these monsters look like.

— Hey, Dae Su! Let him figure it out for himself!

— That's right, Dae Su! If he's at level F, he won't do us any good. Let him go.

— No! Get into your position, — the guy shouted rudely.

In this party he obviously had power; all at once everyone quieted down and each of them trembled.

— It'll save your life. We share everything equally, so don't worry about the stones. Join us.

— Just don't let him get in the way…

All of Dae Su's party members clicked their tongue together when they heard the phrase that they would have to share the stones with him.

Dae Su felt a little depressed and looked at his buddies and then turned his gaze to Kang Yu.

— My name is Kang Dae Su. What's your name?

— Oh Kang Yu.

— You can refer to me informally as "you", I'm only twenty-four.

'Don't lie.' Of course, if you hear something like that from a big guy who looks more than 30, you'd think it's a lie.

— Huh? Don't you believe it? Look at this! I was born in zero, I'm Kang Dae Su! — A guy shouted, showing his ID. This kind of situation had happened before, and more than once.

'Huh? Are you seriously saying that's the face of a 20-year-old?' Kang Yu was surprised to learn this.

'What the hell?' Kang Yu grinned and cocked his head.

— So use the word 'you.'

— Heh heh, our guy's fast. Isn't it burdensome? You're going to do an experiment at the party?

— Thank you for the offer, but I'm not recklessly joining the party. — Kang Yu answered coldly.

Dae Su's response to the harsh answer was sullen and spitting.

— Well, I can't help it. But you have to be careful. Especially beware of large brown goblins. You see them, you run. Hobgoblin is the boss.

— Thank you for the useful information.

— Good luck! — Dae Su and his Party stepped back and fled into the forest.

Kang Yu looked at their tracks and smiled a little:

— Normal guys, even though their appearance was unusual, but Dae Su even suggested splitting up the stones.

Kang Yu was impressed.

If he had really been an F-rank player, that would have been a terrific start.

— Well, it's time. — He went for an even lighter gait.

When he went deep enough into the dark forest, he finally met a goblin.

It yelled. Well, it turned out there were five of them, and they all screamed at once.

A black blade appeared from Kang Yu's left wrist.

Kang Yu, with the precision and agility of a wild beast, rushed towards the goblins.

Usually, goblins were seen as a disgusting sight, but Kang Yu saw these disgusting creatures as a way to accumulate Magi.

In a few moves, he slashed at their necks, and their heads fell off from their shoulders.

Last time, he had chopped ten at once, and this time there were only five of them. He didn't even waste any power.

— As expected, it was easy.

He had a feeling of lightness at heart.

So he put a blade in the last goblin.

His head fell to the ground, paired with his last growl.

[You successfully destroyed a level E monster]

[Experience points increased]

[You've advanced to level 4]

[Magi raised by 1 unit]

'My level increased!' Kang Yu's eyes sparkled.

He hadn't cared at all about his level the first time around. Now, he thought differently.

Kang Yu opened the status window.

[Status Window]

Player's name: Oh Kang Yu

Level: 4 [1 rank]

Rank 1 Feature: The Power of the Devourer (Rank: ????).

Special skills are currently sealed.

Strength: 9

Vitality: 10

Physical ability: 8

Maryok: 0

Magi: 14

Intellect: 8

Wisdom: 7

'Amazing.' No matter how many times he looked at the status window, he found it amazing.

'My Magi really is getting better.'

But Man Ma Jung was still sealed.

'It turns out that you can accumulate Magi by raising your level.' That was one more reason to catch monsters.

Kang Yu approached the dead bodies of beheaded monsters.

'The fact that there is no Magi in the mana stone, I've checked it already.' It was necessary to find out where monsters kept their Magi.

— Devourment.

As soon as he got close to the bodies, the Devourer's Power woke up.

The black smoke that rose from his body completely enveloped the goblins.

There was the terrifying sound of broken bones and torn flesh.

He poured out the smoke on everything except on Mana stones on purpose, leaving them untouched.

Like last time, there was very little Magi in the bodies of goblins.

Kang Yu smoothly closed his eyes to find where the Magi came from.

It didn't take much time to find the source.

'The whole body.'

To be more precise, the soul that's in the body.

Each body that was killed had a soul.

That's where the Magi were circulating.

'In that case…You can always get the Magi from fresh bodies. Okay.'

The bodies could bring not only Magi but mana stones that could be sold.

After drawing out all the energy from them, Kang Yu picked up one Level E mana stone and put it in his bag.

'It looks like I ate chicken and left only bones.' Yes, there's only Mana stone left. 'Oh, I only thought about the chicken, and immediately I became hungry.'

He was so hungry, he was drooling.

Kimchi jjigae is delicious, of course, but while thinking about the chicken, he wanted to eat chicken.

'The chicken is panned… Cold beer…' Even imagining a picture like that gave him the chills.

'Should we go now?' He could hardly resist the urge to eat chicken. Kang Yu shook his head to drive that feeling away…

'Hunting first!' He's only at the beginning of his Magi collection project.

He was crazy about eating chicken, but he'd only caught five monsters, he couldn't go back yet.

'Later, I have to go with Han Sol to get some chicken.' He trudged deeper into the forest as he bit his lip.

'That's…' In the middle of the forest, there was a carelessly built house made of trees and leaves.

Kang Yu, interested, went towards the house.

A few dozen goblins were wandering next to the house.

It was a monster shelter.

This was the number one place everyone was told to avoid when they first entered the gate.

Because in a place with a high concentration of monsters, the probability of meeting the boss increases several times.

And if approached incorrectly, it could lead to the destruction of an entire party.


— What a gift! — Kang Yu shouted, looking at several dozen goblins.

The place that terrifies newcomers was a gold mine for him.

'Great.' This meant he could collect a lot of Magi and mana stones without wandering too far.

Magi to Magi, mana stones to money.

He was already imagining selling the mana stones.

'Wonderful.' Of course, if there was money, he could buy anything he wanted.

And he had only one desire at the moment.

— Let's go eat some chicken, whoo! — Kang Yu screamed and threw himself at the monsters. — Regular chicken and chicken in sour-sweet sauce, 50-50! And bigger radishes! — He flew towards the goblins, swinging his black blade, and imagined himself standing on the counter to pay for the chicken.
