Chapter 11. The Magi Project (Part 3)

Editor: Cherish

— Heh. — Kang Yu grinned.

He was surrounded by the dead bodies of more than a dozen goblins.

— Phew. — The guy took a deep breath and shrugged his shoulders.

He hid the blade, which was supported by Magi's power.

'The more there are, the harder it is.' Kang Yu, rushing into the fight with the chicken screams, hadn't considered his strength one bit.

Firstly, there were a lot of them. Second, they moved so chaotically that it was difficult to choose a target.

And most importantly, his Man Ma Jung was sealed, without which his Powers were negligible.

If he hadn't used his physical strength, the Magi would only have had enough to start the fight.

When he dealt with the last five monsters, he barely had enough Magi to pierce them with a blade.

'And yet…' Kang Yu looked at the mountain of corpses again and smiled.

'I caught a lot of them.' Even though he had suffered, the catch wasn't bad. 'And my level went up, too.'

He alone defeated the lair of monsters, raising his level from 4 to 8.

'Except Magi's points didn't go up a lot.' Every time he leveled up, it only increased by 1~3 points.

Luck was not on his side. Or perhaps there was a rule of raising abilities that he was unaware of.

— Well, I'll raise the Magi with the Devourer's Power.

It was likely that any other player would be very upset if he didn't get the necessary skeleton raise, but that's not what he cared about.

Because he had a special power to promote Magi.

The Power of the Devourer.

The black smoke coming from his body wrapped everything around him.

He began to devour the energy of the surrounding monsters with special effort.

If the Magi was on a better level, he could make full use of the Devourer's power.

It may seem that this power is necessary only for nibbling on the bones and pulling energy, but in reality, it is not.

Over time, when enough Magi is gained, the Devourer acquires various techniques that can help in becoming stronger.

And since Kang Yu has used the Power for at least ten thousand years, he was confident in his skills.

'Unfortunately, it's not enough to raise my Magi yet.' Kang Yu looked at the remaining corpses with sadness.

[Magi promoted by 2 units]

'Okay.' Despite only a slight rise in Magi, Kang Yu felt that power and smiled a little.

It felt similar to his first days in Hell, when he was saving energy bit by bit.

At that time, he was also catching the weakest demons and killing them to accumulate Magi.

'Still, it's a little different now.' He hadn't known what to do at that time.

He'd acted on the instinct of self-preservation, for the most part.

Things were different now.

This time, he knew exactly how to become stronger and raise his level in the shortest and most precise ways.

It was just like replaying a game you've already beaten.

Comparing himself from the past to now, he had definitely become faster, stronger, and more stable.

'I have 16 Magi units now.' He certainly didn't know how many normal Players have at this level, but 16 was definitely not enough for him.

' It's time to get started.' Kang Yu sat down on the hut belonging to the newly exterminated goblin crowd, trying to recover his strength.

These were only goblins, but with Magi's help, he'd be able to go to a higher level gate soon.

When that happens, the process of accumulating the Magi will go faster. And it'd take less time to recover.

'It's not only goblins that have Magi, right?' Kang Yu, after returning to Earth, hadn't seen any monsters aside from goblins so far, which worried him. But the probability of that should be extremely low.

— Huh? — Kang Yu, lost in his thoughts, heard a rustling noise, and then a loud growling.

Kang Yu squinted, noticing the sounds were different from goblins, and he turned to the noise source.

There was a large, brown, healthy goblin between the trees.

Compared to ordinary goblins, which were about a meter and a half tall, this one was huge, about two meters high.

Kang Yu remembered Dae Su's warning.

'So this is what a hobgoblin looks like.' Kang Yu had wondered why there was no boss in the village. Apparently, he had been away.

'Thank God.' Kang Yu didn't even think about how strong the boss could be. He had just put down a few dozen goblins. How much harder could the boss possibly be?

His Magi was gradually recovering, and he drew out his black blade.

When the Hobgoblin saw that his hideout had been crushed, he roared at Kang Yu.

In his hands, unlike the simple goblins with their crooked swords, he had a real dagger.

'Maryok?' The power in the hobgoblin's dagger was supported by a small amount of Maryok.

'Can monsters use that power too?' Not only did they possess mana stones, they seemed to know how to use the power contained in them as well.

Kang Yu raised his left hand and propped up his blade to repel a hobgoblin attack.

But with a sound like an explosion, he was sent flying backwards.

'Covering the front is still difficult.'

The Maryok imprisoned in the dagger was not the problem. Magi was a stronger power than Maryok, so it certainly could not have caused him to fly back.

The reason he was thrown back was the elementary difference in body structure. Specifically, the difference in musculature.

The hobgoblin had a huge body, over two meters in height, and not only beefy but also supported by the Magi. It would be hard to deal with him like that.

'So this is how it is.' Kang Yu was intrigued by the battle.

He wasn't surprised that he was thrown back.

Kang Yu had long been used to unequal battles.

Battles in which he had the physical advantage could be counted on his fingers.

The hobgoblin yelled again and, in a fit of rage, threw himself at the young man.

Monsters also have emotions, and seeing his house in a defeated state with a field of dead subordinates ignited anger and hatred.

Looking at the hobgoblin with no protective gear and blinded by rage, Kang Yu smiled.

'This is a chance.' He cleverly dodged the monster's attack and then lunged at him.

The Power of Rage.

A power that belonged to a demon named Crockell.

Crockell used this power to provoke his own rage, thus giving himself more power.

Kang Yu wasn't going to use this force on himself but on the hobgoblin.

Then, the hobgoblin's movements will become even faster and the power in the dagger will grow.

If someone were to look at his actions, they wouldn't have understood it.

It was one of those buffs that should be used on the enemy.

It wasn't a buff…

Kang Yu looked at the hobgoblin with an icy gaze, who, affected by the Power, was even angrier than before.

And yes, his strength had really increased.

But the important thing is.

Kang Yu could easily avoid all of the hobgoblin's reckless attacks.

Most importantly, Kang Yu could predict what the hobgoblin was going to do and how he was going to proceed.

That was the real curse.

Kang Yu has never used this ability on himself.

It was only in comic books where rage created strength.

In fact, under the influence of the Power of Rage, all thoughts become obscured by anger, and movements become chaotic and simple.

Therefore, inflicting rage on himself for strength in this situation would not make any sense.

Now that the hobgoblin had lost all rationality, he was like an open book for Kang Yu.

It doesn't matter how strong you are if you can't make good use of your strength.

'He's coming.'

When the goblin roared out, he swung his dagger.

He'd finally lost his mind.

Kang Yu bent over and avoided being struck on his waist, then stabbed the dagger in the hobgoblin's knee.

The hobgoblin screamed like a lunatic and crashed onto the ground.

Even when he fell, he tried to swing at Kang Yu's side.

However, he wasn't able to do much damage when he was on the ground.

The only thing he could do and was capable of doing was to increase his own wound.

Kang Yu bent down slightly to the goblin and slit his throat with the black blade.

The goblin with the slit throat twisted around some more before his movements ceased.

— Phew. — Kang Yu took a deep breath to gather his strength and leaned forward a little to check the body.

'It's a shame that there's almost no Magi left either.' It was hard to fight like this because all he had to do before was wave his hand.

'I need to save up Magi as soon as possible.'

With a click of his tongue, Kang Yu gazed at the monster's body while he was waiting.

'How much Magi will he give me?' Since all goblins weren't very 'abundant' in this element, there wasn't much to hope for.

It's like they say, with a thread from all over the world makes a shirt for the naked. But in fact, a thread is still just a thread.

Kang Yu, hoping that the hobgoblin, like the boss, will have a little more Magi, brought his hand forward.

At that moment, the familiar sound of a bell was heard above his ear.

[You defeated the hobgoblin shelter alone!]

[Bonus points increase by 150%]

[Level C boss successfully destroyed]

[Level up by 3]

[On level 10, you can be promoted to rank 2].

[You gained a special ability of rank 2]