Chapter 76 – Legendary Elite Equipment (Part 2)

Editor: Cherish

— Good luck, Kang Yu.

— You'll be back soon, right?

Kang Yu nodded in response to Echidna's question.

— I'll just be going to pick something up. It won't take long.

After taking Echidna and Han Sol back to their new home, Kang Yu intended to head straight for Suwon.

But when they arrived, they found Young-ju waiting for them near their house.

— I got a call from Hwa Yeon. You're going to the main branch, aren't you? I also have business there, so let's go together.

She opened the car door to sit in the front seat.

— You are… — Han Sol was surprised to see the Red Rose guild leader outside their house.

— Ah, you girls. Could it be… you're living with Kang Yu?

— Y-yes. We live together.

Young-ju narrowed her eyes.

Moving her gaze to Kang Yu and then to Han Sol, she gently said:

— Isn't it hard for you to live with this weirdo? If you want, we can find you another apartment in this area.

— It's okay. I like living with Kang Yu. — Han Sol firmly rejected the offer.

— Seriously…?

Young-ju looked away in disappointment.

She sat down in the passenger seat next to Kang Yu with a cold chuckle.

— I really don't understand how she can like anything about you.

— Then maybe you should go in your own car, and not with 'this weirdo?' — Kang Yu retaliated.

— I'm not in the mood to drive today.

Getting comfortable in her seat, the girl gracefully crossed her legs.

— Go.

— Am I your driver now or what?

— Can you return the car then?

— I'll get to Suwon quickly and safely.

Kang Yu raised one hand and waved to Han Sol and Echidna.

The girls gazed discontentedly at the retreating car with Young-ju in it.

Slightly releasing the gas pedal, Kang Yu said:

— I had a question to ask, so it's great that we met.

— A question?

— Yes.

Kang Yu thought about the extravagant guy he'd met at the mall.

— I ran into Baek Kang Hyun today.

— Wha… what? Where?

— In the mall. But I don't think it was a chance meeting. He went there on purpose.

— What did he do? — Young-ju asked, squinting.

Her voice betrayed her slight anxiety.

Noticing this, the guy chuckled.

— What do you think?

— Don't joke like that. — She glared at Kang Yu with anger.

He shrugged his shoulders and continued:

— He made an offer to join their guild.

— Ah… what were the conditions?

— 50 million won, an expensive house, car, and a good position in the guild. And also… Legendary Elite equipment.

'He's a lunatic.' Her eyes widened.

He certainly had to be crazy, offering such conditions.

Chae Young-ju sometimes wondered if she was overdoing it with funding, but Baek Kang Hyun crossed all boundaries of reason.

'Hmm…' She bit her lip, annoyed.

She believed that no one could refuse such conditions, including Kang Yu.

— And… and when are you joining their guild?

— Ah? What do you mean, 'when are you joining?'

— Don't tell me that you… you refused?

— I don't exactly intend to obey anyone.

— Ha!

She looked exhausted.

In their first meeting, she herself could feel that Kang Yu was not the kind of person who would obey orders.

But she could not have imagined that the guy would go as far as to refuse such a transcendental offer.

'You're definitely weird.' She looked away from Kang Yu.

The window that Young-ju was looking through reflected her slight smile.

— So, do you know anything about Baek Kang Hyun? — he asked.

— Well, we've met a few times.

— What do you think of him?

— Most likely the same as what you thought. He is so simple that it's hard to believe that such a Player is at the top of Korea.

— Hmmm. That's exactly why he's interesting. And what do people say about him behind his back?

'If you're thinking about rumors…' Young-ju thought for a moment. — I heard he lost his temper once. —

— Lost his temper?

— Yes. Like the moment when the Commission told him he didn't qualify to be a World Ranker. At that time, everyone thought he had it in the bag and that he would definitely pass.

— Hmm…

— Anything can happen. He didn't expect himself to fail.

— How did he fail?

— Well, among the participants, there was one Japanese – Fujimoto Ryoma. That's who he lost to. And what happened next is pretty stupid.

Fujimoto Ryoma.

He was famous for possessing legendary high-grade weapons.

She continued to explain:

— Since the relations between Japan and Korea are not very good, this failure… sparked a flurry of criticism. There were rumors that Baek Kang Hyun deliberately lost to humiliate his homeland, and that he was a traitor.

— No wonder he got angry. It's only natural.

It would be strange if he did not react to the criticism against him.

— If you were in his place…

— I would find anyone who dared to leave such comments and break their hands.

Hearing this, she was hardly surprised.

— Does he have any other skeletons in the closet? — Kang Yu continued to probe about the eccentric man.

— Why are you asking? Did he say something to you?

— No, I'm just asking in case, to know whether or not he will take revenge on me for refusing his proposal.

The girl chuckled.

— He's not like that. If he smiles, he means it. That man definitely does not feign smiles.

(Editor's Note: In other words, Baek Kang Hyun doesn't put on a front. Anyway check novelupdates to be up to date with chapter releases.)

Kang Yu nodded, feeling like he heard everything he wanted to learn, and pressed harder on the gas pedal.


— Oh, you're here. I've been waiting for you.

Arriving at Hwaran's main office, they met Hwa Yeon by the entrance. Kang Yu nodded in greeting and came closer.

— You shouldn't have waited outside, I could have called to let you know when I'm here.

— The atmosphere inside is overwhelming, — she said, turning and heading to the entrance. — Come on. I'll show you the reward. —

— The Legendary Elite equipment?

— That's right. We looked through the Mir Guild's belongings and found equipment that hadn't been used before.

— I'm guessing it wasn't easy.

— That's an understatement. You have no idea how many of the higher-ups were against it.

Hwa Yeon shook her head, as if trying to forget those memories.

— Well, they are deputies.

— Yeah, and it was really difficult to find common ground with them.

Hwa Yeon escorted Kang Yu to the special vault containing the Legendary equipment.

As soon as they passed through the thick metal door, a long black coat came into view.

The design of the coat looked so simple that by its appearance you wouldn't be able to tell that it's Legendary equipment.

— Is this it? — Young-ju came closer, her eyes shining with interest.

Kang Yu followed her and turned his attention to the sign with information on the object.

[ Equipment Information ]

[ Name: Black Pearl Coat

Type: Legendary

Binds to the user once equipped.

Effects: +660 resistance to physical attacks, +480 resistance to magic damage, +5 to unique stats

Use: Summons Kraken's Wrath, doubling bonus stats for 1 minute. Can only be used once every 24 hours.

Description: This coat is crafted using baked blood from the Kraken's heart. ]

— Huh… This isn't as good as I expected.

Young-ju clicked her tongue after reading the information.

Now she understood why Mir did not use this coat, and left it in storage.

— But it does raise unique stats quite well.

It is almost impossible to find equipment that enhances unique stats by 5 units.

Usually, this number did not exceed 3-4 units.

The higher the stats became, the stronger the Player became and the more difficult it was to increase them.

In the beginning, it was easy to increase the stats by 1-2 units, but as soon as 40 units were reached, the increase became devilishly long and difficult.

Most Players, once risen to a high level, could only advance by receiving bonuses.

This means that at some point, Players simply stop increasing their stats at the expense of their strength.

And if, in such a situation, each of the constant stats could be increased by 5 units, it could be assumed that the Player's level essentially rises by as much as 4-5 units as well.

And considering that it is more and more difficult to increase stats with each level, it's clear that this effect is a very useful bonus.

(Editor's Note: Author gave a long-winded explanation but it's really just that even +1 unit once your stats are high is crazy strong, and it becomes hard to level up your stats eventually so Players get bonuses or equipment to increase their stats.)

— Only, now, there are practically no Players with unique stats.

That was the problem.

There have always been few Players with such abilities.

As a result, if the Player does not have unique stats, the whole essence of this Legendary coat is lost.

— The physical and magical resistance is not as good as we would like it to be. — Hwa Yeon appeared apologetic.

The red-haired girl nodded in agreement.

— Yes, it's a bit of a pity.

Young-ju, intending to comfort the probably upset Kang Yu, turned her head in his direction.

— Ah…?

But when she saw his smiling face, she tilted her to the side.

Doubting her eyes for a second, an incredible thought crept into her head.

— No way…do you have unique stats?

— That's right.

Her mouth fell open in surprise. The most 'rare' person she'd ever met was the very one standing in front of her, Oh Kang Yu.

'Come to think of it, it's not that strange.'

The speed of his development as a Player was simply incredible. If he was one of those few Players who possessed unique stats, then his speed was understandable.

Hwa Yeon's eyes lit up.

— That changes everything. In that case… this is probably the best equipment you could get.

'Great.' Kang Yu nodded his head in satisfaction.

His unique stat was Magi.

'My Magi will rise by as much as 5 units.'

In addition, every 24 hours, he could increase his bonus stats by double their units.

This means that his bonus Magi will be as much as 10 units.

'Even for killing Orias, I only got 3 units of Magi.'

This equipment could give him many times more Magi than for killing a demon from the Seventh Thousandth Circle of Hell.

Turning around, he extended his hand to Hwa Yeon.

— Thanks for the excellent equipment. From now on, I will put even more effort into fulfilling our common goal of capturing the Devil's Teachers.

— Hahaha! I really could not have thought that you'd have unique stats. This can only be fate. I'm looking forward to our continued cooperation. — The girl smiled broadly as she shook his hand.

— Freeze! Get away from this equipment!

At that moment, four people entered the room: a well-dressed elderly man and a convoy of three.

— Deputy…?

— A petition was submitted and approved by the Members of Parliament. This equipment will be sent to the state treasury.

The formally dressed elderly man, Hong Jun Tae, chuckled, pleased that things were going his way.