Chapter 77 – Legendary Elite Equipment (Part 3)

Editor: Cherish

Hong Jun Tae.

A member of the 'We Are United' party, endowed with great power.

(Editor's Note: A political party, not a Player party. Its name may have been based off South Korea's United Future party, but altered slightly so as to avoid involving actual politics.)

Hwa Yeon winced at his sudden appearance.

— What kind of petition? …What are you talking about?

— It's exactly what you heard. The members of our party have created a petition that has just been approved. No one has the right to give this Legendary equipment to anyone.

— The Hwaran Squad got it during the proceedings. The acceptance certificate is held by Commander Jang Hyun Jae, who approved the transfer of equipment to Player Oh Kang Yu.

— Ugh! How can you reward a person who recently became a Player in this manner!? No matter how you look at it, Hwa Yeon, you… did you arrange all this in order to keep the gear for yourself? — He looked at the girl with obvious suspicion.

Her expression immediately turned serious.

— What are you implying?

— All of you young and greedy folks do things like this. You've been entrusted with the 3rd Division and yet you dare to ignore orders? Do you even know how valuable this equipment is?!

— And I have told you many times that he has done things worthy of this reward!

— How dare you raise your voice at the elderly!? — The man shouted in anger. — No matter what you say, the decision has been made. The President personally instructed me to deal with everything. —

Although Hwaran was a government unit, they had the right to self-organization and self-government.

Nevertheless, no matter how independent the unit was, they could not oppose the president.

Hong Jun Tae inspected the room and fixed his gaze on the coat.

Invaluable Legendary Elite equipment.

His eyes were instantly filled with greed. Looking away from the coat, he muttered in displeasure:

— It is precisely because you have wind in your head that you disgraced such a wonderful man like Kim Jae Hyun…

(Editor's Note: Kinda calling her an airhead, saying she doesn't have a brain to think with.)

— But he is guilty of kidnapping Players and sacrificing them!

— The public will never have to know that! And what if you fabricated evidence?

— Mr. Hong!!

The man, not wanting to listen to anything, waved them off with his hand.

— Anyway, we've started a background check on this case, so pray you haven't missed anything.

He specially emphasized on the word 'you.'

Listening to them, Kang Yu chuckled.

'So he's under Kim Jae Hyun.'

It was all too easy to guess why the man was behaving this way.

Kang Yu could sense the case smelled of bullshit.

Hong Jun Tae, who had been studying the room, approached Kang Yu.

— Are you the one the Red Rose is sponsoring? Do not suffer from your own desires. If you're a beginner, then sit and keep your head down, as befits a beginner. Got it? — Raising his hand, he lightly patted Kang Yu on the cheek mockingly.

'Ha.' Kang Yu let out a chuckle, realizing that the man was overstepping his boundaries.

Kang Yu could not ignore this attitude towards him.

'Only malice can respond to malice.'

After ten thousand long years in Hell, he realized that this was the only way to survive.

In a low whisper, he said:

— You talk too much, you bastard.

— What…?

— How old are you? How can an adequate adult person slap another on the cheek?

Hong Jun Tae just stared at the guy stupidly, not knowing how to answer.

No matter how you look at it, Kang Yu was only warming up to his second decade, and he was already making comments about age.

— This lunatic is going crazy…

— Crazy? Are you calling me crazy? You don't have any decency at all. Why didn't the adults teach you this, huh? What were they doing to make you grow up so shameless?

— Hah!?

Kang Yu patted the man on the cheek.

Although Kang Yu had touched him quite lightly, the strength of the Player made itself felt.

As soon as he released his cheek, the man grabbed his face and stepped back.

— What a psycho!

The deputy's face turned red with fury. He clutched at his face and shouted at the convoy:

— What are you standing around for? Kill him!

Assault was the favorite method of the deputies.

Although they can not really kill a person, to cripple is really easy.

The powerful men lined up behind him rushed forward.

Each of them, as it turned out, possessed a weapon.

'They've all had special training.'

Of course, such work could never be entrusted to ordinary people, and each of them had to have serious strength.

'If they work for the government, they certainly must have Rank 6 or higher.'

Even so, to Kang Yu, they looked like children playing in a sandbox.

— Ha! — The man at the head of the group rushed at Kang Yu.

His weapon was a metal gauntlet. The gauntlet, completely covered with spikes from his hand to his elbow, flew to the guy.

— Ah?

Kang Yu lightly lunged forward and caught his fist like he was catching a baseball. His opponent frowned, putting in even more effort.

— This… what is this?

His fist could not move. He felt as if his hand was being squeezed by a large metal vise. Kang Yu gripped the man's fist even harder and brought the enemy to his knees.

— A-ah!

The man bent over and blood flowed from his mouth in a stream. His eyes dimmed, and he lost consciousness.

— Wh… how could this be…? — The deputy's face turned pale.

Each member of his convoy was a high-class Player of the 7th rank.

If Kang Yu was indeed a two-month old rookie, there was no way he could withstand such opponents.

— Should I help? — Young-ju casually called to Kang Yu.

— No, I just wanted to warm up.

Unlike the frightened Hong Jun Tae, Young-ju behaved as usual.

As if she knew how everything would turn out in the end.

— You… what are you doing?! He's a member of the Red Rose Guild, isn't he? Get him away from me! If you don't, then what happened to Kim Jae Hyun will take down the Red Rose too!

— Oh, I'm sorry, but Kang Yu doesn't belong to our guild. I don't have the right to order him.

Smiling, the girl raised her hands up like she was surrendering.

— Wha… what? How?

— Waaah! — His men continued to scream.

Before the deputy could come to his senses, the fight was practically over.

Kang Yu, using the Power of a Thousand, easily stopped the men rushing at him.

He threw them back and they, hitting the stone walls of the room, cried out and lost consciousness.

'I didn't even have time to warm up.' Kang Yu clicked his tongue in frustration.

He slowly walked towards Hong Jun Tae, who backed up and tripped over his feet.

— Huh? Don't… don't come any closer!

— Heh… And you say the young people are greedy… — Kang Yu squatted down in front of the fallen deputy and looked into his eyes. — You want to tell me how to live my youth, huh? I've worked my whole youth in good faith! I lived believing in justice. —

The man's expression was twisted.

— But look at the young people today… — Kang Yu continued. — My heart hurts, my heart! —

— Ah… you! Are you making fun of me!?

— Are you kidding me? Do you think I'm making fun of you? As an adult who has brought you benefit, I'm kindly giving you advice.

— Oh, you son of a… — Hong Jun Tae shook with anger.

He was infuriated that Kang Yu was talking to him like an immature youngster.

— This year, I will turn sixty, you bastard! Sixty!!!

— Sixty? — Kang Yu chuckled. — I thought that the milk on your lips hadn't dried yet, but it turns out that you yourself are pouring. —

(Editor's Note: In case you didn't get it… he's implying the man still drinks baby milk, and is surprised he's old enough to pour the milk for himself.)

— Ah… rahhh!! — The man, overflowing with anger from head to toe, swung his fist at the guy.

But since he wasn't even a Player, of course his shot could not harm Kang Yu in the slightest.

— A-ah!

On the contrary, he hurt himself trying to strike.

The bones of his arm likely broke, and it was from this that he grabbed his fist with his other hand and began to cry.

— Does it hurt? — Kang Yu asked mockingly.

The man just sobbed incessantly.

— It's because you're too young, brat. I promise this pain will help you get stronger.

The deputy wandered back and forth, not knowing whether to soothe the pain in his hand first or continue to be angry.

— Haha. So what are we going to do in the end? — Young-ju approached them. — You do realize that things won't be the same anymore? —

Kang Yu had touched a Member of Parliament.

This was different from Kim Jae Hyun, and the consequences could be completely unpredictable.

— It's okay. Every problem has its own ways of solving it.

— Are you going to erase his memory, like with Kim Yeong Hoon?

— That is also an option, but it won't help to solve the problem.

— In that case, what are you going to do?

Kang Yu smiled.

— I am going to do my best for the bright future of the Republic of Korea.

— No, really… what are you going to do?

— You'll know when you see it.

Kang Yu put his hand on the man's head. The released Man Ma Jung flowed from his hand.

As Kang Yu began using the Force of Torment, his expression became more serious.

— Kh! Wha… what are you…

After Kang Yu removed his hand, the man grabbed his head in a panic and groped at it from all sides.

'But nothing has changed.' Young-ju frowned, looking down at the deputy.

— What did you get from Kim Jae Hyun? — Kang Yu calmly asked.

— Six years ago, I started taking more than 20 million won in bribes annually… ah! Wha… what did I just say?! — The deputy covered his mouth with his palm, his eyes bulged out in surprise.

But the words continued to fly out of his mouth.

— And not so long ago I received 13 million for helping large businesses in tax evasion. And also… — He continued to expose his own dirty deeds.

If any of this was leaked to the media, his career as a politician would be over.

— This…

— I made it so that from now on he will speak only the truth.

Kang Yu looked down at Hong Jun Tae, who continued to talk about his dirty business.

Now that he could not hide behind a mask of lies, his essence was revealed.

— Oh, none of this is true! None, I say!!! — The man ran out of the room with a pale face.

Young-just looked stunned as she watched the quickly fleeing deputy.

— Can't he just shut his mouth?

— No, I don't think so. I made sure he couldn't resist talking about himself.

— Why would you do that? — Young-ju asked uncomprehendingly.

In Kang Yu's case, he had a tremendous amount of ability to make sure that the petition could simply be cancelled.

— What will happen if the President of the Parliament starts knocking? Of course, the heinous deeds of large organizations and guilds will begin to surface. If this happens, it will be a good lesson for other individuals who want to get away with bribery.

It wasn't just a bomb.

Such an action would wreak havoc throughout the entire political sphere.

Young-ju fell silent.

— What?

— Just… this is… Ka… Kang Yu. Do you think all the dirty deeds will really come up?

— Of course. — The guy nodded his head confidently.

The girl looked away.

— Right… well, you know… this is also going to… hurt me.

— What?

— Well… the information I've been collecting about you… And the fact that a Player who has not reached Rank 7 has a pass to the Level S Gate… And… Echidna, right? Her fake ID…

Kang Yu pressed his lips together.

It was like a notice with the words 'TEAMKILL' immediately surfaced in his head.

(Editor's Note: Not an actual Player notification.)

The guy turned towards the door where Hong Jun Tae had just run out.

The bright future of Korea?

Kang Yu realized that he had been acting truly selfish.

— We must catch him again!

And also the fact that a 'bright future' does not suit him at all.