CH3-Lost soul not, lost anymore 2

"Finally out... god *panting*... Whoever designed this place was an absolute asshole.....*Looks down*



Rain-"... *touching grass*"


Who knew dirt would feel so pretty.....

I turn back.


Glancing at her.

I still don't understand how this monstrous person is living with the brain of a child.....

Girl-"!!!!!! *still touching grass* *excited*"

She....., just like me is admiring the beauty of dirt.



But why am I calling her childish?.....




After she stopped crying and finally calmed down, we again went towards the exit, but well my shoulders were bleeding, and luckily we found some still intact med kits.



Rain-"Thank god, I think we can still use this, here, you take these, patch up, and I'll wait outside."

As soon as I was about to leave.

Girl-" What Do I Do?"


She held a bandage role in her hand as if its a puzzle.


Girl-"....." *stares blankly at him* *curious*


Rain-"Wrap it around your injuries and everywhere it hurts."



Forgive me God almighty or any god that exists in this world, I filled my mind with pure thoughts and said.

Rain-"Fine... I'll do it myself"

Taking the bandages from her hand I decided to do it myself, maybe it was cuz her skin was in such a state or maybe I was not in any mood

OR maybe I was just sane.....

But even after she took her clothes off I did not feel anything.

Did I say took? I meant rip.... she ripped free her body from her gown.

Not a second of hesitation...

"Ok .. just stand still, keep your hands straight and tell me if it hurts anywhere.

Wrapping bandages on her feet was easier, but as I was about to start on her upper body,

I realized that I'm sad and... not tall enough, although considering my age which I presume is around 14, I still feel quite short and weak.

I decided to climb on a table as it would help me, but to my misfortune, I'm too weak for such stunts.

Girl-"...." *looks at him*"




Girl's POV


He slumps his head on the table.

does he wanna climb on it??

oh god!..

he is sooooooo weak, YET still, he tries his hardest! just for me.

maybe I should help me.

I pick him up and place him on the table.

He was very surprised and maybe a little bit embarrassed, Oh god! he is blushing, his face flushed red, he continues.

Rain-"Ok raise your arms and come closer."

he rolls his arm around my waist slowly wrapping me to the chest,


Rain-"what the?!"


Before I knew it my left hand was already around his waist, my right hand going around his shoulders, cradling his left cheek.



At that moment I forgot to breathe..., I realized I left the need to breathe a long time ago.

I don't need air nor do I need my heart, I just need him, his touch, his presence, his warmth.....




I wanna feel his breath on my skin, I wanna... I... I WANNA ..... HAAA HHHAAAAAA





Rain-"Hey! bloody hell! unhand me!!!."


I got too carried in my thoughts, I didn't notice he was in my arms.

Oh no, did I hurt him again?!.

Rain-" Good lord, don't pick me just randomly ok?, you're gonna strain your muscles, And you don't have much, to begin with!"


Even now he worries about me!!!

Rain-"And wipe your face, you're drooling on my hands."

Ops! I'm sorry!






I wanna...

I wanna

I wanna drown ... him... in my blood...








Rain's POV


And finally, I was done, I also bandaid myself, she insisted on help I just thought why not? maybe she feels the need to?.....





She choked the living life out of me...

Note to self, ... she is strong.. and an idiot.




As we almost started our journey out of the hospital I thought it would be a good idea to find some sign or a banner indicating the name of this place,

and guess what! lady luck shines, we found it! although rusting with time, the writing on it is still visible!

Rain-"Hmm let's see, LILITH CHURCH OF GODDESS, CHARITABLE HOSPITAL, eastside to the Lilith church, near hunters guild."


I couldn't keep my surprise at the last word!

It is a different world after all!!!

oh my god!!

Rain-"dungeons and dragons baby here I come!!!"

I yell in excitement, raising my fist to the sky.

Sara-" ah?... Here I come!!"

oh yeah, and my huge child companion too.




After walking for around 5 minutes we found a decent road that could lead us to some sort of civilization.

Now the question was, which way to go?

As we got out of some thicket of overgrown grass, we were met by a road that lead to right and left.

"..... *sigh* are always right and I'm a kid right now so right it is then.



Sara-"The sign said easT tO Lilith'S Church"




Did I just forget... something I read 15 minutes ago...

looks like my brain is also a child's now...

Rain-"ok, so let's....moon is over there and the hospital is there so hmm...., yup, left."

heh, well I guess she is not useless.

Rain-"Thanks, Sara!"

Sara-"!... heEHEHHEEEHEEEehhehhhe"

Rain-"ok enough and stop drooling"

We started walking, and let me tell you,

it's not a very pleasant night walk, it's cold, we are barefoot, I don't have any shirt, And most importantly .... it's scary as hell.

Chilling breeze, foggy surroundings, dead trees with moss in them, one would expect some critters and insects to be singing at the night, but no!

This place is lifeless,

walking here at the night would be idiotic, Well... can't say I'm not an idiot...

Sara-"!..... aH I see something"

Sara point's toward the black and empty void that fog created.

Rain-"What? I don-!?"

before I could say anything she picks me up and docks me on her shoulders and starts running.






Suddenly her moments come to a halt and she stops almost tripping me to fall.

Rain-"what the hell....."


She points in front,

and following her pointed direction my eyes are greeted by the sights of what I can only call


A church!

although not a normal one, instead of a cross, a huge woman with a baby in her left hand is shown while her other hand is holding a huge ass sword bigger than the woman herself.


I shouldn't curse in front of the church, making deities angry isn't a wise decision, especially in an isekai.

Rain-"let's go!"

I don't wanna wait outside in this cold any longer!

climbing down from Sara's shoulders I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me,

The door was crafted magnificently, carvings of many Gods and demons could be seen as if telling a story.

With all my might I push the door open, yeah, it's heavy..... really heavy...


Soon we are greeted with the sight of a humongous woman kneeling and praying.

we approach her and decided to wait for her to finish.




20 minutes have passed... she is still praying...





1hour .....

Rain-"excuse me...."

no reply...


no reply



The woman shrieks in panic and starts running her eyes to search for someone that might not be here currently.

Rain-"excuse me"


she finally notices me, I greet her with my most perfect smile...

Rain-"Hello, I'm sorry to disturb you while you were praying but could you help us a little, we are a little lost ... and injured...and hungry too...."

She just keeps looking at me, eyes surprised face pale, ragged breath.

Nun-" !.... I'm SORRY!, please come with me I'll take you to our quarters, other nuns are not here, so you people can use their beds."

She answers while fiddling with her nun uniform,

Her eyes then wander over to Sara, watching her closely until she notices our rather.....

bad state.



As she was panicking a shoe just flys over and hits her in the head,


A sound very threatening came from my right,

A nun with rather extravagant clothes was standing there while holding another shoe in her left hand,

Nun-"i.... i... I'm sorry... please forgive me..."

She seems to be the head nun or something,

Nun#2-"Take this lady downstairs and get her something to eat, Boy! come with me I'll get you some decent clothes for you and your friend too"


And with just that, she turns and starts walking.

Rain-"Well, I Better follow her!, Hey Sara!"

I grab her hand and she leaned down to my level,

Rain-"Follow this good lady and wait for me, I'll be with you in a few minutes, don't go wandering around and also don't touch anything and don't cause any trouble for these people ok? they are providing us with food and shelter, ok?"

Sara-"... *Stares....*"


Rain-"You understand?"


Sara-".... *stares aggressively....* *blushes deeply*"

she blushed red.

"*sigh*.. please take care of her she's an airhead"

I say to the first nun,

Rain-"oh by the way, what's your good name?"

Avira-" Oh? I I it's Avira..."



Rain-"Nothing..., It's a very beautiful name, okay I better follow her before she goes too far, thank you again"

I lower my head a little, thank her, and made my way to the head nun.




