CH4-Fits like a glove.

This chapter is in the third person's POV



Rain-"By the way mother? what's your name? ah! should I call you mother?"

Elis-"Name's Elis and No you can't, only people working here are allowed to do so."

Rain-"Oh, ok, Miss Elis it is then"

Elis"...*blush*... *sigh* why are you in such a state"

Rain-"ahaha... I woke up in a hospital, The one that your church runs"

Elis-"oh .. yeah there was a blast last month there but.... *frowning eyebrows* *tilting her head sideways* but..... isn't that .... quite far?"

Rain-"eh~.. not that far actually..., although quite beat up for sure"

Slowly turning her head backward, she eyes him thoroughly, not in lust but with extreme suspicion and curiosity.

Elis-"Well, whatever let's just get you something respectable to wear, young boys like you shouldn't walk around naked like this."

Rain-"ah. I'm sorry for that!.."

they continue to walk

until a room with white doors and golden doorknobs arrived,

Elis-"Go in, find something that fits you"

All this time the women never made an emotion let alone showed any expression.

Rain-"is it ok for me to go there alone? I don't think I'll be able to find them myself."

Elis-"Clothes are in the locker on the right, plus it's a male changing room, I can't enter."


"o okkkey.. well thank you!, I'll be right back"

As soon as Rain went in she pulled out a key from her pockets and went to the room which was to her right,

It was a dark room with many shelves and files, one could tell how old the files were as there was a good amount of dust in them, each shelve had more dust than the previous one, indicating that they were organized accordingly, she picked up a file which was the first one on the first shelf then the one from the fifth shelf, it was very dusty and almost decaying.

the oldest file had the name (with Church's charitable hospital) and the new one said, (Goddess Lilith's trust to help).

She opened both files and searched for a certain boy, there was no sign of any boy matching her requirements in the first file, But in the file from the fifth shelf.

She found the records of a boy.

[[Name- Alan young.]]

[[Age of admission - 3 years old.]]

[[Reason of admission - Coma]]

[[Conslusion- A 3-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital due to falling into a coma, Reason for the coma is still unknown, but the resources indicate it could be from domestic abuse, After the advice of directors, it is decided that the boy will be volunteered for Mana freezing experiment, The parents have already been told that the boy is dead and that the body cannot be provided as it could contain the disease, The family is currently going through the financial condition and thus didn't made a lot of fuss over it. The estimated time for Mana freezing is about 10 to 15 years, more information will be added in the future ]]

After reading it Elis closed the files and placed them neatly as they were before, closing the gate she sees Rain waiting for her at the gate wearing a white shirt and black pants, although still naked feet, he was still a sweet sight for the eyes of many women in this world.

Rain-"Oh hello Miss Elis! and just when I was thinking you ditched me"

Elis-"Good, now let's get you and your friend some proper healing."

Elis and Rain went to where Avira and Sara were.

While Sara was restless and looking everywhere, Avira was happily munching on bread stuffed with spiced roasted potatoes and drinking fruit meed.

While this made Rain's stomach growl, ... Elis was furious...

Slowly approaching Avira, Elis puts her hand on Avira's shoulder,

As soon as she feels a hand land on her, her face losses color, her teeth, still chewing the food but now cuz they were trembling,

Despite the obvious cold temperatures she was sweating

Avira, who just took a huge bite, pulls it out and tries to reattach it to the bread as if fixing it.

She then stands up and straightens her clothes and

LITERALLY... Runs out .....




"..... *deep breath*... Rain, have some food and meet me upstairs, we'll talk then"

Elis says and returns.

Not wasting any more time Rain jumps on where Avira was sitting and picks up the bowl of vegetables and helps himself, but not before offerings another bowl to Sara too.

"Don't just stare, c'mon! have some!"

Looking at the bowl Sara starts to remember her old days, picking a spoon she starts eating, only to realize that it is tasteless, Everything feels like sand, like mud-covered in slime.

Rain-"hm?.. what happened? you don't like it?"

Seeing him eat so happily she questioned herself, what will he think of her?

The real her.

She's not stupid... but the feeling of being protected and cared for is too good for her to say anything.

Rain-"Here! Say ahhhhh~"

instantly in another second, she is presented with a bright smiling face, that offers her food. And with his own hands!!!!

Without another thought, she opens her mouth and eats a spoon full of mud,

Sara-"[Ah~! I'll eat poison if you feed me!, I'll eat rocks!, I'll EAT MY LIMBS IF YOU FEED ME WITH YOUR HANDS!!!]"



that's what she thought.




after around 20 minutes

Rain was done eating and feeding her, while eating she would spill food on her mouth and then he would clean it with his hands, it happened many times.

Rain-"Ok then let's go upstairs, and see what Elis wants to say"

Wiping her face for that last time he grabs her hand and goes upstairs.


Elis was reading a book and sitting on a chair while Avira was kneeling on the floor being used as a footstool by Elis and continuously reciting "I'm sorry for misbehaving"

Elis-"Uhm? you two took quite some time, what happened?"

Rain-"Nnnnnothing~, just a messy dinner that's all."

Elis frowns her eyebrows, Staring at Sara then at Rain then back at Sara.

Elis-"*sigh* Well whatever, just follow me"

Elis leads them towards the center of the church, At the center, A huge statue of the goddess Lilith can be found (A woman with a baby in her left hand and a great sword in the other).

Elis-"Considering your injuries, I don't think you people will be able to take after-loads of potions, so tonight you're gonna sleep in here, I'll install the artifact, just sleep here you should be good by the morning"


Although Rain didn't understand, what Elis was saying, just nodding when needed is good enough for a conversation.

Elis-"Avira bring some beds and some curtains too"

Avira-"ok!...? but Mother why mana curtains?"


Avira-"B! BUT! that they... seem, friends...."

Elis-"I don't care! those are the rules! now go!"

Without questioning anything she runs off to fetch stuff.

Damn, she's ... kinda .... bitc-!? oops, not in a church not in the church... I don't wanna mess with any gods...

Elis returns her eyes toward Rain and Sara.

Elis-"Now since you two are fed and well-rested, mind telling me about yourself? who are you people and why were you badly hurt"

Elis asks with a serious tone.

Rain-"Well, first of all, let me thank you for all the hospitality you have provided us with, and as for your questions, my name is Rain, and this girl here Sara, in the last 5 hrs we both woke up in the hospital that your Church Charity runs, as we got out of the building, we searched the area a little bit and found a banner that told us about this location, sadly both of us are not in a great condition and might be suffering a memory loss, and... well that's it."

Elis-"That girl behind you, she mute? I haven't heard her say a single word and you, you seem quite smart for a kid your age, considering your 'memory loss', huh?"

Rain-"I.... have no idea what you might be saying"

She is suspicious, but why is suspicious of me? I'm just a kid! I mean at least look like one

Rain was smiling but he knew that he need to be cautious around this person.

Elis-"Well whatever, we will nurse you back to health, it's our responsibility but after that, you're on your kid."

Rain-"Thank you!"

Rain gave her his Brightest smile

Elis did not give any reaction and just nodded, a few minutes later Avira came carrying two big wooden beds and two rods with mysterious carvings on them.

Holy... mother of God.... she's strong like super strong.....

Rain was astonished by her sight.

placing two beds on both sides of the statute she placed the rods between them, with just a flick of a finger, the space between the rods was lit with a white light that looked like a barrier.

Elis-"Here with this, that's all you'll need, Rain you sleep on the right side of the Statue, and Sara you go into the left side, and if you need to bathroom at midnight, there is one in the rooms in front of you, and don't worry, you are placed accordingly of yeah! most importantly, Sara, the female's bathroom is downstairs at the door near your bed, we also have our mortuary there so don't get scared if you walk into the wrong room and find something"


Elis-"stop screaming... gosh... you men are always overreacting no matter the age, our drainage system is down there so it's easy to clean up"






Elis-"Sometimes burials of Nobles can take time due to their standing, so the church is tasked to preserve the body while making sure it still looks good during their family visit in burials"

Rain-"what the..*sigh* whatever"

Not caring about anything cuz fatigue was finally hitting,

Rain-"Sara I'm going to sleep, you go too"


Sara remained quiet all the time, although she wanted to say something, she did not.

Elis installed a small baby status with the goddess's ones, it started emitting golden-green waves.

Elis-"It is done, you people can sleep now, Good night"

And thus she leaves.

15 minutes pass by, and Rain is fast asleep, a faint green glow circles around his body, slowly healing him.

Sara on the other hand was just lying still, no glow and any magic would be healing her, to her side, she could see Rain through the barrier covered in this mysterious light.

She frowns her eyebrows, and a sense of unease surrounds her, thinking about the morning.

What will happen if Rain sees her like this, Not healed, Not normal, Not.. like him, people are scared of what they don't understand,

This thought alone scared her, she thoroughly believes that Rain will not abandon her for this, but he might change his behavior towards her for this.



Elis-"Should you not be sleeping right now?"

Sara jolts up from her bed, and with bloodshot eyes, she looks at the owner of the voice, it's Elis.

Elis-"Let alone healing you are not even reacting to the artifact."


Sara asks with a voice full of demonic energy, A voice sounding like it came from the radio, something specially made to threaten.

Elis-" ah~ and here I thought the mutt lost its bark"

Sara didn't have to put much thought into it to understand what she meant, She knows about her.

Elis-"Just what are you, a ghoul? ghost? maybe a failed experiment? whatever it is, you are here, alive, or maybe not, but you are moving, and you seem to be quite attached to this little brat"

Elis asks with an arrogant smugness on her face,


With each word, Sara puts more weight on her voice.

Elis-"And if you want this boy to remain with you, Learn to obey your masters you MUTT"

Those words pulled a vein in Sara's forehead.


"Ahh no~, but tell me, mutt, what will happen if this boy finds out what you are"

Her eyes widen at this statement.

Elis-"What will he think about you, when he'll find out, that all day, he was with a flesh-eating monster that is not even human let alone alive"

Sara-"What is your proof? you think he will believe you!!"

Elis-"Eh, why won't he?, if I'm correct you just met him today right? and you are quite infamous too, what will happen if he happens to go around town and someone tells him who you are?"

At this Sara losses her facial color, just a minute ago she gave life threats and now she is shaking like a kitten.

Elis-"Oh no! don't be so scared! I'm not gonna tell him anything~ at least not yet and maybe never, but~"

Sara-"wh,... But what.....WHAT!"

Elis-"that I will tell you on a later date, for now, go downstairs and get changed"

Sara-"... what do you mean.."

Elis-"Oh dear mutt, ... you knew exactly what I mean, .. oh yeah! use the one in locker 3J."

Sara couldn't understand what she meant, change downstairs...

Elis-"*sigh*God, you are, a stupid mutt, ... look at him"

Elis points toward Rain

Elis-"He is healing, you are NOT"

Elis approaches the sleeping Rain and starts creasing his cheeks.

Elis-"Did they also try to brain enhancements? he is quite smart for someone of his age, oh what's that? jealous?"

Sara was bleeding through her eyes, blood pouring from her eyes across her cheeks, her fingers digging into the concrete floor cracking it down and veins in her arm were moving like wires.

Right now she wants to rip this women's guts out.

Elis-"What are you waiting for? go shoo!"

With heavy Steps, Sara goes downstairs. Stairs, dimly lit by stones attached to the walls, after about 5 minutes she reaches a room with chemicals and a lab, lockers were lined up, onto the right corner, the locker 3J was located, she opened it, inside, an unscathed nude body of a girl about her height but a little smaller and younger was found.

Sara took that body and examined it for a few minutes.

the corps was without a single scratch let alone any cuts, the skin was bright and beautiful.

She pulled the skin with her two fingers, although a little stiff it was quite stretchy.

Sara grabbed her shoulder and ran her fingers along with her skin.


Suddenly her wrist bursts open and many thin wires came out, They were razor-sharp, and blood was splattered across the room.

with a single tug of her arm, those wires started digging inside the girl's corpse.

Making sure not to damage it too much, soon the girl's carcass was jolting around as if it came to life,

*Crack*.. *splash*

Suddenly, two wires came out of her eye holes impaling her eyeballs, then one came from another shoulder.

*crack* *crack*

A crackling of bones and whirling sound of muscles being minced from inside was coming, Little by little the corpse was losing its hardness, limbs becoming loose and feet were dangling as if filled with water.

After a few minutes, all the movement came to a halt, a wire came from the corpse's nape, and it started moving going down slowly and smoothly cutting the girl's corpse to its lower back,

A huge amount of blackish-red liquid mixed with minced muscles, shattered bones, and sliced internals came out.

she flipped the corpse taking out all of the mess, as all of it came out the corpse was now limp like a costume.

She tossed it to the side away from all this.

Now that difficult part was done, it was time for her to undress,

Sara grabbed her face and tore it off, muscle fibers still attached, she was a sight of something that came from someone's nightmares,

As she skinned herself more, she kept thinking,

what will Rain think if he saw her like this, maybe he still won't run away, maybe he'll try to fix her, ... but what about the things she did, Even if she was hungry or insane it does not justify her deeds, not when the first thought she had after seeing Rain was to eat him.

These thoughts were more hurtful than what she was doing to her body, with every tear and pull, she was trembling, not because of pain but at her own horrific sight.

Soon it was done, there she was standing, a walking skinless flesh-eating monster.

she dressed in the girl's corpse she just emptied.

Everything was perfect, she was now scratch-less, gorgeous, and no longer her skin covered in wounds.

Snow white hairs, light brown skin, now all that left was her eyes, they were still dark and dead.

Sara came back to where Rain was, At this point, he was completely healed at least on the outside he was.

"My, My, you've become quite a beauty~ guess I'll call you wolf from now on. heh~."

Elis was still sitting on Rain's bed right next to him, her hands were gently groping his body, enjoying it.


Foooooosshhhhh, That! was a long chapter! almost 3000 words...

this one should be of better quality, and of better grammar, please tell your thoughts in the comments

Thanks for reading, enjoy!~

I've drawn Elis, she's in the comment section.