CH5-Rise and shine.

Rain-"*Yawning* Good morning..., .. Shelley, wake up, it's time for school, Shelley?...she-.....oh.. yeah."

Yup, it ain't my home...

Rain-"Sigh* good old days... from yesterday"

Sara-"Good morning Rain"

Elis-"Good for...?.. who are you?"

Sara-"Eh? IT'S ME!!, SARA!, YOU CAN'T FORGET ME!!!!"

the person in front of me was a tall girl with pale skin and white hair, wearing a normal shirt and pants, she looks at me with shock and horror.

Rain-"huh?... Sara? wait, weren't you... and your hair?.. how is it possible?"


Rain-"How did you change this much?!?!, it was just supposed to heal not shapeshift!!"

Sara-"Ba! but! you've changed too! wait here!"

Sara runs away and comes back with a mirror.

Rain!"What do you mean I've changed too?... WOAH..."

Jet black hair, light brown silky smooth skin, and beautiful eyes with long lashes.

Rain-" me?"

Oh, God...

I jump out of bed, took my shirt off, and check myself out, a lean body with slight muscles.

Rain-"Damn I loo-?!"


Elis-"You were in blood yesterday, so I didn't say anything, BUT YOU WILL NOT TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF IN HERE OR IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE!!"

Rain-"Yes... ouch....."

Those hands can sure hit hard...

Elis-"Oh and one more thing, Rain, you said yesterday that you both had some memory problems, but then how do you know your name is Rain?"

Rain-"Ah.. when I thought of who I am it just came to mind"

Elis-"Is that so...Huh., Well, I just found your file, although, it's burnt and just your name and address were found, but hey."


Rain-"My address.....and name?"

Elis-"Yeah... kid, your name is Alan Young and you have a family waiting for you at home, I've called them..., they weren't believing me and called me slurs, so I said let's do a DNA test and they agreed, and well"

She took my hand and poked a needle on my finger,


With my finger bleeding, she took out a small tube from her pocket and collected a few drops.

Elis-"Done, don't put any medicine or any healing item on it, and let it heal on its own, you can put a bandage tho, here"

She puts a pink bandage with the prince sticker on it,

Elis-"And lastly, Sara"

She looks at Sara then a smirk forms on her face.

Elis-"Rain could you go upstairs and wake Avira? her room's on the left side upstairs in front of the library"

Rain-"huh? ah.. yeah ok...sure"

While Walking my way to Avira's room, I was in continuous thought.

I have a family...

Rain-"No... it's the family of the person to whom this body belongs."

But how did this person die?

Rain-"Is he dead..., or just inside me?.."

Scouring my head for ideas or maybe any memories was futile.

Rain-"Family... what about mine?... from back home"

I had a great life, but then everything changed when I was accused, my fiance, parents, friends...everyone just abandoned me not even listening to me.

A simple lie detection or narco test would have proved me innocent...


why am I so chill about it?..

am I pussy? sacred to confront?

Rain-"Or was I broken after everyone left me.."

Although there was one

"Big Brother I know you are innocent!!!"

My little sister.

before going to jail I managed to write a letter to my sister, giving her my account details and stuff.

I don't care about anyone from there anymore, but my sister.

Rain-"To her, I pray a thousand years of happiness"

Maybe I just don't care since she believed in me, after this, only she matters, and may she lives heartily.

Avira's room comes into my view.

knocking on the door,


No answer came.

Gently pushing it open, I see a room full of comics and action figures, there were posters of...bands that seem of the 80s

Their clothing seems to be at the very least.

On a king-size bed, a huge mountain was formed slowly inflating and deflating

inside the blanket.

Rain-"Avira, wake up, Elis will scold you if you oversleep"


She just snorts and flips the blanket off of her

Rain-"!?! WHAT THE!?!!?"

Avira was sleeping naked!!!, at least her top was, She was shirtless!

Rain-"You are a freaking nun! For god's sake!!"

Yesterday I didn't notice, but she's got scales around her neck, her arms look buff and muscular too, she got radish brown skin, her abs, and her chest shining with night sweat.


Breathing in with a jolt I feel my face redden up and my cheeks become hot.


I fell on my ass making a small sharp sound,


something fell,

looking to my side, I see broken glass,


Avira wakes up, rubbing her eyes she looks around,

Oh God, she is jacked, while I'm horny and intimidated at the same time.....

Avira- "Huh?... Rain, what areee*yawning*rrr, what are you doing here?"

Rain-"YY Y Y Y YOUR! SHIRT!!!!"

Avira-"huh? oh yeah, I'm sorry kid, but why are you here?"


Hearing me her eyes widen,


She screams in terror, jumping out of her bed she flips it to the side, and a few... a lot of alcohol bottles were there.


Still, in her underwear, she runs around the room flipping stuff, opening boxes, and scavenging wardrobes.

Only to slump down on the floor in disappointment.

Rain-"I'm fucked...."

At first, I was flustered, but after the earthquake she created, I'm more like, scared of her.

Picking up the blanket, I reach my left hand towards her.

Rain-"P please cover yourself.."

staring at the floor I try my best to let my voice break.

Avira-"huh? Nah I'm good, plus are you sure you wanna be near an oni?"

haa?... she's good?


Avira-"Oh yeah.., I just remembered.., poor kid, you don't remember stuff, sad... well....., then there's no need to say anything"

No no no not that..., but what is that? near an oni?

Rain-"No wait"

Avira-"Say, kid"

She leans down, to my level, bringing those milk jugs straight in front of my face, even tho squatting, she is still taller than me...,

No, I'm not short.. she's.. just big.

Avira-"Do you think I'm a bad person? huh? do you think I'm someone who'll kidnap someone and rap-!... do bad things to them the whole night?"


Avira-"..." *Stare*


She clearly just said rape...

Avira-"Just answer me, do you think I'm a bad person, just because I'm an oni?"

Rain-"Ah.. no, you don't seem like a bad person.., No! you are a very nice person!!, you helped me and sheltered us!, you are one of the nicest people I have ever met in my whole life!!"



Avira-"Ehhhh..... ehehe, you didn't have to say that, hehe thaaaannkk youuuuu"

Upon hearing me her face loses and forms a silly smile and her voice changes to a high-pitched one.

Rain-"Ah.. well you are welcome! but why are you asking me if you are a bad person?"

Avira-"that!... ah, Ask your mother for that ok?"

Rain-"ok.... I'll ask her..NO, WAIT! WHY ARE YOU SO CHILL??, ALL WHILE BEING NAKED????!!!!"Avira--"Oh?...oh, it's too hot for me and I like to sleep like this."

Rain-"No. no no not that!"

Not being able to contain my embarrassment, I ran off,

Just a minute ago I was having an existential crisis and now I'm running from an oversized naked woman.

I went back to where Sara and Elis were,

Elis-"Hm? Rain, did you wake her up?"

Rain-"yeah.. *blush*.. but she was naked...."

Elis-"oh well that's her habit"



Rain-"Wait you slapped me, for being naked and you don't care about her?!!"


Elis-"What do you mean?"

She ups her right brow and tilts her head to the left.


Elis-"You.. want me to slap her too? for being shirtless?."



Rain-".... yes!!"

Elis-".." *confused*


Elis-"*giggle* Fine, I'll tell her she's making you uncomfortable.....*sigh*, I guess you're still a kid nonetheless"

And with that, she leaves.....

My jaw dropped and I just stare at her as she was gone.

Sara-"them.., Rain"

Sara calls me, finally alone with her and now she can talk normally, I feel like we have a lot to talk about.

Sara-"Since your family is now coming here, and I also need to sort some things out, so.. actually, I just wanna tell you that I'll be away for a while"


Rain-"wait, what??!, sin since when? but I thought"

Sara-"Please don't be sad, I'll be back very soon, until then, please have this"

Sara comes closer and sits on her knees, wrapping her arms around me,


With a small metallic sound, I feel something cold around my neck, it was chilling, but not uncomfortable

Sara-"*breathing heavily* There! all done, wait! I'll get the mirror"

As she's gone, I try to get what it is by touching it, it feels like a chocker, feeling its sides with my fingers I can tell it was it is braided with wires and leather-like material inside around my neck

Sara-"Here take a look! I made it myself!"

Around my neck, a silver choker with flowers and needles was decorated, I put a finger between it and my neck, there was enough space, and yes, it looked great....but.

Rain-"Thanks, Sara!, it looks beautiful!!"

I don't know if this thing is in fashion or not but it looks great to me, wait a minute, I just can't receive a gift like this without giving anything in return... but what? I don't have anything.

Wait a minute!! I know something!!

Rain-"wait here! I have something for you too!"

Running back to Avira's room, I try to find per and a pen.

Rain-"Found it!"

When I was little, mom used to give me this during exams, it was a good luck charm, I don't think it ever worked, but well it did give me a boost in confidence, in the paper I wrote.

"May you always be happy, may you have all the success this world has to offer"

Writing it I folded it, tore a piece of cloth from my shirt, and tied paper inside it with a thread I found in Avira's room, I hope she won't mind.

Running back, I see Sara in anticipation, I extended my hand presenting a charm that could be worn on the neck like an amulet.

Rain-"This is for you! from me!"


Like a puppy finding a new toy, she beams in happiness, wearing it around her neck she admires it for a little while,

Sara-"?...*sniff, sniff* this *long inhale* scent"

Rain-"oh that, yeah, actually I just used a part of my shirt, I'll change it if it stinks"

Sara-"NO! no... it *long sniffs* perfect"

Rain-"ah.. ok, I'm glad you liked it"

Elis-"Sara, it's time"

Elis arrives calling Sara, I guess it's time for farewell,

Sara-"*frowning* I know!*snorts*..., Ok Rain I'll meet you after a little while, and then we'll live together, HAPPILY."

Putting more effort into her last word she goes.

Elis-"And Rain, your mother should be here too in around 30 minutes or so, you can play in the garden till then, it's right outside, but don't make a mess of your clothes, ok?"

Rain-"Ok, Wait! Miss Elis!"

Sara-"Hm, what? you need something?"

Rain-"No, actually when I went to wake Avira, she asked me if I think of her as a bad person who die to her being arancini, what was that?"

Elis-"....*smirk*hehe, ask that to your mom when she comes, I'm busy"



Elis-"Go play in the garden and don't bother me"

What that, she leaves too...

The fuck....

She's not bossy but an actual bitch...


I just leave, 30 minutes is a long time, but sitting in the lush garden in the morning doesn't sound bad either.

I found a bench, the fresh morning breeze was a blessing.

After 5 minutes, I hear footsteps approaching me, I turn around to see a woman in a suit looking at me,

Women-"Good morning"

Rain-"G..good morning"



Sorry for the late chapter, had some work in college.

Now our second Yandere appears, Our MC's mother, and believe me she's gonna be good.

and now for the world settings

Imagine a world of magic, but they are not in medieval times, Cars and guns have been invented, assume its industrial age,

there is more to the world settings but I don't wanna give spoilers,

And once again Thank you! for reading

oh and mom's character design is in the comments, check it!