
Chapter in third person POV.

Women-"Good morning"

Rain-"G Good! morning"

Confronted by stern-looking women with an intimidating aura, Rain falls silent.

Women-"You know where this Elis person is?"

Rain-"An an ah she Ju just went o out, she should be back in few minutes"

He had words in his brain but they were not coming to his mouth.

Women-"Hmm.. alright, scooch"


Women-"Move I said, I'm waiting for her here, you got a problem?"

Rain-"Wh?!, No! no! Please be my guest!"

Sitting down she rests her left foot on her right knee and takes out a cigarette from her pocket.

Women-"*sigh* This fucking...., hey, you live here?"

Rain-"ah no, actually I don't have a home, not yet"

Rain bows his head, not in sadness or anything, but just in thought that the family of his current body is coming to meet him and he has no idea how to interact with them.

But to this stranger, his condition seemed sad, although she was by no means kind-hearted, not feeling sad was something she couldn't control.

Women-"Hm..*inhales* that's sad"

Whatever happening in his life was not her problem, she just came to meet Elis who claimed that they had found her son in the rubble of their recently destroyed hospital, she said that a group of smugglers might be trying to steal still working organs, but failed cuz as they were transferring their resources, something happened and they had to hijack the hospital to use their equipment to preserve their packages.

Women-"[Hmp, as if I would believe that shit, my son died about 8 or 9 years ago, and now you are telling me he just fucking appears so conveniently, I'm gonna fucking drag her shit show in court, Then she'll know, That you don't fuck with me]"

She didn't come here with any plan of getting her son or anything, No, she had already called her lawyers, and had already written a complaint, she did feel a little sad for the boy, but whatever happens to him is not her problem.

Rain-"Y You should not smoke in church!"

The boy says, eyes looking straight at her, but feet trembling.

Women-"Don't worry, after I'm done, this place won't be standing for long"

She finished her cigarette, threw the tail, and took out another one.

Rain-"What what do you mean!"

Women-"That ain't your problem kid, and besides not that you'll be able to do anything"

Rain-" At least I can listen, and maybe I can think of something!!!"

the boy said with determination and absolute panic, he can't let this place that helped him get in trouble.

Women-[Hm? cute, fucker got some guts]

That's what she thought, she puts her arm on the back of the back support of the bench.

Women-"Is that so? how are you gonna do that? let's say, some bad people come and try to break this place, what to gonna do then?"

She asks with a smug look, wishing for an embarrassed or worried look on the boy's face, for her, she loved kids, and messing with them was even more fun,

Rain-"Then I'll call the police!"

Rain said.

Women-"Oh yeah? then what if the police are late, and bad guys already started their bad deeds."

Rain-"Ah.... then, then! I'll stop them!"




Rain-"I'll do it!!!"

Women+" *silent giggles* Yeah... sure you will"

Trying hard to not choke on her cigarette smoke while controlling her laugh.

*Ring~ Ring*

Her phone rings, and she takes out a small flat crystal glass with circuits carved on it.

Rain-"Hello?.....what? *sigh*, that fucking whore..., Ok stop crying, stop crying for god sake, ..yeah, take a day off, go, just fucking go and stop bothering me"

Rain-"Why do you swear so much?"

Women-"Who the fuck says I swear? wait, if you lost your memory why do you know what swear words are?"

Rain-"Everyone knows them, although people swear to express themselves better relying on them just makes you look like a jerk"

She stares at his face for about 30 seconds

Women-"Kid... your parents must be very great.. or absolute assholes..., your mother must be the shitty one, who the hell swears in front of a kid, oh wait that's me.. but your not mine



This time she choked on the smoke, looking at the boy her eyes widened with surprise.


Rain-"Who the fuck do you think you are to call my mother shitty?"

Women-"Woah, Woah I'm sorry!..ok? it was just a joke, no one usually cares about mothers."

Rain-"What do you mean no one cares about a mother!!??, my mother is a great person and I love her with all my heart!"

The boy claimed, hearing him The lady was a little happy, upon hearing that, in this world, a mother's role isn't something that people care deeply about.

Women-"[Wow at least someone cares about their mother.., wish I cared about mine too...]"


Women"[it's useless to think about it now]...

....*giggle* your mother must be very lucky to have a son like you"

Rain-"Hehehe~ thank you"

The boy formed a very adorable smile, which made women's hearts melt,

Would her son be of his age too? would he also love her like this?

She got a little emotional, although no tears came, she was distraught after premiering him, after her son's death, her husband couldn't live with this, at this time She was also in the start of her career, she couldn't provide him the much-needed support, and he went into depression, it also greatly affected her other kids too, her two elder daughters grew distant from her.

And one day when she go home, she found her husband.... dead, with a more in his hand, it said,

{{{ I know you love me, but I can't live with this anymore, take care of what family we have left, and forgive me for leaving you alone like this.}}}

He overdosed on pills, but even at such time dye had to remain strong, while her kids cried their eyes dry,

She remained strong, sturdy, like a stone, sadly to her children, it did not send the needed message, they thought she didn't love him enough and thus didn't cry.

And now she sees a kid, ready to fight her for his mother.

Avira-"what the hell to think you're doing!!"


Both Rain and the women look at the source of the voice, it's Avira.

Rain-"Ah! Avira, did you meet Miss Elis?"

Rain-"Get away from that kid"

Avira demands in a threatening voice, with tremors, enough to scare a normal person.

Women-"The fuck?, who the hell allowed the likes of you to be here, huh?, fucking 'Scorners'."

The woman throws a racial insult at Avira, something quite common in this world, almost all Oni's and some other Races go through racism, but since its early times, there ain't many woke or social justice warriors here.


Avira was now extremely angry, a vein could be seen on her forehead, and she was ready to through her hands, cracking her knuckles as she announced it.

The lady stood up.

Women-"know your fucking place, you damn shit eaters"

She took out a gun from her pocket, A heavy caliber mana-infused pistol.

It should be enough to scare anyone, but Not this Oni, no.

Even if people mock and insult them, In terms of raw physical power, nothing can beat an Oni.

Avira just needed to close the distance, she could rip This women's arms in a second without breaking any sweat.

Elis-"Ok, ok calm down you people."


Elis came.

Elis-"Looks how scared the boy is, you people need to pay attention around kids."

Elis points at Rain, who is curled up on the bench terrified, A gun, no matter what age, scares people.

Elis-"Avira, please take Rain for a walk and calm him down, And you miss, I assume I called you?"


Elis-"Well then please follow me"

Women-"ok...*Hmph!*, .... you got lucky, scorner."

Avira takes Rain with her while the last join Elis,

Walking to her office, Elis asks,

Elis- "I honestly didn't think you would come in the first call, and I certainly don't think you believe me."

Women-"I don't, I plan to shut this place"

Elis-"Oh I can't have that, do I, but you know Miss Young? I wasn't lying"

Young, in frustration, just grabs Elis and slams her into the wall.


Young pulls out her gun and points it at Elis's head,

Women-"I can end this shit show, right here right now!!"

Elis-"*Giggle* Wow, you sure have a short temper, how about it? let's do a blood test, what do you say?"

Elis takes out a small vial of her pork and shows it to Young.

Elis-"That's your son's blood sample, we just need yours and do the test, how about it?"

Young takes a deep look at the vile.

Women"Where is he?"

Elis-"Oh, I'm not telling you that, No No no, not yet~"


Elis-"Oh, believe me, Miss, you don't wanna test mine, you just saw my big assistant, your son is safe, but you must co-operate rate with us, or else I can't be sure"

Hearing her Young calms down you can say pretends to be so,

Women-"Is my son..... alive?"

Elis-"He is, People don't make the kind of jokes"

Women-"Was he the boy outside?"

Young asks in concern, she didn't make a very good impression.

Elis-"Nah~, But how about we get to business first"

Elis lied, Young was a woman of power and authority and she just can't let her go without getting something in return,

They both enter Elis's office,

Elis takes Rain's blood vile and pours it inside a jar, then takes out another vile with people glowing liquid, she pours it too,

Elis-"Now Miss Young"

Young comes and takes a needle from the table and pokes her finger with it, she then drops a few drops inside the vile,

The vile starts to glow in faint red,


suddenly with small combustion, the vile turns green.

Women-"*Gasp*.... *sob*"

Seeing it, Young's eyes widen, and her heart starts to sound like a locomotive engine, if her son is finally back, she can bring her daughters back too, she can convince them too, and a flood of the mountain of happy future floods her mind, she falls to her knees, tears falling from her eyes,

Elis-"Now now now, Miss Young, don't get emotional just yet, you haven't got your son just yet, first you need to do me a little.... favor"

Elis smirks, Young's reaction was everything she needed.


Young didn't care anymore, whatever it is she'll do it.

Elis-"You see, our little church I kinda in bad shape, not financially, but sadly we have some bad records with police, your sister is head of the police force, right? just ring in some calls and get our deal done!"

Young looks at her, thinking.

Women-"Fine, it'll be done"

Elis-"Oh no, not like this~.. please sign here"

Women-"*Looks*... A thermal contract?... why do you have this?"

Elis-"Well I'm glad I have this right now"

Elis says with a smile.

Thermal contracts are a black magical contract that cooks the person from inside if they break what is written in them.

It was banned 50 years ago for being too brutal, nowadays it can only be seen on the black market.

Young knew, that if she signed it and didn't do what Elis said, she would face a fate worse than death.

But it's too late to think about it now.

She signed it,

Elis-"GREAT!, now shell we meet your son?"

Both of them return to Parks where Rain could be seen sitting on Avira's lap, she is telling him a story, about her a girl on a conquest of the wizard mountain.

Elis-"Avira!!, get here!, and bring Rain too!"

Elis calls Avira and Rain

Elis-"Avira, go and make some tea"

Avira goes, not wanting to leave Rain's side, with hesitation, and lets go of Rain's hand.

Elis-"Now Miss Young, meet Rain, and Rain, meet Riz Young"

A smile side then moon from on her face,

Elis-"You are mother and son! Good day!"

And with a Bang!, she closes the door and runs back inside.


both Rain and Riz, too stunned to speak, just look at each other.


Suddenly realization hits Riz.

Riz-"[THAT BITCH LIED!!!!!!]"

Her face loses color, she just fucked up big time...

Confused, Rain asks.

Rain-"Ah... what's happening?"

Riz-"Ah... a... hello... a son...*mumbling*fuck."


Sorry, late chapter!

and yes the mother is a little bit arrogant and racist, but.. who wasn't in those days,

and this chapter is a little bit rushed, so might not feel that better, but a big twist is on its way!

and one more thing!

I don't know what these power stones are, I don't care about them, the only thing I ask you people is to comment, I only want that,

once again thank you for reading!