CH-12Toddling Towards Terror.

It took me a minute to understand what just had happened.

I gazed at my hand, gone.

Bone sticking out with a piece of muscle still attached to the hanging skin.

It hurt

Hurt like hell, I could not explain this feeling, from somewhere a strange breeze came.

That's when a new sensation hit me, a feeling of air touching my bones, the sensation of wind grazing through my exposed veins.

It felt cold, Warmblood was flowing out, but somehow the exposed muscles still felt chilly or was a stinging feeling that came from where the bone met muscle.

But all was replaced, it was all soon again replaced by the mind-crushing pain that soon hit me afterward.


Like a cut-off lizard's tail, I was squirming on the ground,

I tried to scream but my words were not coming out.

or they were but I couldn't hear them

it felt like blood was rapidly running through my ears.

A ringing voice of constant bell was chiming in my ears.

Every pulse, every heartbeat, every single one of it was screaming in my body and I could feel every single one of it.

Never in my life.

I felt so alive...

All while lying next to the death's door.

Devil-" You all right?"


I was no longer capable of speaking

Devil-"I'll take it as a no, but you can calm down though."


Not as easy as it mind is in utter chaos and the only thing I can think of is pain.

maybe I'm not even thinking

Devil-"*Sigh*...., fine~, Give me your hand."

She grabs my hand dragging me along with it.

Devil-" Aahhhh~*Slurrrrrppppp*"



She grabbed my arm and stuffed it inside her mouth.

It felt warm for a moment, her tongue was spinning around my arm, then suddenly all it was replaced by a hellishly hot burn. Like my arm was squeezed against melting red iron

Devil-" AHNH~~ Yessss~ *orgasmic jitters* *Pop~* haaaaa..... blood and pain do the trick.."


Steam was coming from my arm, it was not bleeding anymore but the wound was burnt, and the edges were crisp like charcoal.

Cauterization, not a big fan.

Rain-" YOU!!!! AHHHHH!!!"

Devil-" Calm down little one, there is far more pain to be felt and blood to be splattered, now back to the business.., so you accept?"

Rain-" hah..hah... what the fuck?

Devil-"We can after this, but right now tell me do you accept?

Rain-"Accept what? fucking torture?"

Devil-"*Facepalm* *sigh*... you see darling, I'm bored... so I've decided to create a world as gods do, buuuuuut! I need some volunteers for test runs, So? will you help?

Rain-".. So you need lab rats?...well no thanks, why the hell am I even here in the first place?"

Devil-" You are a person of another world in a logically opposite world, So well... you just seemed a very interesting thing to ignore~"

Rain-"... ok... and why should I do it?.. and what do you mean servant?"

Devil-" Cuz I can help you and your sister!, and when I do, I will provide you a bit of my essence... you'll be my people automatically"

Rain-" what kind of help?"

She cups my chin with her finger

Devil-" Your sister is dying...., I can help her! I can also help you in this new world of yours!


Devil-" I'll tell only after you accept my proposal, Say?"

Her thumbs enter my mouth, ... playing with my tongue...

Rain-"... how long is this... test run?

Devil-"24 human hrs~, as long as you are there you'll be immortal, so don't worry, but I have maxed your senses for better data collection.

Rain-"... Tch!... fine..."

Devil-" hahaha yes!!, now we are talking! so listen!, Do some tasks! some heroic horny shit and I will give you what you want, like giving your sister what she wants the most right now"

Rain-" she *painful grunts*...hah..hah..she needs to forget about me."

Devil-" hehe, it doesn't matter what she needs or what you want to give her, she will get what she WANTS!"

She grabs my shoulder and brings her face near me, smiling from ear to ear she says.

Devil-"And believe me, child! whatever she wants she is dying for it!"

Rain-" wha.... what does she want?"

she tilts her head, making a very puzzled expression, and a creepy smile forms on her face all while sticking her split thin long tongue out.

Devil -"Ahhh wheezzzzzz Nah Noooo Nah... Ne Ne Ne ~, can't do that~, business secrets~, but I can tell that it's really important for her! She won't survive without this, you can be sure of that!"

She Arches backward but does not fall, instead just floats in mid-air while, dangling her foot near my face,

She flys to my behind and curls her finger around my neck,




Sparks flew from my neck, burning her fingers.

Devil-" oh?.. hooooooo hohohoh! *Mumbling* you are marked...hah! arrrhh!!!, fine! it's fine, no touching the neck, just"

She waves her hand.

A door emerges from the ground.

Devil-"Walk through This door, your task is to experience and capture the emotions, take this"

She gave me a green gem

Rain-"what's that?"

Devil-"A 'Life Cell', It'll record your experience down there! so go and experience it!"

She wants me to do... what,?

She flies again to my face, landing her thighs on my shoulder, her ass resting on my chest weight just a pleasant pressure and warmth, I'm still standing, she grabs the back of my head and presses it against her abdomen.


My cheeks touch her inner thighs, and I can feel the warmth, ..... it's not comforting..... it's... it's exciting

Rain-"*Heavy breathing*... Wha... what do you need*"

My eyes constantly gaze at her face, following her every action.

Devil-"Just fill that crystal with some emotions~"

Her eyebrows squint deeper and deeper and her grip on my face grows tighter and tighter, it does not hurt, and the softness of her thighs is too good.

Salivating, she pokes her tongue out, warm and wet.

Long, like a snake, it reaches toward me.

Licking my neck and collar bone.

Her eyes were enough to make any man elevate in drunkenness.

Devil-"Do it for me.... and I'll make sure that you never have scarcity of anything, ever."

*Sparks fly*

The door sparks as it opens,

Devil-"let's not keep the monsters waiting, nothing personal darling."

Lost in her honeyed intoxicated words.

Devil-"You felt pain when I broke your arm... you felt horror when you saw your sister..., I also want to feel that..., Rain, Honey..., I'm devoid of emotions.. lust and arousal from you humans are the only thing I can ever feel... Rain... I've forgotten what hope feels like... what the sense of accomplishment or the tranquility of peace feels like..."

Rain-".. You.. were... alive once?"

Devil-"I don't know?... but I remember that I used to feel..... different.... full or even...lively.."

Her words came like empty shells

Rain-"..... Fine... let's do this... you give my sister what she wants... and I'll get you what you want.."

Devil-"Devil never breaks its deals, now, ... go on"

She flies higher... rubbing her thigh and leg on my cheeks, and her toe rests on my lower lip.

Devil-"Fill that gem with your resolute. and remember, don't give up, your gonna experience some fucked up things.."

Rain-" Yeah yeah.. giving up us is not something I do...*sigh*.. this is going to hurt... and remember, I'm doing this for my sister, not for you"

I grabbed the doorknob,

Devil-"You are so kind~"

Opening the door, I took one step in.

Rain-"Where am I going again?"



My surroundings changed, Just a second ago I was in a rotten meaty gut and now I'm in... what the hell...

Standing in the middle of a corn field...

Rain-"... it is foggy.., and cold"

winter steam was coming from my mouth, I could hear my bones shaking.

Looking over my clothes I was wearing a black cloak with a black shirt and pants, I was wearing metal guards on my knee and elbow.

black gloves with golden embroidery.

A necklace was resting elegantly on my neck.

With blond hair and pale skin, a skinny physique, and short stature, I should be about 16 years old right now.

My clothes look and feel like medieval times, early Europe. I can tell these are expensive,


A small dagger is strapped on my waist, adorned with gems and gold,

it's beautiful as a jewelry

Rain-"*Wistl~~~~~~e* Fancy~"


Rain-"My hand is healed?"

it was completely back to normal! wiggled my fingers,

Forming a fist and swinging in the air I got great relief.



God at least let me have a minute of Calm!!!

Something's in the field...

It's too foggy to see what's in there

*rustle* *rustle rustle*

I brace myself for whatever's in there, taking out the dagger I prepared myself.

*rustle *rustle rustle* *rustle rustle rustle*






Rain-"Ouhhh....*sob* what the..."

???-" who the hell are you and what are you doing on my farm?"

The person in front of me was a tall buff tanned lady wearing a straw hat and a half tank top, or a sports bra, with gray pants and rubber boots

She just felt a little old with minor wrinkles,

but by God... he is shredded.. sweat falls from her biceps...

In her hand, she carries a Large wooden ax.

I'm aroused and intimidated at the same time.

???-"This is the last time I'm gonna ask you!, WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING. IN. MY. FARM."

Rain-"a.a. a.aim Los..... "

???-" huh?"

I'm at loss for words,

getting impatient she grabs my throat and lifts me up

???-"Listen here, you little thief! speak before I throw you to my dog kennel!

Rain-"I I'M LOST!!!"

??-"How do I believe you?"


She eyes me up and down.


She releases my throat and I fall on my bottoms.

??-"Fine. But I'm still not letting you go without an interrogation, you are coming with me to my house!"

She wraps her arm under my waist and straps me to her back.

Rain-"ak.. little rough... don't you think?"

She doesn't answer.

Walking slowly, we gradually get out of the fields.

A wooden shack greats my view.

She opens the door with one hand still holding me with the other one.


Creepy door noises.....fuck

It's dark, she throws me on a chair and brings an oil lantern with her,

???-"Now!, who are you?"

Rain-"*Gulp*... I am lost *grumble* and hungry..., ah.. my name is Rain"

???-"... My name is Aradia, Aradia Watson..., I'm believing you cuz you're just a kid.

The woman speaks in an Irish-like accent or like a drunk Aussie.

Rain-"Thank you very much"

she gets up and puts her ax to the side, taking a deep stretch, she moans relaxing.


Aradia-".. You hungry?"

Rain-" Y Yes. yes"

Aradia-" Umm.."

She goes back to the other room,

The room is dimly lit with candles and lanterns, Walls are decorated with hides and some unknown animal heads.

Aradia-" I apologize for over-reacting, don't get many visitors, and this place is already filled with thieves and robbers, Here, I hope you can manage with the poor old woman's hospitality.

Rain-"Thank you, but how come you can be so sure that I'm not a thief?."

This is suspicious..., especially in a world made by the devil, I don't think there is any kind of people here.

Aradia-" Even if you are, you just simply don't have the strength to do anything, just how old are you? plus"

She gives me a wet napkin.

Aradia-" You got blood on your face, were you running from something? you got a cut right below your right eye, and looks like you haven't slept for days."


I touched my face, my front hairs were stuck on my skin along with dried blood,

Just as she said, there was a cut on my face, A deep one too.

I touched it.. but.. it didn't hurt. I dug a finger inside...


I could feel bone...

Rain-".. What....wha.

My heartbeat slowly rose.

Aradia-" Calm down! here come with me, you need to rest."

Aradia picks me up in a princess carry and takes me to bed, which was probably hers.

Rain-"... why didn't you tell me earlier?."

Calming down, I asked her.

Her expression changed into confusion

Aradia-" kid... it's YOUR face, remember? you should know what is happening with you."

Rain-"....I have no idea what's happening with me right now.."

Aradia-".. *shakes head* forget it, just go to sleep, we'll talk in the morning"

Rain-" Ok.., again, I thank you"

She nods and leaves the room.

Plopping my head on the pillow, I fall into a deep slumber as if my body was tired like never before.



I'm running...

through the corridor?....

???-" my lord take this passage here! you must be looking back! it'll get you out of the territory, head to your Aunt's Queen-dom, and give her this necklace, tell her everything!"



Soldiers carrying torches?..

My.. room was raided...

Someone from

??-"DEAR BROTHER! WE NEED TO DO THIS TOGETHER! The Beacon won't respond unless it is embraced with a royal wish! why don't you understand!!"

She put me in a magic circle.. and..stabbed me.....

Rain-"AAAARRH!!!....hheh hah. hah..."


I woke up sweating and scared.

Aradia burst through the door while equipped with her ax ready to swing.

Rain-" Nothing.. it... it was just a nightmare...."

Aradia-" Don't fucking scream in other people's houses!"

Rain-" I I apologize...."

I'm fucked!...

I remember now...

There is a fucking army after me right now...

I'm thr prince of this country.. my sister rebelled against my mother and snatched the throne...

But that's not it!..

She is currently trying to awaken the ancient beacon to gain the power of royals.

but she needs all the royal members for this.

Mother's dead.. father was not a born royal.. so all that's left is me...

But she can't force me to do this.. the Beacon needs the approval of royals..and it can not be forced.

She is gonna find me.. and, keep me caged and tortured until I agree to her plan...


I need to get out of here!!

Where the hell is I??, I know where I need to go! I must go now!

Aradia-" here drink some."

Aradia gave me a glass of water, it helped greatly.

Rain-"... Miss Aradia.. could you tell me the way towards 'Escaria' Queendom?"

Aradia-" Escaria?.. kid.. that's .. far, way too far for you to be even concerned about it, why do you even wanna know?"

Rain-" ah.... my family was killed by some robbers here, I have some relatives in that country, I'll get you rewarded greatly if you help me!"

I can't tell her I'm royalty. I must get to my aunt at any cost!

Aradia-".. how much?.."

Rain-" Enough to free you from this farm for your lifetime!"

Aradia-"... kid, how old do you think I am?..., I don't need your money..., but."

Her right-hand slips behind my waist.

Aradia- "You see kid, I don't get much attention at this age, and since you need my help, how about you help me too?"

Rain-"... What are you implying?"

I know this is a different world with different senses, but my morals of current world memory are telling me to run away with all my might!

Aradia-"Don't play dumb sweety, I know that the capital army is after you, so let's not make this more difficult ok? what did you even do?"

ARMY WAS HERE????!!!!!!

Rain-"h h how long was I asleep?"

Aradia-"full 12 hours, the army came, but I managed to fool them away, I took a pretty big risk here just to get a good nibble on you, I AM NOT, going back empty-handed"

her grip around me tightens

Aradia-" Think about it sugar,... Do you need to go there? I'll take you myself! but you'll be my bitch boy all the way!."

My breath fastens, and my arm is trembling...

Aradia-"Now pick, it's my pussy or those soldiers, which one is it?"

What's the fucking difference...

I'm getting fucked anyway...


But my sister.. she's gonna .. she'll... she will not forgive me for running away...

I just need to endure...

Just till this trip...



It's just a test...


Fuck I almost forgot..., it's not my world.


fuck, I'm not from this world!..

I can handle some old lady just fine~

ok, that's it!

Rain- "fine!..."

Aradia-".. Really?.. hehe.. yeah!..great!"

She rejoiced while salivating, her hands trembling with excitement,

She slowly grabs the back of my neck while creasing my Lip with her thumb.

hey .... why am ... why am I scared?.....



Aradia's figure... seemed intimidating...

wait... no wait...


{Aradia's POV}



Sun shined on my face as morning rose,

My little visitor was too tired so I let him sleep in my bed.

God, he's beautiful...

Even with a face covered with blood and scared I could see his eyes...

Those lips...

God damn it!

*sigh* .. leave it, don't wanna be a creep at this age.

He's the age of my grandson, maybe a little younger, .. tch! even my family doesn't visit me anymore...



The hell?

I rushed to the door, two soldiers of the imperial army were waiting.

Soldier#1-" Oi hag! we are looking for a young boy with blond hair and pale skin, there's a large scar on his face, have you seen him!!?"


Fucking pussprouts!

Fuckers haven't even hatched and dared to insult me!


boy with a scar on his face?..


Aradia-".. No ma'am, I have not, what do you need him for? I will inform you in your outpost if I find him, please don't worry your great self with this poor old me"

Soldier#2-" Hah!, smart one you are, let's get out of here, she's already old as a corpse."

I swear I'll chop your head and shove it into your bottom!!.

The soldiers go away,...

Why were they looking for this kid?

I came back to the room, he was still sleeping.

He took off his cloak, his shirt was displaced, his navel exposed,

I couldn't resist the temptations...

I reached toward him and planted a finger on his stomach...

It felt like butter, he smelled like a flower,

I slowly unbuckled his pants button.

At that exact moment,.... an intoxicating aroma hit my nose,

Just hovering my face above his crotch I sniffed a lung full,

My head felt like it was stuck with a war hammer,

Like a nail digging my brain, I was no longer longing for air to breathe.

I can't stay here... not for long... I'll do something wrong if I stayed here.

"I stormed out,

Aradia-" I need some water...."

Or that's what I thought...

My mind was in disaster.

My body felt like it was burning in fire like I was lying naked in a large metal pan in our desert...


I Jumped inside the water well...

It was cold... you'll be an idiot to do this kind of stupidity...

And I think am kinda losing my mind here...

Aradia-"..*sigh*.... feeling a little better now .."

I can think straight... for now.,...

The only problem is I'm not thinking of anything straight right now...

Even this icey water was not enough to cool down my urges...

Aradia-"Arrrhhh! FUCK IT!!!"

Yes!! that's what I'm doing!!!

Gods have sent me a buffet and I'm not refusing this gift.

What kind of woman would do that? plus!

it's the kid's fault! who sleeps in an unknown women's house like this!?

Yes!, that must be it!!

Fucking whore! he was tempting me!

He must be a pity slut, must've pissed off a Nobel or something,

Yes, that's it!

He must've come here to hide!

Fine, he can hide! ... he'll hide between my legs!

I'll check that slut in there!








Aradia pinned the little boy down and kissed him down from face to down to his gut.

The boy tried to resist but was too weak to even change his position.

Aradia was too enchanted by the boy's body, she didn't take his safety let alone his comfort in her concerns.

The only thing she cared about was to enjoy this delicacy to its last bite.

Aradia-" haaaaaaahhhhaaaa..... hey... don't hold your voice.. let it out..., feed my ears with your cry!"

She grabbed his head and leaned her ear to his lips, her left hand hidden under his pants,

her fingers played with the boy's jewels.

She slipped her right arm under his back and grabbed his left nipple with her right hand


A Tingle on his chest, he was unfamiliar with such stimulation.

He arched backward screaming in ecstasy.

Aradia-" Yyeesssssssssssss!!"

Aradia's eyes were turned into heart-shaped gems, warm air from the boy's mouth and that lusty cry from his lips were more addicting than a barrel of booze.

Aradia-" AAAH! ENOUGH!!"

She ripped his pants, his member was exposed to cold air.

Rain-"WAIT! WAIT!!"

He was not ready for it, while Rain himself was feeling pleasure from it, deep down, someone else was screaming in horror.

She ripped her pants, she was soaked down there,

Her juices were leaking like a broken faucet,

Rain was hard as stone, even tho he was crying his body could not lie.


She moved her hand from under his back.

Rain was already drenched in sweat.

Aradia sat above him, resting on her knees she placed her hands right next to Rain's face to support herself.

Rain-" NO! NO! NO!NO!"

Rain flailed his arms and legs,

Aradia-"STOP MOVING!!"


Aradia slapped Rain, hard.

His wound opened, and fresh blood was spilled across his face, not just his face, blood was coming from his lips too,

Aradia's hand was too hard that it tore his lip skin.

Rain was numb from it, he was too scared to even move,

Aradia grabbed both his fists with her right hand and straddled his legs under hers.

Closing in, she hovered her lips above him and said.


She spread her legs.

Like an alligator ready to chomp down its prey,

With all her weight she dropped down


Almost squashed like a tomato, the boy felt his guts spilling out.


Aradia, Felt like lightning just struck her back.

Arching back she turned her head to the ceiling.

Stars were shining in her eyes, for some reason, it was greater than in her young days.


Without any warning, Aradia grabbed Rain's leg and held it in the Amazon position.

she leaned her head down and took his toe in her mouth, she can't control herself she needs something to bite.

Rain was already too shaken to speak, and after the slap, he wouldn't risk anything anymore. the sheets under his bead were already stained with blood from his face.

With empty eyes, he saw her, as she starts to ram her ass on his cock like a piston.

Like a mad bull raging for his last rodeo, Aradia was in no mood of slowing down, biting on his toe her eyes were already fading in pleasure.

Her nose was bleeding, but it was not her current concern.


Wet slaps and squirts of her juices were the only things resounding in the whole room.


She was almost reaching her climax, just a few more thrusts and she'll reach her Nirvana.

But before that.

??-" Ok enough now"


Aradia-" huh..h-.."


Her head fell... cut clean from her body.

*Splooots!!*. *splutkosss!*

Blood splurted like a fountain from her chopped throat.


With a small thud.. her body fell like a huge bag of meat.

??-".tsk tsk tsk, dear brother..., was I even worse than this old bastard? huh? you hurt me here, it was understandable if you just had died somewhere, but fucking this old relic after rejecting me, ... THATS A INSULT I'M NOT LETTING ASIDE."

She tore off her cape, and covered Rai with it, carrying him in her arms.

??-"Get my carriage here, and get me the Head Nun."

Rain knew what was happening, but he was too tired to move.

??-"Oh booooyyyyy, you are soooo fucked, literally and hypothetically too."

Rain-"Sis.*sob*.. please.. for..*sob* forgive me"

She doesn't answer...

But a smirk of sadism from on her lips






{Rain POV}

Rain- "!!!!"

I woke up with a sudden need to breathe.

This feels familiar...

but it's too dark.

Rain-"Meh, ha hem am hai?"

translation-(Where the hell am I?)


I tried to speak but only muffled words came from my mouth.


Something metallic touches my teeth,

and after my eyes adjusted to go to the surroundings, I tried to move my bodyclank!* *clicket*


My hands were strapped with my metal, Not just that, a metal gag was in my mouth.

Soon after I realized that I'm a stone pedestal,

??-" Thank heavens you're finally awake dear brother.

Who is that?

Unable to ask, I just roll my up to her,

Tall with blond hair and tanned skin wearing a royal blue military uniform, she stands with a sadistic aura around her.

Rain-" !!!!!!"

That's! that's! my sister! No No No No!!

??-"Now let us begin the rituals."

I tried to move my legs but.


I don't feel them...


My lower limbs were gone, and bandages were tied to cut parts

Sister-"Let's see if we need to do this, get me that artifact.

Upon her call, a soldier comes running with a golden sword wrapped in its arm, she held it like it was more important than her own life.

It's That Relic!

Sister-"All right, Dear brother, last chance, Do you accept me worthy of this power?."

She points the sword at my neck, asking me if I deem her worthy.

I don't understand what she's saying, Who's worthy? what is happening?..

*step, step, step*

Someone walks to my left, she looks like a Nun, But she's wearing all white with a mask covering her face.

Nun-" *Chanting* ... No M'lady, he does not recognize you yet, should we use it? it's still in testing stages"

Sister-" Do it, I'm tired of this bullshit."

The Nun bows and takes out a small container from her pocket.

A small black centipede with a glowing back was inside.

I don't like this!!

Nun-" It needs some nutrition before it reaches maturity."

Sister-" What? we can't use it right now?"

Nun-" No M'lady, it'll work, but it'll need to enter the body through the anal cavity, then It'll eat its way up to the brain, It'll risk his life greatly, Are you sure? M'lady, he's still your little brother."

Nun shows sympathy towards me, What are they intending?!!?, what do you mean by anal cavity!!???


She slaps the Nun!!,


Nun spits blood but still bows and brings the jar near me.

No No No No

Rain-" HMAA!! MMHF!! HNO! HNO!"

I was already naked, I didn't have any means of resisting.


It made a rattling noise with its exoskeleton as it walked out of the glass.

*CLANK!* * CLINK!!!*


I resisted with all my might.





The Nun was Nervous, but couldn't disobey her queen.

Nun grabbed the centipede, and slowly inserted it inside the boy's backside,

The boy was in frenzy, the room was filled with echoes of his cries.

The soldiers that were standing guard couldn't keep their eyes on him and just wanted to get out as soon as possible.

Some were on the verge of collapsing while some just couldn't see and threw up.

2 hrs later.

He was not crying anymore.

A pool of tears was already formed where he lay

His body was shaking un-naturally,


A large bump formed in his throat,...

it crawled up his chin,

And then. hat c ritter.. that was just a size of a thumb hrs ago.. was now a full-sized adult.

It popped its head out of t still holding a piece of flesh.

Its two antennas as searched around,

They touched the boy's eyelids and considered another entrance...

But found another.

It was the wound one crawled out, shoving his head in the wound,

It started crawling upward, eating its way to its goal.


A soldier fell,

15 minutes later.

The Queen and the Nun returned.

Nun-" It is done, by now if he's not dead, then it means we succeeded.

Leaving the Nun behind.

The Queen walks up to the boy,

Sitting down, she touched his lips, A glint of sadness was visible in her eyes,

No tears came, but on the inside, she was crying.

she checked for his heartbeat,

It was there!

Sister-" *Sigh* *Mumbling*..... it could have been a lot better darling... if only that bitchy mother of ours was wise enough to understand my love for you, but don't worry after this is done, I'll have you treated, you might hate me now, but you'll love me, you'll love me in futures.., I will make a paradise.. just for us, Promise."

She spoke under her breath, saying this to her love, and she stood up.

Looking over the Nun, she signaled her.

The Nun came, holding a cage with a butterfly inside it.

She put the cage in Boy's chest and said


Rain-"..I---e.... dooooo"














Slowly opening my eyes...

I felt a little restrained my neck was resting between two soft and warm meat pillows..., little wet tho..., must sweat.

Devil-" A ha~?you're awake? so how was it? u s t 24 hrs, shouldn't be too bad."

We it.

Rain-" Death would have been better it would have."

Devil-" Eh~, Well deals a deal, your sister has been healed and she has received her reward, WOOO!, as for your family, I've sent them some dreams, they should call down now."

Rain-" It's gonna be fine?"

Devil-" Well it'll be better for you to accept them, your mother is dying for your love, maybe give her a smooch once you get up."

Rain-" After she almost killed me, I don't think so, plus it'll be too awkward."

Devil-" AH~ Don't worry, I've arranged everything, oh yeah! almost forgot!."

She Arches forward and kisses me on the lips.

Devil-" the contract is done, Now you have some of my influence around you, believe me, it'll help"

Rain-" You just wanted to kiss me, right?"

Devil-" Honey, I could have grown a dick, shoved it up to your ass, and fucked you raw with it if I WANTED TO, and you could not have done anything about it."

Rain-" I'm sorry."

devil-" Enough chit chats, begone now, I already extracted the crystal, I'm busy now"










Authors Note


I know that's not your type fuck, but that's how I'm saying it.

Longest chapter yet! 5400 something words.

Well but that's it, hope you enjoyed reading it,


The next chapter will be a normal one.

Maybe no killing.

Oh, Our first yandere will be back,

And she'll stay!

pls comment your thoughts and any spelling mistakes you find, thank you!