
Rain POV.

??-"Vital signs normal."

What?... what's happening.. where am I?

??-"Doctor!, Patient's Mother has hired a Healer from Church."

??-"The fuck?, Hell Nah!, I'm not working with those cultist bastards!"

I can hear two people talking.

??-"B, but! they insist on doing it"


God... it's too... noisy...






POV of a new nurse on his first day.


NAME-: Dane Easter.

SEX-: Male.



RACE-: Human/Harengon.

HEIGHT-: 5.1 feet.

AGE-: 21.

Holding my I'D in my hand I was giggling in Excitement!

Dane-"It's here! it's finally here!!!!!"

Unable to contain my excitement, I screamed in my lungs.

Security guard-" Kid, this is the Dental ward, mental ward is on the other side."

Oops!, I have to maintain an image, I can't look weird on my first day.

My name is Dane Easter, A Harengon(Rabbit folk) and human hybrid.

Well Mom was a Human and Dad was a Harengon, they fell in love and they had me!

Hi, I'm Dane.

I was a medical student for the last 4 years, but now I'm finally a Nurse in the most prestigious Hospital in the whole country!

Dane-"This is the start of my new life!"

Marching towards the entrance with my mind full of confidence and heart filled with determination, There is nothing in this world that can stop me!

Security guard-" Stop right there."

Dane-"WHAT? But I work here!"

Security guard-"I'D, please"

Dane-" Oh! yeah yeah! yeah yeah, THAT! I got it just right here! it's my first day here, hehe.. uh you know how it is, right?"

Security guard-"I'D ...., please."

Dane-"I have it! I, I, I'm just a little nervous, You know~, peer pressure~, hehe, right?...."

Security guard-"..."

Dane-" hehe.. ha. ha..., GOT IT!!!!!!, HERE!!"

Showing her I'D, I was finally allowed to enter the building.

Dane-"Heavens..., This is beautiful.., A place where People play God."

Installed with the most advanced technology, and greatest brains in the country, this place was really a sight to behold.

People come in and out of the rooms in hurry, all while holding a single sheet of paper or a file, Talking with other people just like them but not even sharing a single glance!

Dane-"It's... so... COOOOOOLLLLL!!!!!!!"

I can't believe I'm actually standing here!!!, I must not waste any more time! I need to meet with someone in Room T1T5.

Filled with excitement I rushed towards my goal!



15 minutes later.



Janitor-" Uh.. kid, this is the Storage room.

Dane-"*Gloooooommmmm....*... I'm *sob*, I'm lost."

I can't believe I got lost on my first day...

Walking back in my tracks with drooping shoulders and crying eyes.

I need to find that room at any cost, I'm already late and my makeup is ruined too, My life can not be worse...

??-"Excuse me, are you allowed to be here?"


Someone tapped my left shoulder, Turning around I see.


A Six-foot tall beauty with leopard ears and shady eyes, She is wearing a lab coat with a golden pin adorned with silver flowers, long neck sleek glasses, ..ah.. she's so handsome

??-" Ah...*cough*Do you need help?."


??-" You know what, please take this."

She offers me a napkin, Well I need that, Wiping my tears I could see my makeup was coming off with it.

God I must be looking awful right now,... And she saw me like this...

Kill me already...

??-" Feeling better now?"

Dane-" No... I feel horrible..., it was my first day here in the hospital as the Junior Nurse, But I got lost and now I don't even look presentable.....*Sob* *sob*..., It was supposed to be the best day of my life.. but ... now it's all ruined..ahhhhhhh *sob* aah"

And now I'm crying in front of her!!!, Why is this happening!!???

??-" Hey! hey! hey! calm down! calm down! it's not that bad, just clean it off a little bit, and you'll look great even without it! You don't need makeup! you are pretty as it is"

Dane-" which *sob*..thank you.."

??-" And you know what? I'm a head surgeon!, you don't need to worry about anything, I'll guide you! Where are you heading?"

Dane-" T1T5, I was supposed to meet with someone there."

??-" T1T5. Wait, are you Dane?"

Dane-".. Yes, How do you know?"

??-" I was the one you were supposed to meet!, Haha~ My name is kora, kora Green, Pleasure to meet you."

She extends her arm in a handshake.


My tears were not leaking but Falling like a fucking fountain, Crying like an Ambulance siren I fell to my knees.

*Slap!* *sigh*

With a violent facepalm, she sighs like she has seen a disappointment beyond measures.....

God, I'm done for!

Kora-" Sweety, No! please, stop crying! here look at me, you have not ruined anything! ok? Now clean your pretty face and let's go meet your other colleagues, We still have a lot of time.


Putting a hand on my shoulder and holding my hand she helps me up.

Kora-" Here let me guide you"


Sparkles were glittering in my eyes.

She guided Me to Where I needed to be, and even introduced me to other people!

Just when I was thinking my day was ruined, she saved me!

Dane-" I'll be in your care from now on! please take care of me!"

Greeting all my new seniors, I was given a tour of the building.

Kora-" And here we have our greatest equipment, it can see through muscles and find about all the broken bones without needing to cut through them! For now, we have named it X-ray, but I honestly prefer a see-through box, simple."

This thing can challenge gods.....

The later trip went pretty smoothly, best part was the brunch with Dr. Kora,

Yup, she's my senior! gotta respect her heights!




It's evening now,

Currently sitting with Dr. kora at the hospital's cafe, we picked a window seat that faces the park, Providing the best view of the sunset.

As the red and orange lights shined on her hair, Her magnificent figure was like a Ruby decorated on a gold ring.

After finishing our coffee, the sun finally set, it was time for me to go home now,

Dane-" I think I should be going now, it's getting late."

Kora-" Yup, you are right, sooo... ah before going home, do you wanna have dinner with me? my treat!"

Dane-" I'll be delighted!, Just let me call my dad and inform him, uh.... where is it?"

Kora-" I think you last used it in the surgical room when I showed you the equipment, maybe we should check it there."

Dane-" Yeah let's go!"

Hurrying over the Operation field, it was just as she said, my phone was on the tool table.

Dane-" Ah found it~, ok! let me jus-"


Dane-" Huh?"

Kora-" what was that"

Anxiety filled my heart,


A Security guard was running like a mad train, just in the hallway,

Seeing her, Dr.Kora ran outside calling her that she was there.

Kora-"Hey! what happened??, what was that noise!!??

The guard ran past the room, but hearing her she drifted u-turn running she fell on Dr's feet.

Security guard-" Doctor! there is an emergency!! we have a patient who is in critical condition"

Kora-"But what's the panic about??"

Clenching on a napkin in my hand I watch the guard with a dreaded expression, his hands were trembling in fear,

Cold sweat poured down his nape as he listened to their conversation.



Security guard-" YES!!, Her hench-women even shot down one of the nurses for refusing to work with the healer!, DOCTOR! WE NEED TO HURRY!"


Riz-" No need, I'm here now, you Kora?"

Just as the guard was explaining the situation, someone came from behind and cocked a pistol on Dr.kora's head, her head was bleeding severely, half of her face was dyed red, and her shirt was also tattered in some places.

Behind her were 6 beast-women of wolf race, wearing black suits and K9 face muzzles on their faces, they were equipped with STG-44 rifles.

Kora-" R, R,. ... Riz... Young.. why wh-!?"


Hench-women#1-" That's Ma'am for you, asshole."

One of her thugs just smacked her gun's stock on Dr. Kora's face.

She was petrified, shaking like a wet kitten, she fearfully hangs her head low and asks.

Kora-"Ma'am, What do you need?"

Riz-"Calm down girl, we don't have time for this, hey! bring him here."

She orders one of the women and then she nods and goes back.

Riz-" Prepare the surgery table, I have a patient for you, also you'll be working with a Healer, I hope it's not a problem?"

Kora-" N, N No problem!"

Kenny-"Thank god, at least one logical person is here."

Another person comes while carrying a huge trunk.

*Thump thump thump thump*

Kenny-" Shut up!"



A painful cry came from the trunk as she threw it down.

Riz-"Calm down, it'll be no good if he can't do his job"

Kenny-" Shut the fuck up, You think I don't know after all the trouble I went through to get him! huh?.... where's Jude?"

Riz-"In the control room, mending the cameras"

Hench-women#2-" He's here.

A person is bought in bed, it's a young boy, covered in cuts and bruises, His face is almost squashed into a mess.

What the hell is happening!!??







I uploaded early coz ideas flooded my mind.

Expect some fast chapters in the future.

And as always, Thank you for reading.

Comment your thoughts, and point out any spelling mistakes.


Consider adding a review, I'll really appreciate that!

Thank you again for reading.