CH14-Recovery 2.

Third person's POV.

At the arrival of new figure, Dane was left in horror, It was the first time he saw anyone in such state, he knew that the hospitals were filled such incidents but it was all inside books.

Goursome injuries are very different from papers compared to real life.

He felt like throwing up, but he knew that it will cost him his life.

Riz-" All right, this is where they do surgery right?, all your equipments should be here too."

Kora-" Y, Yes they are, i can operate, please put the boy on the table"

After Kora's confirmation, A Hench-women whi was pushing Rain's stretcher decided to carry him in her arms to the table.


But she was quickly berrated by Kenny with a harsh-full tone, Kenny then herself carried Rain to the table.

Kora then without saying anything prepared the equipments, although she wanted to first remove glass shard from his skin, but was concerned that she might cut some nerve by mistake.

Kora-" Are there any X-ray? or something like this?, if I'm correct he was already examined by the nurse, there should be some check up reports."

Jude-" Got em right here!"

Jude entered the room while carrying a hand written memo in her hand, apreantly, the nurse who was not shot managed to write his condition just before Riz decided to take him to other room.

Jude-"There you go, Make sure to properly read it, you'll be in trouble if you mess this up, and I'm honestly saying this for your good too, Good luck."

Kora-"Ah. T Thank you."

Kora was relieved that someone among them was kind enough to bless her with good luck, Because he really needed it right now.

She was prepared to begin but.. there was one problem.

Room was overly crowded, Young Family and 9 Beast-women, Not to forget the Beast- women's were equipped with firearms and were very intimidating, this was definitely not a proper working environment.

Mistakes could happen if one can not concentrate during work, especially in medical field.

Kora-" I'm sorry but you'll have to wait outside during the operation."

Riz-" huh?, bitch you blind?"

Jude-" Mom we have to listen to the doctor here, it won't be any good If he messed up because your Thugs scared the shit out of him."

Approving the Kora, Jude reasoned with her mother, surely she was most sensible person in whole family.

Riz-"...*Looks at Kenny*.."


Riz-" Fine, we'll wait outside, Girls, Secure the area, explain to them and make sure no one disturbs us, of yeah!, keep the infirmary open."

Hench-women#1-" Understood!"

Kora-" I need that person *points at Dane* and the healer I'll be working with to be here with me."

Kenny-" Fine, Healer's in the trunk, We three *Points at Riz and Jude* are outside, holler if you need anything."

With that said, Everyone expect Dane and healer left the room.

Kora-" Dane, help me here."

Dane-" Ye yes!"

Pushing the trunk to a corner, Kora asked Dane for a hand, The trunk was locked with a lever on the side.


Kora unlocked the trunk and freed the person inside, Inside was a boy with long blue hairs and peach red skin, he belonged to moth Race and had a fluffy cottan white Mane,

The Boy was blindfolded and had his mouth shut tight, but besides just his left cheek slightly bruised he was un-injured.

Dane quickly removed his blind fold and freed his mouth too, Kora helped him out.

Surprisingly he was very quite and didn't uttered a single word .

Dane-" Uh.. doctor?.. is he ok?"

Kora-" I don't know, You Ok kid?."

Healer-" Yes I am."

Boy was emotion less and didn't even blinked.

Dane-"[ The hell?]

Dane-"You.. seem awfully calm right now."

Kora-" Yeah.. even i was trembling a minute ago."

Healer-"I am told by your boss to only speak when needed and say how much is needed."

Kora-" Our boss?"

Dane-" They are not our boss!! Just like you we are also trapped here!"

Kora-" God! He is trumatised!!"

Upon hearing this the healer runs his eyes around the room, surveying the area carefully.

Healer-"I can speak normally?.., Are you guys sure it's safe?",

Kora-" For now, it is,.... but we'll have to start the treatment or we'll all be in deep shit."

Dane-" Yeah... by the way, what's your name."


Dispite the assurance he was still hesitant.

Kora-" Well whatever, we don't have much time, Dane, prepare the tools and also get me a anesthesia shot."

Dane-" Yes."

Kora-" Adam, if possible I'll like you to rest for a little while, we're gonna need you after a while."

Just as he was told Adam decided to rest, but.....

Adam just nods and goes back to his trunk.

Dane -" Wait! wait! wait! why are you going back inside?"

Adam-" I feel more safe inside, and i think this trunk is bulletproof, so i think resting here is better."

Dane-"uh... ok, ... suit yourself."

Dane didn't dig too much into it, he already has his hands full.

While he was busy gathering needed stuff, Kora read the reports given to her,

Kora-" *mumbling*...Eyes are not functioning, deep laceration, blood loss, Face muscles are broken and some minor factures on skull....,

The fuck..

Kora-"[How the fuck is he even alive?!,

Even if barely hanging on dear life, but this is too much!,He is defying the logic written in my text books!!]

Dane-" All right, It's all done, anything else?"

Kora-" blood packs!, 'O' group, at least 20, get em from the blood bank on the second floor."

Dane-" Yes!"

With Dane away and adam inside the trunk, Kora could finally concentrate on task at hand.

Carefully taking out glass shards from his face, she cleared his face, her side table was filled with blood filled cottons.




Outside at the waiting area.

Riz-".. He's gonna be fine, ... right?"

Kenny-" Fuck off."

Jude-" He'll be fine, we got both surgeon and healer, everything's gonna be ok."

Riz was sitting on a chair, grabbing her head between her knees, she was in a hangover state, Suffering from hangover headache was painful. but after she losing herself in drunk state and hurting Rain, Kenny smashed her lifting bar on her head too.

but that pain was nothing from the horror she was feeling right now,

Every single word reaching her ear was resounding like echoes in mountain, she could hear her heartbeat like a drum pound, every single second was like getting hit with a sledge hammer.

Riz was depressed after her Son's death and it got worse after her husband gave up too, sadly her work didn't allow her the luxury of spending too much time with her family at those fregile moments.

She thought if she dedicated her mind in her work she'll be able to deal with is somewhat easily. But it was all futile, While chasing for Money and power she was loosing time.

And now when she had both time, money and Power, her family was already broken to different peices, she didn't knew how to face her daughters and worst part was that she had no right to complain about it either, At such times alcohol and booze was her only escape from reality.

She many times thought of drinking her life out, It was all in ruins and she was ready to end it all.

But then one day, a call came.

Elis-" Hello, this is Riz young?"

Riz-" Yes, what do you want?"

Elis-" You lost a son some years back, right?"

It catched her attention

Riz-" ..... why are you asking me this?"

Elis-" He is here....., i can't explain everything but, it would be great if you could visit us once."

Riz-" ....Where are you."




Driving to the church,

Her initial plans were to burn the whole place down, but.

Riz-"That won't be enough..., I'll bring the whole Fucking organization down."

And thus she decided to use law, that way, not only she'll deal with whoever called her but also tarnish the image of the church in masses.

But when she got there she met a little angel, that angle humored her and made her feel special.

Finding out that he was just a orphan there, she was Little disheartened for destroying his home, but her decisions were absolute.

But Upon meeting with her caller.





Riz-" *sob*...I was way too desperate."

Kenny-" And Stupid."

Jude-" And Drunk."

Her daughters were right, She was way too desperate to break the ice between them, And acted rashly ruining everything.

Her mind was only running with that thaught that if she managed to win him over her daughters would be reeled in too, but it all failed.

It was like a process of gaining the trust of a puppy, you had be patient or else instead of trusting you the pup will only obey you in sheer horror.

Sadly Riz was not blessed with patience needed for such caring.

Her hands were shaking as she felt her hope for a better future crumbling.

Riz-"Go------d...Why couldn't i just be more patience..., everything's over.. i fucked it all."

Kenny&Jude -"" Yes you did.""

Her daughter's word were not any help, Infact, she was sinking in guilt more and more.

Riz-"*Mumbling* lord.. what do I do? ... just one more chance ... please just one more chance...."

Riz, the women who never prayed or even bowed her head down to anyone, was now begging with tear ful eyes, shaking like a waterless fish.

Kenny-" I hope you are sober-ed up now, or do I have to throw you out of window for that."

Jude-"Calm down..ok, look at her, this is the first time she's been like, .. Mom, are you genuinely sorry?"

Riz-"Y.. *sob* yes."

Her voice was cracking, slowly picking her head up she answered with a gloom full emotion.

Kenny-"Jude you seriously believe her?"

Jude-" No, I don't, But I'm not willing to loose more of my family, Just pray that Rain forgives you and if not, At least not cry at your sight."

Kenny-" Whatever.... No more booze in the house."

Jude-" Fine."

Riz-" F, fine."


The door eeriely opened, Dane slowly popped his head out, looking around the first thing he noticed that none of the thugs were standing around, he was relieved.

Kenny-" Why are you here?"

Seeing him Riz quickly wiped her tears and regained her degnified face.

Dane-" I!, I!, I need Some blood packets! i have to go to the second floor for that.

Riz-" fine...., Kenny go with him"

With Kenny, Dane went to get the blood packs.

Inside the Room,

Kora was seriously having a hard time, blood was filling Rain's air canal So she had to cut open his throat and attach a oxygen pipe for him to breath.

Worse part about it was that some of that glass priced through his eyes and Stabbed his brain.

His eyes were coming out with glass as she tried to pull it out.

Dane-" This healer better be good or we are all FUCKED"!

Right now she was in the middle of sewing back all the cuts.

Dane -" Doctor I'm back!"

Dane returned with blood packs.

Quickly putting the stuff down, he disinfected his hands and now was ready to help.

Wearing the gloves he was staring at Dr. Kora,

Dane-" Doctor.. who are these people?.."

Unable to control his curiousity he ask.

Kora-" That's Riz young and her daughters."

Dane-" Yeah but!, Who the hell are these gals?"

Kora-" Heh~, You must be living under a rock to not know about them, it's a long story.. but luckily we have plenty of time."








Rapid chapters, more to come!

Comment your thoughts and point the spelling mistakes.

Thank you for reading.