CH15-Recovery 3.

Third Person's POV.


The last shard was removed from the eye and placed on a tray.

Kora-" Riz young, *sigh*... Dane, do you have a Stone&silver bank account?"

Dane-" I don't... but my Mom do, why do you ask?"

Kora-" That bank is owned by Riz young...., not only that, S&S is the only private bank in the country that is allowed to have business overseas."

Dane-"I... I never knew that.., But! even if she owns a bank, how the hell is she able to walk around with thugs like this and how come she doesn't get arrested!?"

Kora-" Her sister is the head of police, you must have heard about her."

Dane-"... No I have not...."

Kora-"*sigh*heh, It's fine.... so as I was saying Her Sister, Ashley Young is the head of the police department, not only does she covers her tracks but also provides significant protection for her. and her family."

Dane-"You are telling me that she runs a gang?"

Kora finished the last stitch on the left side of the face."

Kora-" Not a gang..., but if you take a loan from her bank and can't afford to pay in time.. then bad things come your way, You see normally when a person can't return pay the loan they usually just take their property or stuff..., but Riz... No No.. she'll have you crying on your knees, begging on the ground....."

Dane's expression was confused, while Kora had a sympathetic emotion.

Dane-" but why would anyone take money from her bank if the risk is so high!?"

Kora-" Cuz you get the money quickly with no questions asked and no paperwork needed, but of course, it is done under the table, from outside it's just a normal bank, but if you were to dig in deep, you'll find things that don't appear in newspapers, She controls the whole area from here to the capital, from capital, other banks take control.

Dane-" this ... this is insane.., why isn't the government doing anything about it?"

Kora-" Because other rich and powerful people need her, tell me, where do you think all the politicians get this crazy money for their advertisement and voting campaigns, They all use black money."

Dane-" But how come such suspicious spending goes unnoticed?"

Kora-" It's not suspicious if they have proof of its reasoning, that's Where the Riz comes in, Dane what's our city's main tourist attractions?

Dane-"Uh... Movies, films, and carnivals, Our city is known to be an entertainment hub of the nation."

Kora-" Exactly!.. Riz invests that money in producing those flashy celebrations and expensive movies, she is the sponsor of most the serials on TV."

Hearing Dane was stunned, he didn't think that these roots dig so deep.

Dane-"You seem to know a lot about this kind of stuff."

Kora-" Well, my mom's a news reporter, so she kinda talks a lot about this."

Dane-"*Frowns brow* I can't believe this is happening on my first day of job.."

Kora-" Calm down, there is nothing we can do about it now, except, of course, treat this person."

Dane-" who is he anyway?..., he seems important to her..., otherwise.. going to such extent."

Kora-" I don't know..."

Kora was almost done with her work, the last thing that was left was to apply bandages.

Picking up a bandage role she began to wrap him,

Dane-" Wait doctor, shouldn't we wake Adam by now."

Kora-" That's a great idea, could you?"

Dane -" Certainly!."

Dane approached the trunk and opened it, inside, Adam was still asleep without any care in the world.

Dane-" Adam, wake up."

He taps his shoulders but Adam just gives a long yawn.

Adam-"Mo*Ywaaaannnnnnnnnnnn*m. Mom, I don't wanna go to school today.."

Dane-"What?.. N No, Adam, it's me! Dane!"

Adam-"Mm?..Dane?. Nah I'm not homo.."

Dane-"Huh!? What are you talking about!?, just wake up!"

Adam-" I said I'm not homo!, get me a hunk cowgirl to peg me, I'll only wake then.."

Dane-"..ah... *Blushed*.."

Dane got up, walked to the other side of the room and picked up his purse, and took out his perfume can.

Walking back to the truck, He closed it and then sprayed the whole Can through the keyhole.


Dane-"*Eagerly waiting*..."

Dane-" *Intensely waiting*..."

*Thump!* *Thump!*




Adam-" GET ME OUT!!!!!"

Adam was suffocating inside, and Dane was in no hurry to let him out.

Kora-" Dane, what's happening?"

Dane-" Nothing."


Shaking like a crab in hot oil, Adam was struggling for his dear life

Finally satisfied and fed up from this loud banging, Dane opens the trunk, and as he does Adam pop out like popcorn."

Adam-" Hahaha!!! god! I thought I was gonna die!!, oh .. thank god I'm out..."

Dane-" Yes you finally are..., had a good dream?."

Adam-"It ... it was a nightmare.., I saw that I was kidnapped by a 'Haulstaur' ....., why did you lock me!?"

Dane-" You said you'll feel safe that way."

Adam-" I ...did?"

Dane-" Yup*Monotone*

Adam-" But damn man..., you know I was almost raped in my dream."

Dane-" *Monotone* Damn..., must be bad"

Kora-" Could you guys keep it down!"

Dane-" S S Sorry!"

Adam-" Whatever.., why did you wake me?"

Dane-" To do the task you were bought here for."

Adam-" *Rubbing eyes* Aaaaaaandd... what am I here for again?"

Dane-" what do mean by that?.... Were you not told anything?"

Adam-" Brother.., I just got out of my room and was hit by something, when I woke up, I was Inside this trunk with my eyes closed and mouth shut,... I have no fucking idea what's going on.."

Dane-" Well it's fine, you see that guy there, on the operating table?"

Adam-" Yeah..., what about it?"

Dane-" You just need to heal him after 'Kora' the doctor, is done patching him up"

Upon hearing the word heal Adam loses all the colors from his face.

Adam-" Do .. what?"

Dane-" Heal him, the boy's messed up, to be honest, I was not expecting him to live..., but our lives depend on it, So even though I saw no hope for him, I was for it."

Adam-"..*gulp*. You ...e saying that.. if we are unable to save him.. we could die...Like ... Die."

Kora-" That is most likely to be the case,... but! I'm almost done here, now I just need to start the blood transfusion, You can start to heal him then, Transfusion will continue as it is till the morning."

Adam was sweating bullets, There has been a misunderstanding..., and Sadly he is the reason for that misunderstanding, which apparently might just cost him his life.

Adam-" ah .uh .. actually .. there one.. problem.."

Dane glanced at Adam's face and didn't like the look of it.

Dane-" what happened?..., what do you mean by one problem?"

Adam-"..Ah... I just don't know how .. to say this.. *cough* *cough*..."

Kora-" All right I'm done! Adam you can start!"

Adam-" About... that... uh .."

Both Dane and Kora were confused from seeing Adam acting like this, His words were cracking and he was shaking nervously.

Kora-"..Adam... Answer me honestly.. ok?.... CAN. YOU. USE. HEALING MAGIC?"

Adam-" A, A, A, A,A!!!."

Dane-" What is happening!? what are you two talking about!!!"

Adam didn't answer, Or he couldn't... It's as if his throat was tied with metal chains that sealed his words.

Adam-"A..e... I I ca!.. I I ca--n't ..U"

(Translation-I can't use it)


Kora fell to her knees, with eyes devoid of all life, she leaked tears of upcoming dread.

Kora-" We're... dead ... we are all dead..."



It is a world of Magic and Monsters called Lusitania.

But consider it just before the modern age and days.

Our MC is in a World that has advanced its technology and education to a good degree.

The Current age and Country are similar to Old Europe, Industries soar high but Old values remain strong.

Royalties exist but do not hold much power over the Military or The Government, Instead, they hold their importance by continuing to Influence the General Public.

Dukes and Monarch also exist, but their Titles are nothing but decoration, something for the show, That provides popularity but doesn't hold any power.

A state's or a city's condition is decided by the bank controlling it, While the National Bank holds power over the nation, they cannot control Every part of it.

In the world, only 20 percent of people can wield Magic, from which most decide to be an Adventurer.

While the Government and Military exist and are quite powerful,

Adventures contribute a great deal economy, providing rare resources and materials that can not be mass-produced,

In this country, For that reason many rich people pretend to be able to use magic, Sometimes it's just rumored but sometimes People would use Mana tools to use magic and give out the illusion that they can wield Magic,

All while just pretending to do so,

While the Government has officially criminalized such practices, some people continue to do so.

People that can use magic are considered to be lucky, and not just lucky, having magic is like being born into a rich family, It can assure you a job in a government office and even provide a huge media influence.

As for normal people, who cannot use magic, Take the help of magic tools, A device powered by Mana stones, that are gathered from nature and monsters,

Most of the World's appliances are powered with its help, While electricity has been invented, Plants needed for its production are also powered by Stones.

There are Mana stones of different elements, and scientists can combine them to suit their needs.

A person learns to use Mana stones in School.

As to control it One needs to learn the ability to manipulate Mana, that's where the Academy comes in.

Almost every city has a different Academy owned by different people, each better than the other.

But non could hold the candle to the 'National Academy of Magic and Science',

An Academy Run by the government itself, the only place in the whole nation where No ends were left loose. (Our MC will be going there in the future!)

Admission to an Academy is not easy, One needs enormous wealth and influence, or a mind beyond measures, But being able to wield Magic clears out all the requirements.

Aside from that, The world has made great progress in communication media, smartphones and social media go hand in hand with magic and swords.

Big Budget Movies and Shows are daily Occurrence, Used to influence the masses.

In this world, there are many different races each and every one of a different region and ethnicity,

Many races, that in old times used to be aggressive towards other races or Allied with demon Lords in back then are now treated harshly,

Races like Dark elves, Vampires, Oni, and Demons are treated like Third class citizens,

In old times their empires committed atrocities and now their descendants pay the price.

Currently, besides form racial discrimination society is separated into two Sides, One the church of goddess and the other the university of Science,

Although they fight interface but unground many illegal activities are committed in silence.


Character Introduction.

Rain- A innocent man who died in prison due to false accusations, who later on got reincarnated to the world Lusitania, And Then possessed the body of Alan Young.

Alan Young- A boy who died as a baby, due to some illness, His whereabouts before Rain possessed him are unknown, many experiments were done on him.

Sara- A Spirit of vengeance and Suffering, Mentally unstable, Currently holds an unhealthy obsession over Rain.

Elis-Head Nun of the Church of Lilith manages the records of every illegal activity done by the church.

Avira- Jr Nun, currently working for Elis, was hired as a face for the church to see that "God is forgiving to all.

Riz Young- Biological mother of Alan young, At the time of her Son's death, her family was financially struggling, To divert her mind from her Son's loss dedicated her mind to her Work, and in Mear 8 years created herself an empire that was in par with the Royal family.

Kenny Young- Riz's First child, After her brother's death, her mother distanced herself from the family, and her father was not able to coop with it and thus committed suicide, since then her hate for her mother has grown considerably, although their conditions have grown better since then, The Tole it took on her childhood was very negative.

Jude Young- Riz's second daughter, She was only 7 years of age when her brother died, at 8 her father died too, at that time her only support was her elder sister, thanks to her she was grown somewhat normally.


Thanks for reading, finished the chapter here cuz it was a good cliffhanger.

I hope a better understanding of the world and character is given here.

Thank you for reading and I hope you like it.

Comment your thoughts,

And please! leave a review~.

Once again Thank you for reading