CH16-Recovery 4.

Third Person's POV.

Kora Slumped down on floor, landing in her knees, She just stares at ground with empty eyes, Eyes that are devoid of any life or hope.

Adam was the same, Tears were rolling down his cheeks, Like a injured puppy he was shivering.

Dane couldn't understand what was happening, but he realised that they all were in grave danger now.

Scouring through his mind for ideas, he tried to think of All the possible ways, but none came.

But then Kora stood up, her hands were already trembling and she bit down her lower lip in anxiety.

Kora -"Should we tell them?"


Both of them were beyond shock, how could they not?, She literally just asked them if she could invite their death inside.


Dane-" Kora there has to be a other way!"

They both grabbed her shoulders from each side and latched onto her in despair.

But kora didn't just suggested in Misery, She had a good reasoning for it.

Kora-" No I'm not, .... think about it., what will happen when they find out about this on their own."

Her words halted the two's panic at once.

Kora-" What will happen If they just barged in?


Kenny-" Is it done yet?"


Kenny-" haassssh..., Stop screaming!, What happened? why are your grouped like this?, is surgery done?"

Kora-" It t t t t t It's done!, we are just waiting for blood transfusion to end!!"

Kenny-" Ok.....And then?"

Kora-" Th!, Th!, Th!, Th!, Th!, Then we'll start the healing process, it'll take till morning!"

Kenny-" We don't have till morning!, do it now!"

Kora-" B!, B!, B!, But we can't rush things like this, It could affect his brain, he might even forget who he is!!"

Kora was not saying things randomly, her warnings were geniune.



Riz barged in, breaking the door down, she was beyond shock, Brows Frowned, Eyes widened, Arms pumped, and a nerve visible on her forehead.

Adam&Dane-" AAAAARRRRRHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

Kenny-" STOP SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Both Dane and Adam were on floor, Hugging each other, crying like broken fountain.

And Kenny's verbal lashing was like oil to the fire.

But Riz didn't paid any of this attention, Instead, she Pounced on Kora, Grabbing her collar with her left hand and pointing a gun with right,

Kora was too shocked to say anything, her lungs stopped to function, and in mear two seconds her whole life flashed into her eyes.

Riz-" You said something about him forget,... what do you mean by forget?"


Riz-" Answer ME!"

Kora-" If if if we avoid using a Healer and just use potions to speed up, he might suffer from brain neurological amnesia, he might just forgot everything!"

Riz-".... *tilts her head* to what degree?... How much...*Brings face closer"*. would he forget?"

Kora-".From short term memory loss Everything..."

Hearing their conversation Kenny was not getting a good feeling form it, Giving Riz a furious side look she asked.

Kenny-"What are you implying?"

Riz-" Kenny...My daughter.... I have hurt him.., Did somthing that he'll probably never forgive me for,.... But I'm way too greedy... I know it's a selfish request..., But... for the sake of this family..., I'm willing to do it.."

Understanding she Riz ment Kenny lost her temper.

Kenny-"you littEl FUcking WENCH!!!!!!!"

Kenny Grabs Riz, she pushes Kora to a side, and wraps her fingers around Riz throat.

Kenny-" How low are you willing to fall!"

Riz does not loses her composer, instead like a statu, she stares deep into kenny' eyes and replies.

Riz-"far....Far .. FAR BELOW YOUR MEASURING POINT..., for my this selfish request, I'm willing to go BEYOND ANY LIMITS."


Riz-" It was always there...., but i thought hiding it would be easier then to face it.., But I can't hide it anymore... I AM NOT GONNA HIDE ANYTHING,.... NOT GONNA HOLD ANYTHING ANYMORE ANYLONGER."


Kenny's eyes were red, filled with blood lust.


A hidden taser coming from Riz's sleeve is pointed on Kenny's abdomen

Riz-" Sorry my daughter... But I'm Not STOPPING FOR ANYONE EITHER."

Kenny-" AAAAARRRRRR!!!?!!!?????,..... you...



Kenny Falls like boulder.


Adam&Dane-""*Mumbling*... these people are crazy!!!*""

Riz-".. Doctor..We just need to speed up things with poition, right?, are there any other things we need to take care of?"

Kora-" Ah..uh...,*Deep inhale and exhale*.. *sigh*.. A week worth of bed rest, don't expose the eyes to strong light, his throat and jaw are too weak for normal food, so if possible have him blood feeds, and lastly a tharepy animal is suggested."

Riz-".. Understood doctor.., Thank you, *pulls out her phone*, All right gals we're done, but Kenny's down..., come and get her."

From Phone-" UNDERSTOOD!"

Putting her phone back to her pocket, Riz turns around to Rain, only to find Jude standing beside Rain.

Jude-" You are a fucking piece of shit, you know that?"

Riz-" Believe me when i say, that I never want you to be like me in future."

Jude-" Oh Sure, that's my top priority."

Riz-" Good for you."

And with just that, They both leave with the boy and all the things needed for continuing the transfusion.

10 seconds after two of Riz's thugs came and carried Kenny and left.


Kora-" HHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!, ..... they left...., oh god... We are actually alive...., Oh Thanks to any and all beings form heaven that blessed us.."

Dane&Adam-"" DOCTOR!!!!!!""

Both of them, Ran and hugged kora from both sides, and started crying on her chest,

Dane-"*Sob*Waaaahhhhh!!!, I thought we are gonna die!!!!!"

Adam-" Ahhhh!!!, thank you!! thank you!!!, if it wasn't for you today i would have surely died by now!!!"

Kora-"*Blushed*. hehe... i guess it's not that bad either..., hey? would you two like to have a dinner with me?"

Adam&Dane-""I WOULD LOVE TOO!!!!""

They both answered in unison, but something didn't felt right

Dane&Adam-"" Wait!! why are you inviting him too!?, aren't i enough for you!!??, hey answer me!!""

Kora-"hehe let's just go...."






In a large heavy Armor vehicle,

Riz was driving, and Jude was sitting next to her, on the back Rain was layed down on a stretcher with still a butterfly needle attached to his arm, besides him, Kenny was laying on ground unconscious, and besides her, 9 Beast-women with guns were sitting too.

There was a glass shield between the front seats and back side, it was sound proof and a conversation between two sides could only be done through the radio on side of stearing wheel.

(I'm using 'thug' now instead of hench women)

Thug#1-" Hey... who do you think he is?"

Thug#2 -"No idea lady~, but boss rearly uses this HPV, so he must be important."

Thug#3 -" How about you two quite down, cuz I don't care how important he is, he is the reason I had to leave my boyfriend in the middle of our date!"

Thug#1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9-""YOU GOT A DATE!???""

Thug#3-" oh hell nah! I'm not telling anything to anyone"


Riz kicks hard on breaks,

Jude-" The hell?"

Riz-"Gonna get those potions, and that animal."

Confused, Jude pops her head out of window, they were in the middle of a humble neighborhood, with no Market or any shops near, just ideal homes with wide roads.

Riz-"Wait here, I'll be back in a minute or ten."

Getting off, Riz goes straight inside a house purple walls and pink fence.

*knock knock knock*

She knocks the door in a pattern, three consecutive times, and soon it opens, but the one that comes to greet her was not someone she was expecting.

??-" Whoooo?, hey there handsome lady~, what you doing here at this time of night?"

An Old male Cat person with glasses opens the door

Riz-".uh ..., where's Jessy?"

??-"Oh you must be my Granddaughter's Math teacher, I saw you in a photo~, I'll call him, please get in, would you like coffee?"

Riz-" No thanks Sir, I'm just here to meet your granddaughter."

??-"Oh, is everything ok dear?, Jessy's sleeping in her room."

Riz-" everything's fine, I'll go wake her up, nothing for you to worry, it's just a normal student teacher chat~."

??-" Ok.., suit yourself."

Riz Goes to Jessy's room, and finds her sleeping naked next to a sex doll, she sits besides her and takes out small liquor bottle from her pocket, and pours it on her face.

Jessy-" WHAT THE!??..*looks around* WHO THR HELL!!!!? *looks at Riz*.....*gulp*... uh.. good .....morning...."

Riz-" Good morning, Jessy,.. so how's the buisness going?"

Jessy-"I it's going s s smoothly, all and only thanks to you ma'am."

Riz-" Good to hear, So you got high grade regeneration potions?"

Jessy-" Uh yes, why?"

Riz-" I wanna buy some"

Jessy-"Right now?"

Riz-"I wouldn't have come now if i didn't needed them now, So?, you selling?

Jessy-" Y Yes!, how many?"

Riz-" 10 will do for now, I'll call for more if needed."

Jessy-" 10!!????"

Riz-" Shut up!!.....and do you still smuggle those eggs?"

Jessy-"Yeah I do, but the sales have been down lately, why?, you wanna buy 10 on those two?"

Riz-" Nah, just one will do, get me the most fluffiest and cutest, Oh! and make sure it's not dangerous!"

Jessy-" Ok... I think i have one to suit your criteria, but it'll be big when hatched."

Riz-" Yeah it's fine, just go and get it."

Jessy went to her garage and in about 7 minutes came back with a box of golden shiny bottles, and a pouch with a black egg inside with golden markings on it.

Without saying anything further, she leaves closing the door behind her.

Jessy desperately wanted to ask for payment, but she didn't had courage too,

Jessy-" God damn!, who the fuck she thinks she is, To just barg in in the middle of night."

*door opens*

Riz-" Oh, and collect the payment from my home tommrow."

Jessy-" Hagiouuuuu!!!????... Y Y Yes yes , I will!"

Riz-" .... you're wierd."





Coming back to her Truck, She see 5 of her thugs standing outside pointing guns at two elves teens who are now laying on ground crying.

Riz-" What the Fuck happened?"

Jude-" They pointed a knife on me from window and then asked for keys, you know".

Riz-"*sigh* Gosh... kids these days, leave them, we don't have much time."





They all arrived at home.

Riz-" Take Kenny to her room, and then take it *taps on truck* back too, I'll send you some cash in morning."

Thug#1-" Yes ma'am!"

Riz Pushes Rain's stretcher in, As Jude opens the door, As soon as she opens it.

Blood, Scattered all over the floor, Riz doesn't says anything, but just takes him to Kenny's room, and sets him near her bed.

*engine sounds*

Her thugs have left, Now with only Jude left to her side, and Rain and Kenny unconscious, she was left to think,

What to do with this blood?

Jude-" *Sigh*... let's just clean this mess, then we'll call someone to renovate a spare room for Rain, and after this is all done, we'll use those potions."

Riz-"...*sigh*... We've been Sighing a lot lately."

Jude-" At least we are sighing together."

Riz runs a glance to her daughter, wondering how come she managed to birth this wonderful kid.

Riz-" I love you."

Jude-" I know...., Mom, I know."

Riz-".. You think Rain would ever forgive me?"

Jude-" If you take care of him properly now,.. then I don't see any reason to why not."

Riz-" What about Kenny?"

Jude-"Hm.. I'm sure she'll also pip down when she'll see all of us having a dinner together, believe me she'll love it."

Riz-" Hmmmm...,I think I'll love that too."

Time passed since Reincarnation 1day 6hrs.


Thank you for reading!

And Yes, After waking up Rain will forget everything and everyone.

Yes, he'll forget Sera too, but believe me her return will be good.

And Avira will return too, her return will be humble.

He'll finally accept Riz as his mother but sometimes occasionally will feel scared of her.

And from that fear, Riz will awaken something that'll finally start her yandere Phase.

And the again,

Thank you for reading!, comment your thoughts, leave a review! Leave a like and other stuff you know!

Thank you!