CH17-Re-spawned again.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Laying on a soft surface, I could hear a constant beeping noise, I tried to open my eyes but they felt too heavy to do so.

I could feel a smooth blanket over me, but it didn't cover my feet, thus making me feel quite uneasy.

I tried to ask if anyone was there or around, but only a soft whistle come from my mouth.

Left in such a vulnerable state, I was getting quite anxious.

I couldn't do anything except wait, Left with only my thoughts and hearing I left like floating in an endless void,

How did I get here?

Was I always here?

How long will I be here?

I felt like I should be thinking of a thousand things, but for some reason, my mind was at peace.




I don't know how much time had passed, but I suddenly realized that was breathing, And now for some reason, it didn't want to do so on its own,

But It was like a new feeling like I could control my lungs.

I, just out of boredom, decided, how would it feel if I were to breathe rapidly?... will I feel light? cuz more air will get inside me? or will my lungs get tired?... lungs ever get tired of breathing?

What will I do if my lungs got tired?

This idea was just like it sounded..., stupid....but..., it was far more tempting than just doing nothing.

And so, I did, ...

*Inhale....* *Exhale....*

With a slow start, I slowly worked my way to a higher pace.


I could hear that beeping Noise getting faster and louder with every breath I took.


??-"What the hell is happening?, MOM!!!"(Jude)


It was thr first thing I heard other than my heartbeat and that beeping sound.

It sounded like a feminine young voice.

*Thud thud thud thud!!!*

The next thing I heard was footsteps that felt like rapidly marching toward me.

??-" What happened!?" (Riz)

Another voice, this one was also feminine but it was way more mature with a lot of demeanor and might.

??-"I don't know?!, the ventilator just started to make this noise!!, and look at that heart rate!!"(Jude)

It didn't take me long to understand that I was their topic of conversation, and from what they were saying, I must be in a coma or something like this.

??-" what happened? why are you screaming?"(Kenny)

A---nd another voice, this one well, also feminine and young but quite firm and loud.

??-" His heart rate was unnaturally high!"(Jude)

??-"Well it seems to be getting normal now, .. so I guess it's fine?"(Kenny)

??-" I hope so.., he's been asleep for the whole day, shouldn't he be up by now?"(Riz)

??-"Nah, the doctor said it'll take two days, .. But wait..... Kenny?, when did you wake up?"(Jude)

??-"Two hours ago."(Kenny)

??-"How come you are so calm?"(Riz)

??-" Cuz I'm still feeling the sting, just wait till evening, I'll throw you down the roof..., till then enjoy thr peace." (Kenny)

??-"Hehe~, Yeah sure." (Riz)

I couldn't tell if they were having an argument or just chatting casually, But I can tell they are worried about me, feels good to be valued.

wait... who am I again?

It seemed very obvious, like something that was there but not revealing itself, for some reason I couldn't concentrate on it too.

Like trying to hold water in a net, my mind was unable to recall it, I am fully aware that how great of a tragedy it is to forget who you are, But surprisingly, I was not experiencing any dread of it,


Something is forcing me to forget.

??-"Well, we'll have to wait one more day."(Jude)

After saying so, they left,




Some time passed, and I felt a sudden strange warmth embrace me, My body felt lightened up like I have reached nirvana...

But it didn't last long... like a small candle slowly burning out... that warmth was constantly fading away and an uncomfortable coldness surrounded me.

I didn't feel good, Anxiety, Horror, Uneasiness..., I was experiencing it all.

And the worst thing was that I could do anything about it.

Like slowly and helplessly waiting for impending doom,

I could do nothing but wait.





I had no means of knowing the time, but I think the chills that were running through my exposed feet were only because of nighttime.

Soon I was able to move my tongue,

Me-" am I?.."

This time I could finally utter words, although they were not very clear I think they were still pretty understandable.

??-"*Unclear Hush on left ear* YOUR HOME."


Something Whispered in my ears, All my still functioning senses were now on high alert,

I felt like riding a roller coaster that didn't have any track ahead.

*beep...beep...beep..beep.beep BEPP!BEEP!BEEP!*

My horror was also confirmed by the machine to my right, this unwanted response had my blood rushing through my veins faster than the neurons in my brain.

Me-"Wh.o... are you?.."

As much as I wanted to avoid this interaction, I wouldn't be able to rest if this was left unfinished.




But no reply came.

I kept waiting, for something...., anything.

I was sure that something was there, but didn't know what?

Like something that could gut me alive, anytime if it wants to, but I wouldn't be able to do anything, let alone react I would not even see it coming.

I had no idea why I was assuming it as such, but my instincts told me to prepare for the worst.





Sunrise finally came as my eyelids were Brightened a little.

I couldn't rest even for a moment as the whole night I was waiting,

Although I feel glad to not have witnessed it anymore, I can not be so sure about the future.

??-"Is he up yet?"(Riz)

??-"He should be."(Kenny)

??-" it only been 9 hours, gosh, can't you gals give it a rest(Jude)

They've come back.

Me-" he hell..oo?

I meekly said.

??-"HE'S UP!!!!!!! (All three)


I was a little startled, but I guess they are just glad for me.

Suddenly I feel a strong push on both of my sides, maybe they've come near me, It didn't take long for me to feel four arms from both sides hug me affectionately,

I guess I'm somewhere safe.






Third Person POV.

Seeing Her Son finally wake up, she couldn't hold her emotions and ran towards him for a very needed hug, but then her leg wobbled and she fell on his side,


Enveloping him in her embrace her eyes couldn't hold her tears.

She burst into crying.

Kenny was no different from her mother, She jumped from the other side and clenched him in her arms.

But she did so while making sure he was not hurt.

Jude was standing by the doorway, seeing her family together, she also started to cry with tears of happiness.

Riz-" Oh! My Son! *sob* Please forgive your, stupid, idiotic Mother! It's all my fault you are like this!"

Jude-"Calm down Mom, it's all over now, We can start new."

Jude said in a hopeful tone,

Kenny-"Yes you are...*sob* it's all your fault*sob*.."

Jude-" Kenny please, calm down."

Kenny-" I can't ....and I won't."

Kenny was In no mode for this bullshit, and her word about throwing Riz down the roof was not a Joke either.

Riz-"It's Alright, She has full right to be angry, and I have no authority over her decision."

Kenny-" Damn right you don't."

Hearing their conversation, Rain was left in confusion, But his best assumption was that it must be the mistake of that woman who claims to be his mother.

Rain-" Uh... I'm sorry to interrupt you all, But I don't have any memory of any of you."

His words hurt Riz, It was all back to square one, but deep down, She was also glad.

Riz gently grabbed Rain's left and lead it to her face, She wanted him to have a feel of her.

Riz-" Honey, .... sweety... I'm your mother..."

Her voice cracked down with every word.



Riz felt like she had gotten the greatest joy of living.

Kenny-" M! Me! I'm your elder sister!"

Kenny Grabbing his right hand did the same, Desperate for his attention she gently rested her hand on his left shoulder.


Kenny's eyes flowed with tears, she was beyond happy, If she had a tail, it would have broken off by now from too much wagging.

Jude-" Rain."

Jude called him out,

But he did not reply right away, but he understood that it might be his name.

Rain-".. Rain.. this is my name right?.., I think I like it, ... and you?"

Jude-" Haha~ Your second elder sister, I'm Jude, you can just call me as such."

Rain-" It's nice to meet you, all of you."

Chatting ideally, Rain was happy to meet all of them, it was all going nicely until he asked.

Rain-"So?....., how did I get here? I mean, forgetting everything and injured like this."

Riz-".ah. I..I!"

Rain-" It's ok, Ah... Uh, Mom?, I don't blame you, I just want to know what happened."

Riz started to shake in fear, Casting her eyes on the floor she was quivering in anxiety.

Jude-" It was a car accident, Mom was driving, and you sadly didn't want to wear seat belts."

Jude quickly covered it up, coming to her mother's side, she rested a hand on her shoulder with a consoling attitude.

Rain-" Ah...sheesh...., now that feels well deserved, so it's all my fault. huh?"

Jude-" Yup~, You are lucky to get away with just a memory loss, it could have been worse."

Kenny-" Ye----ah *sarcastic* Your injuries were very lethal."

Kenny didn't leave any chance to taunt her mother,

Jude-" Ah Gals leave it! So hey Rain? You feel ready to open those bandages?"

Jude asked, she was eager to see Rain's face.

Rain-"Oh! So that's why I wasn't able to open my eyes!, Well, If it is safe?... Then please, by all means, Open these bandages."

Kenny-" All right let me handle it, Rain, tell me if it hurts anywhere, ok?"

Rain-" Ok!"

Rain was cheerful, for some reason, his behavior was also matching his appearance.

Slowly but steadily Kenny undid all the bandages, Little by little his face was being revealed,

With Each Unfold, Riz and Jude were getting crazy from the anticipation.






Jude&Kenny&Riz-""" HOLY LORD!!!!!"""





I did that concept art in Car, I wanted to complete it but, A bee stung my fucking Hand,

It was my main hand that I would use for Writing, Eating, drawing and Fap-?!.... Facewash and stuff.

And now it's unusable for some time.

half of the chapter is written with one thumb.

Well as always, Like, comment, and leave a review.

Thank you for reading.

and tell how our MC looks, thank you!