CH18-Home sweet home.

Third Person's POV.


Riz, Kenny, and Jude, all three of them were star-struck, their eyes gazed at Rain like moths to Moon.

Riz-" Ah..a..a..., M, m, m My Son!...Oh, goddess! My son, you look so pretty!!"

Rain-" Thanks ...but... My eyes, My eyes are a little itchy."

Adjusting his eyes and rubbing them a little, he expressed his discomfort.

Kenny-" Woah! Woah! don't rub them! you'll only make it worse!"

Rain-" But it's Itching and it's very uncomfortable, .....And it feels too bright."

Hearing the last sentence, Jude quickly recalled the advice that doctor gave them.

Jude-" Ah shit!?"

Jude quickly runs to the light switch and turns it off,

Seeing her Riz also understood what her daughter was doing, and had Rain laid back again,

Looking over at Kenny she said.

Riz-" Kenny, We need edible blood packs for Rain, also l need you to go and her a cook, and Lastly, we need vegetables, lots of them!, green and fresh, Get them, take my Kelo card"

Kelo was the currency of this world, And Riz's bank was one of the few that we were allowed to print and distribute as per the Government's instruction.

Kenny-" Yeah Yeah I got one too!"

Standing up, She stormed off from the room.

Riz-" Jude, see if you can find me an Ice pad at my front desk, in my room."

Jude nodded and left too.

Now with Just Rain and herself alone, Riz was feeling nervous, she was not troubled or anything, but she couldn't find anything to talk about.

That's when she realized, that she had no idea how to talk to kids or let alone her son.

Rain-"You don't look good, .. everything ok?"

Rain expressed his query, he was unable to read her as he used to before the injury.

Riz-" Nothing my dear..... It's just..., you know what..., I am nervous."

Resting her palms on the knees, frowning her brows she was thinking of the best approach possible.

Rain-" There is nothing to worry about, I am not angry with you in the slightest bit, I was lucky enough to live, and now I'm just glad to be with you all."

Riz-" No! No! don't say that!, how would I ever live if anything had happened to you!, ..... as your mother it is up to me to protect and raise you, but so far I have done nothing to deserve that title."

Seeing her like this, Rain couldn't help himself and slide over to her,

Taking his arms around her head he rested it on his chest while his chin rested on the back of her head, She could hear his heart, calming

down with every beat, she was somewhat relieved.

Rain-" It's fine~, After all, if I don't remember it, there is no need for you to do so too."

Unaware of actual events Rain's current only focus was to cheer up Riz's mood.

Riz-" Ehhh~.. you are an angel! my sweet pretty angel!"

Just as Riz was about to envelop Rain in her arms.

Kenny-" Where are the keys?"



Riz-"When was the last time I was home?, how the hell would I know?"

With a deadpan expression, Riz said.

Kenny-" You used it yesterday! you should know where it is! check your pockets!"

Riz-" God dammit! *check pockets* you ruined my whole moment! HERE, TAKE IT!!"

Riz throws the keys right on Kenny's face, Which she catches easily, and then returns to her earned.

Now finally left alone with her Son.

Riz-" Uh... Rain sweety.., can I hug you? I really really! ...need it."

Smiling, Rain replied.

Rain-" Hehe~, you don't need to ask."

Overjoyed she nodded in glee, but as soon as she was about to embrace him.

Jude-" All right! found it, anything else?"

Jude came back with a mana ice pack, which could be used with minor mana manipulations, although it was something that Riz herself had asked just to get, she was not very grateful for it, at least not at that moment.

Riz-" Thanks~ Jude...are....."

Letting out a frustrating sigh she tried to ignore it.

Riz-" Uh Rain?.. My hug?"

Rain-" Y yes!."

They were both ready for it but each time, someone would just interrupt them, although being parent and child, it's not weird for one to hug, they are a special case.

Jude-" So anything else?"

Riz-" HEHE!!...hehe. no Jude that'll be enough"

As Jude sat on Rain's right side and Riz on his right, he could see that they were parent and child.

their facial features, hairs, and slightly brownish skin could tell it all.

But as he was comparing them, Riz was getting restless, flustered, and frustrated, she this time didn't ask but just leaned in to hug him.


Door opens.

??-" Boss! we're in trouble! a cop is here to see you!"

This time it was her Secretary, A short chubby goblin barges in, in panic. (From ch "introduction 2")

Riz-" A cop!?"

Riz asked in surprise, being rich and powerful is not something she'll allow to happen, not when now she has a son.

Riz-"*Mumbling*Who the fuck would dare to!?"

Standing up, clearly angry, she thought it'll be best to deal with this matter first,

Riz-[I can't have random people enter my house anymore, I gotta get Security guards too.]

She went to the living room and found a Cop, standing there, She was clearly frightened and could barely hold herself, And seeing Riz approach her with visible anger on her face was not help at all.









Cop-"P p please....., request....., p p please ma'am... I I I beg you.., I swear to God it's my first day... if I knew I'll be sent here I would have never agreed to it!!"



Riz-"*Sigh*..... fine.. go back, Tell your boss that I'll visit her later."


Saying so, the poor cop ran back.

??-"Um.. boss what was that about?"

Riz-" Nothing, Glana, call my sister, tell her it's very urgent and she needs to come here."

Glana-" Anything specific to add with it?"

Riz-" Nah..."

Riz had yet to tell her sister about Rain, she thought it'll be best if she would visit her and see the situation herself, and there were some other things too.

Riz-" Fucking shits, .. destroying my sweet moments..., *sigh*...* the hell?.. I stink?.."

She hadn't bathed since her last night, she just washed her face and went to sleep, more like collapsed on the floor.

Riz-" As much as I am desperate..., I better take a bath, don't wanna smell like this in front of Rain."

As she was about to go she suddenly remembered something, taking her phone out she called a certain number.








Back at the church.

Elis was sitting inside her private office, checking out files and records.

*Ring* *Ring*


Picking her phone she saw it was Riz,

Elis-".Why would she call now?..., I hope that kid is not dead.., that mouth is way too fuckable to be killed....*Tap* Hello?"

Riz-" It's me."

Elis-" Yeah I know, what do you want?"

Riz-" It's about our deal.., I've called my sister, what were the things you needed again?"

Elis-" Woah!, you are fast~, I'll send you the text files send me your number or the current Number will do?"

Riz-" Current"

Elis-" All right!.. by the way how's the kid?/any luck in your mingle?"

Riz-" It's not a fucking mingle!... Things are complicated...., he forgot everything and now we are at starting point.."

Elis-"... what..... what do you mean he forgot everything?"

Elis got anxious.

Riz-" He.... suffered an injury..and got neurological amnesia..., he currently knows nothing."

Elis-".... Nothing?..., like not even things that happened when you were at church?"

Riz-" No~.It's a blank slate, empty"


The ink pot on her table just cracked.

Elis-"..... I'll call later."

Putting the phone aside, she stood from her chair and hurriedly ran outside of her office.



A large chandelier from the ceiling just fell right in front of her blocking her way to the main hall.


She turned around and ran toward the stairs, her current goal was to get out of the church as soon as possible.


But just as she was about to get there a fence of razor-sharp wires just erupted from the floor and barricaded her escape root.

Elis-" AAERRHH!!!"

Frustrated, she screamed atop of her lungs, but she didn't have much time, and she also didn't have any intention of wasting it either.


Running in such a frenzy caused her breath to get out of control. but despite all that, she was not hopeless yet.

There was still one thing that could save her... Probably...

Riz-"[I need that artifact!!]

Her aim...., the artifact of purification, an item that holds the power to purge the undead.

As she ran back towards her office,


Elis-" Ahh!?"

She fell, something cut her ankle.., A wire was coiled around her foot,

Her foot was completely and cleanly cut off, the only thing keeping it intact was her bones, her chopped-off muscles squirted or blood, crimson red..., her mind had just processed her fall, The cut... was yet to come.


Elis screamed in agony, Her voice now was completely different from what she had just a minute ago, it was so high-pitched and so disturbing that one's heart would sink in terror.

Squirming on flore was flailed her body in pain,

Sara-" Not yet."

A Sweet melodies voice...

Elis-"Arh!!, You fucking rotting corpse!!"

Elis cursed, her brain was currently going haywire due to extreme pain.


Suddenly, More wires emerged from the ground and grabbed her both hand and torso,

Elis-" Wha!?, EEEYYYYAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

*Slice!! slice!! slice!!"

Elis's other ankle and both wrists were cut with the only bone left,


Slowly breaking, the floor crashed down and hit the ground, unable to move, Elis now couldn't move even if she tried to, her bones were shattered from inside, and had injured her internal organs, and blood was coming out of her nose and mouth,

Sara-" Not YET"

She spoke again

The wire that was blocking her way, like a snake, crawled towards her, and forcefully entered her body from the cut-off side, As the wires dug their way inside her, her body wiggled around, and her limbs shook violently, but only for a minute...

then, it was all silent, her body stopped moving, and her breath was still active, but her body had already given up.


Wires that invaded Elis's suddenly pulled her up, and her feet and hands, which were only attached to bones started to move, like a puppet, those wires picked her up.

Dragging her, slowly and steadily, she was taken to the basement, ...inside... there was Sara.

Sitting on a newspaper, she sat there like a dog.

Sara-" Oh? Master, what happened? you look tired, I know! let's go and HANG OUT."

Elis-" F...For..forgive me..., please. I"

Sara who was smiling up until now, suddenly, changed her expression, With absolute hate, she grabbed Elis's throat.

Sara-" YOU HAVE QUITE THE GALL TO ASK FOR FORGIVENESS...., WHAT WERE YOU SAYING?... MY PRINCE WILL NEVER ACCEPT ME LIKE THIS? HUH?!!?...., THAT HE'LL TRUST YOU!!??, WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE, YOU ASS-FACED BITCH!!, BUT IT'S OK NOW..., I'm sad that my prince doesn't remember me anymore, but it's fine..., it's fine... we'll make new memories... better ones.. good ones, But IT ALSO MEANS THAT YOUR LIFE DOES NOT HAVE A MEANING ANY MORE!!!, so... DIE~"


Elis's body exploded, blood splattered everywhere, her flesh sticking on walls, her brain sliding falling from the ceiling..., and now with just Sara, I'm the middle of all of it.

She stood up, Her eyes, shining red, with love-drunk eyes she imagined.

Sara-" Wait for me my prince...., your knight is on her way to conquer you, we'll meet and.... and then... and..then.. oh. FUCK!...AND THEN....ARRHH!!!."






Sara is back,

Elis is dead,

I love comments and collections and stones.

My hand is healed,

we have reached 69k views.






I love you all, good day and thanks for reading.