CH19-Home sweet home 2.

Riz's POV

Elis-" I, I'll call you later!"

What the?... eh, fuck it, I better go and take a bath.

I went to my closet and picked up a casual shirt and pants..., ok maybe a tee-shirt would be better.

With that I just entered the bath, taking. of my clothes, I could see various types of scars on my skin, taking a daunting pose in front of the mirror, I meekly imagine all the future possibilities..,

No matter what. but he'll soon need to be told that I adopted him..., In media, I only have two daughters, and he only knows that I'm his mother.., I have to come up with a plan..,

Riz-" Something...., something that is believable and simple.., but what?.."

While trying to think of something I pour water on my back, wash my body, and then lastly, I could finally soak in a warm bath.

Riz-"I wish Rain was here.., heh.., maybe in the future."

I closed my eyes and just stayed there.

2 hours later.

Jude-" Mom! wake up!!"


Jude-" Mom! wake up!!, it's been two hours!!"

Riz-" Huah!?... umm..., two hours?..,. I think I can afford two more.."

Jude-" No you can't! Kenny's back and she got a cook, we've already seen him, cook, he's good, all you need to do is now hire him."

Riz-" Fine.., I'm coming....., get me to towel will ya?"

Jude-" ok"

Wrapping the towel around my waist I just jumped out of the bath, I didn't bother putting on any bra, it's too hot.

Walking out I saw a little Elven boy..., hmm, should be old as Jude, Jude was sitting on the sofa, with a...., what's that?..,

Riz-" What are you eating?"

Jude-" ah..this? he made it, the guy's good..., a little shy tho.., maybe you should cover those scars and then talk."

Nah.., He needs to know who'll he be working for,

Riz-" Hm...., so you're going to be the cook? but you do know whose house this is, right? you'll be in deep shit if you try something funny."

??-" Yes ma'am, I know, but I'm currently in dire need of money, that's why I decided to take this job, My name is Slar, Slar Star."

Riz-" Fine Slar, you're hired, the kitchen's yours, make something that is easily digestible, delicious, and suitable for kids."

Solar-" Yes ma'am,... Um. ma'am.., like I said I need money.., my sister is in hospital, so if possible...., could I get some advance?"

Riz-", Il decide that after I see how you taste-!? I mean how your dish tastes!!"

Saying so I left, The boy must be scared now, although I shouldn't say this but...

Riz-" *mumble* Damn... I love seeing people scared of me~."

I changed into the clothes I picked.

And now I'm finally free to cuddle Rain!

Excitement was flowing through my body!

Riz-" Rain~, let's go cuddly ~....!?, KENNY!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kenny was laying on the bed instead of Rain, and he was on the top of her chest sleeping. WHY!??, I WAS SUPPOSED TO CUDDLE HIM!, NOT YOU!!

Jude-" Shhhhh, Just let them sleep!...., you'll get your turn later."

Riz-" That's not fair!!....., I even bathed for it."

Jude-" You should be bathing regularly, not just cuddling.."

Riz-" I'm not gonna hear that from you."

Jude-" I shower more than you."

Riz-" Fuck off,....*sigh*... I've called your aunt.., we need to make some preparations."

Jude-" Want me to buy something?.

Riz-".. Honestly..., I have no means of explaining this .., maybe from besides with... well of course with some booze, ... but."

Jude-" But we swore to never have alcohol in the house ever again."

Riz-"Yeah....., so.. what should I say to her?, also we're gonna have to get Rain in our family registry and announce it to the media."

Jude-" .., wait for a second.., I understood the registration part..., but why the media?"

I turn my head in her direction and give her my most "really bitch?" stare.

Jude-"...Huh?...., I'm sorry if this is a game I need a lifeline."


If she was Joking, I don't like this joke.

Jude-" Oooo...., hehe.., sorry~.., YEAH! great idea! media announcement is necessary!"


Riz-" How long is she gonna be asleep? I need my turn soon."

Jude-" Gosh calm down! She's been needing it just like you do, just go and sleep in your bedroom in meantime."

Riz-" No!, If I'm gonna sleep I'm doing it with him! period!"

Jude-" what the!?, what kind of stupidity is this?"

Riz-"It's my stupidity!"

This girl has no idea how much I desperately need it!

I'll just have to wait for my turn now...

Rain's POV.

I was left alone after Riz left to meet some Cop, I'm still a little nervous to call her mom,

With Jude to my side now, I turned my attention to her, She looks a little boyish, but her face certainly provides a good charm.

Rain-" Why cop? What happened?"

Jude-" Ah it's nothing~, Just some casual talks, they just keep coming for some chit chat, that's it, nothing serious~."

That's... oddly suspicious... but I guess no point in digging...

Rain-"So...., I don't know how to say this..., but how was I, you know, before forgetting everything?"

Jude-" Ah..... how to were before?... uh.. um.., you were very sweet! kind and caring and you loved to cuddle us all!"

Rain-"Really? that sounds great!...., but I think I'm a little shy to do so the same for now."

Jude-" oh, no pressure, Take all the time you need."

Rain-"It feels great when you say that... but."

Hanging my head low I couldn't put my feelings into words.

Rain-" It just... feels...., different, you just said that we adore each other.. but.., suddenly, now I don't remember even a bit of it."

Frowning my brows I stare at my hand resting just above the blanket, clenching my fist.., my body just feels different..., like I'm not used to it.

Rain-" I know you all love me, that's something I saw in your eyes..., it's just..., I don't know if I can give you back the same thing in return..., at least not yet."


perhaps noticing my unease she comes to my side from the left and gently puts her arms around my neck, increasingly right cheek she looks me in the eye and says.

Jude-" You don't need to worry about anything, and most of all you don't need to blame yourself for anything, just focus on recovering, as for your memories, c'mon! you're still so young! we can make a billion more memories, so don't worry yourself about anything! from now on, all your worries are ours!, If you need any just say it, you don't like anything?, just say, Sweety, Me, Mom and your sister Kenny, are prepared to offer you the world, you just need to wish for it."

Saying so she plants a kiss on my forehead, I don't know why but the moment she did so I blushed out of my heart.

Jude-" You just stay with us and keep shining in our life, that's all we want from you, ..... and of course some kisses and hugs, which are mandatory."

Rain-" Hehe, ... oh yeah, why is that?"

I asked laughing.

Jude-" That's the house tax!, and now I'm here to collect it!, so NOW GIMMI SOME OF THAT!!"

Rain-" Uwa!?.. what?.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!?!"

Saying is she jumps on me and starts to tickle me on the sides,


Jude-" Ahahah not yet!! not yet!!, I need my fill of that's been due for a long time!!!"

Rain-" What ahahahahha do-ahahahh does that ev-ahaha even hahaha mean!???!"

Jude-" less talking more cudd-AGHU!?!?"

Finally, the tickles stopped, looking to my side I saw Kenny had come to my rescue.

Kenny-" The fu--*looks at Rain* hell you think you are doing!?"

Jude-" The hell?.., we were just playing! you can't just hit me for that!"

Kenny-" I know I can't! but at least let him recover first! what he you overdid it, or something!?"

Jude-".. *sigh*... Fine..., you are overprotective.., I'll listen to you, for now, *Looks at me* I'm sorry Rain, although I'm going, for now, you better be prepared to do more later on!"

Rain-" Heh *deep breaths* hah.., yeah...."

Jude-" Bye Rain~"

Rain-" Bye...god.."

As Jude goes away Kenny now stands in front of my bed with a frustrated expression.

Without saying anything she just stands there looking at me with an angry face.

Did something happen?, I don't think I did something, it did I?

Kenny-" Scooch."

Rain-" Huh?"

Kenny-" I said Scooch, make me some space."

What the?

Rain-" But why are you coming here?"

Kenny-" I'm your elder sister, so do as I say."

Rain-" But that's unfair! plus there is even enough space for both of us!"

Kenny-" hmm, that's true..., guess we'll have to manage, all right come here."

Rain-" Wait what! Woah!? Woah!??"

Within seconds she picks me up in her arms and lays on my place resting me atop her, I just noticed she is very big, and strong too.

As my chin rested on her chest my eyes stare at her face.

Kenny-"...*Blush*.. what!?, is something in my face?"

Rain-" You are strong."

Kenny-" *Blush* Hmph! You bet I am! *Blush harder*...., if you ever get in any problems just tell me I'll handle it.., ok?"

Rain-" Hm?.. Jude said the same thing.., but you just sound angry, like whenever you talk to Riz or Jude."

Kenny-" I'm not angry!..., *blush* *looks away* ok maybe sometimes.., but you don't need to worry about it, I won't ever be angry with you...."

Rain-" Really?"

Kenny -" Yeah....., *Looks back at him* I see you haven't gotten used to calling me, Sis, or Mom to Riz."

Rain-" I'm.... trying...but, it just doesn't come out naturally.., like you know, how it should."

Kenny-"Hmmm..., not coming naturally....., but it's fine.., take your time."

Rain-" I will..., thanks..."

Kenny-" For what?"

Rain-" I don't know..., But just feeling glad to have you all."

Kenny-"!!?...*blush*... Me too.., and all of us as well."




I'm shifting Apartments.

I'll finally be living alone!, currently I was sharing a flat with my friends but now I'm moving out,

As soon as I'm done setting up I'll finally be able to work on an 18+ illustration, Look forward to it, but I don't know if I'll be able to post that thing in the comments.

And besides that, Thanks for reading!

All your Interactions are appreciated!

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Your reviews harden my determination to write! ( No it makes my pp hard)

Once again thank you for reading!