
Third Person's POV

Riz sits Rain on his bed and takes out a big charcoal black egg with golden engraving, Rix takes it out, and puts it on the floor,

Riz-" Ok now, how do we hatch it?"

Rain-" Wait, it's inside that thing? what kind of pet is that?"

Riz-"Well it is something very good and cute and fluffy and cuddly, NOT more than me tho! I'm still the most cuddly, but you got my point, ok... I think I'm going to make a cal, lemme me ask how to get this thing out, hmmm..., why can't I just crack it open?"

Rain-" WHAT!?"

Riz-" Just kidding! just kidding! I don't do that, I might not look like but I'm a very calm person."


Rain tilts his head to the left and asks.

Riz-"*Takes her phone out* what you don't believe me? *Calls Jessy*"

Rain-" absolutely NOT!"

Riz-" What!?"

From the phone-" Hello? yes, boss! what happened?"

Riz-" How do I hatch that egg?"

Jessy-" Uh, pour a few drops of one who is gonna own that, and then leave it for about 5 minutes."

Riz-" Blood drops?.., You out of your fuc-*Looks at rain* bloody mind?"

Jessy-" boss that is a support Egg, it'll protect its owner with its life, and only the owner, it won't be friendly to anyone else, so yeah...., blood contract is necessary."

Riz-" Shit...*ends call*."

Rain-" So how do you that?"

Riz-" It needs some blood drops....., your blood drops..., I can use mine but, then it won't listen to you."

Rain-" My blood?..., is it necessary?"

Riz crawls to Rain, his legs hanging to the side of the bed, she rests her head on his knees and puts her arm around his waist.

Riz-" Not necessarily, we-. I... I can get you something else, anything you want, anything in your mind?"

Riz circles her finger on his back, enjoying thr embrace, As Rain thinks about what to get, a dark purple smoke oozed from his neck, it was faint and visually very light, and couldn't be seen easily.

Rain-" I don't know?, although I don't wanna lose more blood, that.... egg just looks too pretty to abandon now."

Riz-" So you're ok with it? like, are you sure?"

Rain-" Yup!, let's do it!"

Riz-" Ook...., if you say so,... I honestly don't wanna do it, but if you want to, ....then.."

Riz takes out a pocket knife from her pocket.

Rain-" Who the hell you have that in your pocket!?"

Riz-" ah uh, I was in the kitchen, I just put it in my pocket then forget about it."

Rain-" Mom that thing is not what you chop the vegetables with!!"

Riz-" No! No! No! it just looked fancy so I bought it!....., did you just call me Mom?"

Rain-"Um...., Maybe..., doesn't matter!, just not that knife!, get me a small needle or something I'll do it myself!!"

Riz-" O O ok!...., I'll go and get a needle,

As Riz walked out, her mouth curled into a greedy smile, and her eyes appeared drunk.

Riz-" Hehe... hehe..., Mom."

5 minutes later.

Riz come back with the sewing needle she found on her desk,

Riz-" There you go."

Rain-" What took you so long? and why are your face and hairs wet."

Riz-" I don't know?.., I just felt hot, so I just splashed some water on my face."

Riz was breathing heavily but was also a little confused.

Riz-" let's just get it over with."

She gave Rain the Needle and sat beside him.

Rain-" Ok..., I'm a Little scared now... but.., ah! let's just do it!"

He took the needle and poked his finger, As the blood leaked Riz quickly ran and bought the Egg for him.

Riz-" There you go, just finger it on top!, ... I mean just pour some on the top."

Rain -" Yeah"

As the blood drop touched the Egg's surface it made sizzling sounds and fumes erupted from its top.

*Crackle!* *Sizzle!!*

Black smoke came from its engravings.

Riz-" I... think I should put it down."

As Egg shacked violently, it made the sounds of burning wood and scorching flames.

Riz-" Let's get out of here, we'll come back later, Rain, ... Rain?"

Rain was mesmerized by the egg. its beautiful patterns and hypnotic lighting were captivating him.


Riz picked Rain and carried him out, As she did,

Jude, who was sitting on the sofa looking at her phone, when she looked at Riz carrying Rain, was perplexed.

Jude-" What are you doing?"

Riz-" Rain did the blood contract with that egg I got for him and after that, well, he got hypnotized by that thing."

Jude-" I didn't know blood contracts do that, how long is that for?"

Riz-" 5 minutes?..., well let's just have him rest here till then."

*Tinggg Tong~~~*

Doorbell rings.

Jude-" Hm? was someone supposed to come?"

Riz-" I think I called your aunt, bu

t....she came very fast, I don't think that's her."


Jude-" Yup that's her."

??-" Ohh! Kenny! you look different! Since when did you have that tattoo?"

Jude&Riz-" The fuck!?"

Both of them ran to the door,

as they opened it, they found Kenny Talking with Riz's sister, Ashley.

Ashley-" What took you so fooking long?"

Riz-" Move it bitch!"

Riz pushed Ashley aside and grabbed Kenny's shoulder.

Kenny had a half skull tattoo on her face, and she was very drunk too, the smell of alcohol reeked from her breath.

Jude&Riz-" What the fuck is that!?"

Kenny-" I'll answer everything.., for now, let's just get inside."

Ashley-" What the fuck? do you just call someone over and treat them like this?"

Riz-" Sorry, *help Ashley up* but seeing Kenny like this just shocked me."

Ashley-" Wait! Kenny! did you just got it today!?"

Kenny-" Yeah yeah I'll explain everything! let's just get in first..."

As Kenny pushed them all inside.

Ashley wrapped an arm around Riz's neck and pulled her down.

Ashley-" So how's it going? huh? heard you fucked some hospital, bitch you can't be running chaos in here, I can't wipe your ass every time you shit, get your bullshit together."

Riz-"*Sigh*... it's hard to explain, you got some stuff?"

Ashley-" I always git some stuff."

Ashley let go of Riz and take out a pouch from the pocket with weed in it, from her other pocket she took out Paper rolls.

Riz-" Came prepared, huh?"


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the room, Riz turned around, it was coming from the room where she had left that egg.

Turning her gaze to the sofa, she didn't find Rain there.

Riz-" WHERE'S RAIN!?!?"

She roared,

Kenny-" WHAT!?"

Ashley-" What do you mean? I don't think It's cloudy."

Jude-" The fuck!?"

Without explaining any further, Riz ran to the room, Behind her Kenny, Jude and Ashley followed too.


Riz broke opened thr door, What greeted her was the sight of Rain, with slicing his hand with broken glass and pouring more blood into the egg,

Riz-" Rain No!"

Riz Quickly snatched the glass shard from Rain's hand.

Rain-" AAARRHRHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

As if Brunt were in flames, Rain screamed, his voice was chilling as if it came directly from a grave.

Riz-" Rain!! Snap out it!!!"

He squirmed in her arms beating his arms and kegs on the floor.

Kenny-" What I happening!!!???"

Riz-"I don't know!!!"



The egg started to shake violently,


As the egg exploded Ashy smoke filled the room,

between that smoke a large figure could be seen.

Rain, who just screaming like the end of his life was now unconscious.

Riz quickly took out the knife from her pocket and aimed at the front.



Sorry for this short and kate chapter, I still can't seem to find my drawing tab, I don't know where I've lost it, till then check out some sketches in the comments.

if it's not clear

find it on my Instagram - rainrhunder20

For some reason sometime your comments will just not register or won't be visible so pls see if your comments are actually there.

thanks for reading.