Black smoke filled the room, with an acidic smell of sulfur and burnt wood, the air was almost lethal to breathe in.

Ashley -"Fuck! What kind of shit is this!??

Ashley took out her police gun from her pocket and aimed at the entity that came out of that egg.

With Rain now left motionless, it was a diabolical situation for them.

Riz-" Jude take Rain out! Kenny get me my gun! and Ashley you with me!"

Ashley got in front of Riz, with her fingers on the trigger she was prepared to fill the hole in whatever that was in front of her.

Kenny-" On it!"

Judd-" We'll be outside!"

Entity-"?.....*looks at Rain* RRRWWWRR!!!!!"

As Jude tried to take Rain The entity howled.

Ashley -" I shit! I can't... move!"

Jude-" Me neither!"

Everyone was petrified except.

Rain-"Um..., God...., that felt worse than wet socks on winter...."

Riz-" Rain! get out!"

Riz shouted at Rain to escape, but just waking up, he was a little confused and thus couldn't reply properly.

Rain-" Wh.. what?"

Riz-" GET OUT!!!!!! NOW!!!!!"

As Riz screams at Rain, Kenny thrashed her.

Kenny-"Don't you dare raise your voice on him!!"

Rain-" Please LISTEN TO ME!!!"


After declaring that, Rain stood up, and walked towards that Entity,


Ignoring Riz's warning Rain continued to walk towards that thing, That Creature resembled a Woman but with a wolfish face and with a barred mane and humanoid limbs.

Seeing Rain approach him, the creature didn't react but remained docile and calm, Rain reached it and cautiously brought his left hand which had a fresh cut on it, and thr entity quickly grabbed it.

Jude&Kenny&Riz -" NO!!!"

It pinned Rain down and sunk its teeth into Rain's already cut-open wounds.

Rain-" I got this! calm down!"

With his Right-hand, Rain grabbed the entity's mane and gently creased it.

Ashley-" What thr hell?"

Its feet straddle Rain's with its left hand, it grabbed Rain's head, and with its right hand, it bit Rain's wrist and kept drinking his blood.

After Drinking Rain's blood for a few seconds, the Entity Calmed down and got off Rain,

There were teeth marks on her wrist with more blood coming out, his veins were visible and fresh air was touching his bones despite all this.... he was calm.

That entity sat down on her four, now it was rubbing its head in Rain's abdomen with clear signs of affection.

Rain-" Release them."

He ordered.

Upon hearing his command, the entity took a deep breath and blew a cool wave of air toward them, thus instantly freeing them from their current state, Upon being free everyone fell to the ground as if their whole body had been exhausted from all strength.

Kenny-" What haaa. *Hyperventilating*.. is that?"

Jude-" I don't know..., but it's not gonna stay here.."

Seeing their confusion, Rain stood between thr entity and them.

Rain-" Calm down everyone...., She's not gonna hurt anyone... more."


Riz screamed at Rain, her face distorted into anger, and her voice cracked like a broken radio voice.

Rain-" Jus!.... Mom calm down.., It's that egg you got for me!.. it just needed a little more blood for the contract, so she took control of me for a few seconds to complete it"

But it was not enough to calm Riz, she was beyond pissed, to Riz, losing Rain would be a disaster beyond disasters, she would be prepared to use force against Rain himself if she had to.


Clawing her face with her left hand she squeezed it in frustration

Riz-" WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN TO MEEEEE!!!!!?????????, WHY DI-!!!???


Kenny-"Hold your fucking horses".

Kenny slapped Riz right on the face just below the eye,

Jude-" Well deserved"



This time, Ashley slammed Riz's face on the floor,


Riz-" *Muffled screaming!!!!!!!!!!*".

Ashley-" Huh?"

Jude-"...long story.."

Kenny-" *Sigh*...., Rain, Meet your Ashley."


- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back at the church.

Avira was held by the cops for investigation, according to the cops she was thr prime suspect because-

Avira-" Because I'm a fucking Oni? huh? isn't that it!, huh!, Tell me why the fuck would I destroy the place I work at!?"

Cop-" Listen here you thick-skinned bitch! we got reports of an explosion, when we came here you were the only one around, and we also found a dead body here!!, SO YES! YOU!!, YOU ARE THE GOODMAN FUCKING PRIME SUSPECT!!"

Avira-"That ain't fair!!!"

Cop-" I don't care! you're gonna stuck with me till the end of this investigation!"

Avira-".... fuck...., What do I do?... officer, how did she die?"

Cop's angry mood falls, and very unpleasant anxiety fills her.

Cop-"...., I... have never seen someone die like this, ... even in dungeons, wild beasts would eat the corpse, .. or if it's a person, hiding the body would be natural...., but this.."


The cop leans towards Avira, with a single drop of sweat on her forehead, she says.

Cop-"The body was in tatters, ....her internal organs were minced, there were cuts on her limbs, ... this....this feels like a hate crime, but, ... at the same time, the destruction caused is comparable to a beast or an animal of some sort."

Hearing it Avira falls silent, hanging her head low she stares at the handcuffs bound to her wrists.

Avira-"[ Just.... how?.... and why?...., And with her gone..., what the hell am I supposed to do now?, ... where would I go?... The high church wouldn't allow me to stay..., Elis was thr only one who took my responsibility..., but what now.....]"

She thought, .... She knew it very well, the reason for her being accepted in the church, and it was also thanks to Elis only..., but now with her gone, she got no place to stay anymore.

Cop-"...What happened?"

Avira-"...What the hell am I supposed to do now? After so much difficulty I finally got a job and it was all thanks to her...., but now she's gone..., and soon I'll be kicked out too.., I gr no place to stay..., I don't if they'll even let me keep my stuff in my room..... I just... ah...God"

Cop-" Well nothing we can do about it, maybe of course provide you a written clearance, If and only if you are found innocent, ..... but until then..., you are gonna be stuck with us."

Avira-".....*Sigh*... as if that'll help me, .....people just don't wanna be around an Oni."

As Avira Talked with the Cop, Another cop came.

White hairs, dark purple skin, golden eyes with red taint, lean and short physique, she was the least scary thing in the room. but something was different about her.

But unlike Cops, she had the badge of another branch of defense.

It was the S.I.G.D. the Special Intelligence Gathering Department.

Cop-" tsk...what the hell are you doing here?"

S.I.G.D officer-" None of your business, You, Oni, come with me, you can call me the Big B The S.I.G.D. is now taking over this case."


Not happy with Cop's retort, Big B puts her hand on Cop's shoulder and the cop feels her shoulder burning up, soon after a faint smell of burnt cloth fills the area, Big B leans closer to the cop's ear and calmly says


Cop-"*Gulp*... *Nods*"

She was a magic user.

Big B-"Good girl."

Turning her head towards Avira, she asks

Big B-" Shall we?"

Avira-" Yes ma'am."

After walking a little, the duo arrives at a large Black Van, it had the S.I.G.D. logo on it.

Big B opens the door, and invites Avira in, after sitting, Avira can't help but feel nervous.

Avira-" Why.. am I here ma'am?

Big B-" I have a proposal for you, Work for me as the secret spy, you'll get the job and money, I'll get someone who can work in disguise."

Avira-"...No offense..., but ma'am.., I'm an Oni, I gather attention like flies to a carcass..., how can I be any help to you?"

Big B-" The reason I hired you, is exactly that you are an Oni, No one will suspect that an Oni could ever get a position like this ."

Avira-" Excuse me?"

Big B-"The pitiful statue of your Race will help you blend in nicely, just act as a servant, and everything will be just fine."

Avira-" Excuse me?!"

Big-" Now do you accept?"

Avira-" Enough!"

Avira stood up in anger, towering over Big B's small stature, she stood there like a Goliath.

Avira-" The only reason I'm doing this shit, is to get the name of my people from dirt! and now you are telling me to again become a servant!?"

Sighing, Big B stood up, walking three steps, she said

Big B-" Listen to me for a bit..., just imagine, after 20 or 30 years, when you are done with this, imagine all the fame and money you could make with this gig, after your retirement your bane will be in the hall of fame, among thr people who risked their lives for their nation and people."

She turned back to face Avira.

Big B-" So say Girl, you wanna ride this coaster?"

Avira-" Eh..*hangs head down*...can I have some time to think about it?"

Big B-" Sure~!"

Big B leaves the Van.

Big B-" You can stay here for tonight and even keep it if you agree, but it's all up to you now, I'm waiting eagerly for your answer."

Now left alone with her thoughts and an expensive Van that resembled a mini home, sitting on the bed, she now was staring at Van's roof. although it's a normal size one and more than a bug for Bug B but Avira...., it's just too small.

Avira-"Fuck.... I'm .....stuck... *sigh*... what now.., it feels like... it feels like a golden purse found in street, ... it is full of fortune.., or is it cursed?"

She kept thinking until she was overtaken by exhaustion and fell asleep.

As morning came, she was woken up by the first ray of dusk.

*Knock* *knock*

Big B-" Hello? you there?"

Avira-" Hm?.. *Ywwwaaaaaannnnn*...., Yeah...yeah.., I'm, I'm here...."

Wobbling and knocking away a few trinkets in her way, She opened the door.

Big B-" Good morning~, my horny friend!"

Avira-".... huh?"

Big B-" No! No I mean, you got horns right?"

Avira-" Just call me Avira, please."

Big B-" No need, from now on, your code name is Wall."

Avira-" What?"

Big B-" you are accepting my offer, right? so it's your name in work."

Avira-" How..... do you know I'm joining?"

Big B-"..*Smirk*.....Welcome, Here it's your uniform for the time being."

Big B waves her hand in the air and Avira's old clothes transform into a cop uniform.

Avira-".... magic users..., incredible..."

Big B-" Here take the keys, I'll need to two days later with some training regime prepared, there's some cash in that van, ok I'll meet you later, See yah~."

Avira-" Wait wait!!"


Big B vanishes into smoke.

hold keys in her hand, Avira now thinks of her future action.








Found the Tab!!!!

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