
Third Person's POV.

Running through the narrow streets, at night she was a creature of agony, pain, and soulless desire.

She had nothing except her love, just a scorching desire to reunite with her love. limping with broken she was like a wooden puppet with strings attached.

Sara-" I can smell him..., but it's faint..., but most importantly..., how did he lose his memory?"

Jumping over rooftops in silent motion, she was like a predator on the hunt.

Passing through slums she arrived in a mid-class residential area.

There, she could see a TV in an electronic shop, it was a news channel.

TV-" And in recent events, we saw the nation's most renowned hospital get attacked by an unknown group, their aim is still unknown, but like always, our nation's respectable business-women, Riz Young is blamed, it seems some people are just jealous of her rapid success."

Random passersby#1-" che! Respectable my cunt! It's that bitch sure!"

Random passersby#2-" Exactly! My relative was in that hospital, she said it was her goons that came, but no point in talking, that bitch got media in her palms."

Sitting on her four Sara, thought.

Sara-" It's....women that came that day.., she took him.., MY LOVE....but.., she came to adopt him.., will he be sad if I ate her?..., but he doesn't remember me...., how will I talk to him now?"

Confused, she bit her arm in frustration.

Sara-"[ I NEED TO THINK OF SOMETHING!!!! THINK THINK THINK THINK!!!!!... I can't think of anything.....]

She let go of her arm, but until then a huge chunk was already in her mouth.

Sara-"Let's just find my prince first, I'm sure I'll come up with an idea then."

Again, she began her race to find her love.

finally, after a long run, she arrived at the high-class residential area.

Sara-" *Sniff* *Sniff*... I'm close..."

She could smell him, her fingers.... curling up like grabbing his neck.

Sara-" There!"

Her nose pointed towards a big luxurious house.

Back at rain's house.

It was now 10 at night, and Rain was asleep,

at the dining table,

Riz and Ashley were smoking weed, while Kenny and Jude were only allowed cigarettes.

Slar was running in and out of the kitchen, carrying empty plates and making more food, whatever they were smoking greatly affected their appetite.

Ashley-" *Blows in *... So... that... kid...., he is Alan....., like Alan, Alan?"

Riz-" Yes...*Blows in*... the... *Blows out*.. the same one that came out of me...!"

Ashley-".. You mean *Blows in*..shit?"

Riz-" My fucking son!"

Both with red eyes were talking slowly and loose.

Jude-" Hehe~, Old and high, what a comedic sight."

Kenny-" Don-*Hiccup;*... Don't forget to add stupid."

Jude-" By the way, Why do you have a tattoo? and on your face out of all places?"

Kenny Grabbed the left side of her face and painfully rubbed it.

Kenny-" I needed to tell my friends to not come to my house anymore."

Jude-" Did they not ask you a reason?"

Kenny-" They di-*Hiccup!*....did..., but I just told them that mom adopted Rain."

Jude finished her cigarette but took out another one from her pocket.

Jude-"....Adopted....*sparks the lighter*.. is that what we're telling others?"

Kenny-" Seems logical to me."

As both Jude and Kenny giggled, Riz and Ashley were sinking way too low in stupidity and weed.

Ashley-" Ok so, you got a call from a Nun and she gave you your son? correct?"

Riz-" Yes, that's what I'm trying to say!!"

Ashley-" Was the Nun wearing red?"

Riz-" Huh? no, why?"

Ashley-"ok so not miss Santa..., did she have dove wings?"

Riz-"...*squints eyes*. What the fuck are you talking about?"

Ashley-"Not that either?....., ok, Was the Nun wearing a doctor's uniform?

Riz-" What? no! I just said she was a Nun!"

Ashley-"..ok! Ok!... I got it now...., it was Miss Santa!!"

Riz-".....*Slams face in table*..., Slar!, get me a wine-... A chilled glass of water! make sure it's chilled!"

Slar-" Yes Ma'am!..*mumbling* What the fuck! are they gonna eat a week's worth of food in one night!?, and who the hell smokes like this!?, it's more than a fucking factory!!"

As Slar ran back and forth Ashley couldn't help but eye him from time to time, as he came with some water and snacks, Ashley grabbed his hand and said.

Ashley-" Hey~ why don't you land that bomb booty on my lap and I'll make sure it's worth your time?"

Slar-"... N No, ... No thanks, ma'am."

Ashley didn't like it, but it was kinda expected.

Ashley-" Hmph... fine then, but remember that I'll be holding it in me."

Jude-" leave him alone, .. the poor guy is already sweating up."

Ashley-" Could not be worse than feeling my heat, could it? say...sweet buns, last chance."

Ashley grabbed a handful of Slar's butt and offered him her bundle.

Slar-" No. No *Hyperventilating*...No thanks, ma'am.."

Riz-" Stop harassing my cook, Slar, you go back to the kitchen, get us some more snacks, and then you are off for the day, I'll give you your whole month's allowance tomorrow in advance."

Slar-" Thank! thank you, ma'am!

Slar ran back to the kitchen, hurrying for another food round.

Ashley-" And there goes my dick...."

Riz-" Why the hell are you always after dicks?"

Ashley-" I don't know?, maybe cuz I never got one."

Riz-" You do know that you could always go to a brothel, right?"

Ashley-" Yeah.. but.., doesn't that mean that I lost to the dick..., I don't wanna lose to it, I wanna conquer it!"

Jude&Kenny-" You lost a long time ago."

Ashley-" Shut the fuck up!!, I didn't lose anything I'm still young and blooming!"

Riz-" You are *Sparks lighter*.. 35 and ugly, so maybe it's time you do some self-analysis."

Ashley-" Fuck it! it's not the point!..., you said that kid is Alan, is there any proof?"

Riz-" I did a mana blood test, ..., I also need you to clear her names in your records, that was her price."

Ashley-" Price?..., Sis you got the kid, what's the point of price now? I'll just go and have her arrested."

Riz-" *Sigh*...., Can't, we signed a thermal contract."

Ashley-"....., A What?"

Riz-" Thermal contract, .... for Alan...I need you to clear some names on that bitch."

Ashley-" Nam-?....*Sigh*.Fine...., What's her name?"

Riz-" Elis, She's from the church at the town outskirts."

Ashley-"... The one with Oni?"

Riz-" Yea....., how do you know that?"

Ashley-"...., She's dead, she died this evening, about at.., 5 pm? maybe."

Riz-"..I called her around that time..., how did she die?"

Ashley-" Brutal....., all her organs were minced, bones were broken, hell it was disgusting."

Riz-" So if the host if the contract is dead then..."

Ashley-" The contract is not valid anymore!"

Riz-" Hassahhhh!!!!, at least one good news!.., now I just need to get rid of that Fluffy.."

Jude-" Hehe, Fluffy~, Great name he chooses for that mutt.."

Kenny-" lava mutt!

Ashley-" What the fuck is that thing?"

Riz-" It was supposed to be a therapy pet, I feel like I'm gonna need therapy because of it now."

Ashley-" You think a Magma hound is a therapy pet?"

Riz-" When I bought that egg I asked for something cuddly and fluffy....., not that shit.."

Ashley-" Well.., your son likes it.., so no point in regretting now"

Riz-" Yeah.. but I'm surprised how easily you are accepting it."

Ashley-" Nah bitch, I'm high...., I'll reason with you tomorrow, right now, I'm gonna go sleep, Jude you still have that hantai on your Pc?"

Jude-" Ah... yeah..,"

Ashley-" Lube And dildo?"

Jude-" There is a cucumber in the fridge and a hand lotion in my drawer."

Ashley-" Good enough."

Wobbling and limping she made her way to a guest room, but not before taking the cucumber.

Riz-" God she is hopeless..."

Kenny-" Well, I'm off too, love you and fuck you all too"

Jude-" Eh good night from me too, and Mom."


Jude-" Don't sneak to Rain's room in mid-night, that 'FLUFFY'..., will not appropriate it."

Riz-" Fuck off already...."

Slar-" Ma'am I got the sn-?.... where is everyone?"

Riz-" *Sigh*..., take the leftovers with you, you're good to go...., and from now on, dress a little more appropriately..., I will not save you next time."

Slar-" Yes Ma'am!"

Packing extra food Slar left as quickly as he could.

Riz-" *Mumbling*...I'll have that Mutt as my doormat...."


Just three blocks away from Rain's house, Sara was standing atop a 5 story mansion.

Sara-" My Prince is there!... but I can smell more people around him!.., they are not familiar..., one is strangely peculiar..., UNACCEPTABLE."

As She approached the house, she saw a woman collecting trash cans, which was not a problem, but.

Sara-" Inside that Can...MINE!!"

Faster than an eye could see.

Trash Collector's POV.

Trash Collector-" Damn, that's a lot of medication, who the hell did Youngs kill now?

As I picked up the Young house garbage, it was filled with bandages and bloodied clothes.

Not that I mind, I don't wanna mess with them, hell I wouldn't even get a funeral if I crossed their way.

Trash Collector-" At least sometimes they throw some valuable stuff, is there anything good tod-...."


Suddenly, I'm now Feeling a...a.

Sara's POV.

In a swift motion, I impaled her heart out, how dare garbage like her touch my precious treasure.


Sara-" Her could be useful, I can use that as a disguise"


I know very well that my appearance is not welcome here, No one liked its look,

Sara-" Accept, of course, My Prince!"

But he wouldn't like me eating people if I look like a normal person, our interaction would be easier!

Without wasting any more time I quickly cleaned the insides of that person and are it all, now, left with just skin, it's a Little bloody but I can clean it later.

Sara-" Now...*Gulp*.. for my prized~"

I drowned my hand inside the trash can and pulled out a long bloodied bandage.

Its scent..., it was more intoxicating than the poison itself, more addicting than anything I've experienced before.

Sara-" IT'S MY PRINCE'S BLOOD..., it's his blood.., so sweet sooooooo... Ahhh.., so good."

I must see my love!!!!!!!!

Unable to hold my excitement I quickly ran to a window.

Sara-" There!...., my love, my prince...! ah.., forgive me for leaving you..., I swear, now no one can separate us!"

??-I can"


I heard something..., but it was not a sound... it came directly to my brain...


??-" Me."

Suddenly..., a black figure stood on the other side of the window, right next to my love.


Fluffy-" I'm called fluffy it's the name that kid gave me, now he's mine, so you, NEED TO DISAPPEAR..."






I changed my art software, and now I'm using photoshop, still new to it, but hope to get better.

Thanks for reading.

fukkkkkkkk finally it's uploaded!!!, God, I've been trying for the last two days!!!!!!

it was just a ( / ) that fucked it all up..
