CH24-Agree to disagree.

Third Person's POV.

(Dialog in this [ ] brackets are said in their minds)


It was almost midnight, Fluffy was crawling, nearly able to carry her body weight, she somehow managed to get back home,

Although she was not alone.

Sara-"[ What the fuck, why are you so slow!?, at least walk instead of crawling!!!]"

Fluffy-" [Shut.... up..., I can't believe I'm sharing my body with you..., I should've just scorched you to nothing.... fuck...]"

Sara-"[ you tried bitch.... you tried.]"

Both Sara and Fluffy were now controlling the body, although it was Fluffy's body, but at the same time, Sara was also in control of it.

After Sara realized that she was in Fluffy's body, she couldn't believe it, while Sara was still processing what had just happened, Fluffy, on the other hand, was going crazy.

Eventually, after arguing for two hours, they concluded that there is no point in arguing that, both now had to share Rain, even if they didn't want to.

Sara-"[ My beloved is waiting for me! can't you hurry up!]"

Fluffy-"[ SHUT UP!!!, Get the fuck outta my brain if you are in such a hurry!, my body Can't go any faster!!]"

Sara-"[ heh~, how will it? you were fighting against me, it was just luck that you won.]"

Fluffy-"[ hah! don't make me laugh! I'm tired because of my own skills, it was YOU who was the lucky one, otherwise, you were already dead!]"

Co-operation is still in progress.

Finally, they arrived back at the house, climbing from the window, Fluffy collapsed on the floor.


Fluffy-"[ Let him sleep, my dear is tired, we'll hug him tomorrow.]"

Sara-"[ NOIWANTITNOW!!!!!]"

Fluffy-"[denied, .....*sniff..siNIF SNIFF*....*looks at the chair.*...]"

It was a faint scent of musk that caught Fluffy's attention, it was Rain's shirt, discarded by him because it was too hot, covered in not only his smell but also his sweat, it was way too tempting for both Fluffy and Sara to resist.

Fluffy&Sara-".. ha...hnnn... *slowly picks up the shirt*."

Both of we're currently in perfect sync, their reactions, and emotions were the same.

It was Lust


And Ecstasy.


She Picked up the shirt and smothered her face in it.

Fluffy&Sara-" Hnnnnn!!!!!!!!, mmmmhhhhhffff!!! *drooling* haaaaa!!!!!!!!"

As both of them, aggressively inhaled Rain's fragrance, Their body also reacted to it.


Fluffy's flames slowly erupted from her hair, and some of her hair hairs begin to glow, while Sara on the other hand, inside Fluffy's mind, was going crazy.

The room was slowly filling up with smoke, noticing it Sara said.

Sara-"[ L L le let's go out, goooooo~~~ out.... haaaa..., yooooouuu are heating... up the room..]"

Not arguing or even saying a word, Fluffy, swiftly jumped out of the window and landed on road, hard.

Considering her current physical condition, it'll be suicide to take any more damage, but right now...., that's not her concern.

Fluffy&Sara-" Haaaaa, my Host/Prince is delicious as ever!!!!!, eeeeyyyyaaahhhh~~~~, God I just wanna bite him in the neck!!!!"

Going crazy, her throat was burning from excitement, and her eyes arched upward as if her soul would escape her body

Sara at the same time was feeling the same pleasure. like being melted away in Booz Sara never felt more alive in her dead life.

The two continued to enjoy their one moment of absolute bliss.

Rain's POV.

In the morning.

Rain-" Hmmm.*YWWAAAAnnnnnnnn*..., hah.., that was a good sleep...., *looks around*.., where's Fluff-HOLY!!????

Just as I was about to ask myself, she jumped in front of me.

Rain-" Damn girl you scared m-..."

Before I could say anything she started to lick my face.

Rain-" ok! ok! good morn-!.. you! you! can stop now! ak ach!?.., OK STOP!!!!."

Right after I yelled at her she finally decided to stop, but I could clearly see in her eyes, that she would do it again the moment she gets the chance.

Rain-" I'll need to train you soon, cuz you see, I actually enjoy this half-sleep state in the mornings, and you just kinda ruined it."

Fluffy-" *Happy as fuck*...."

Rain-".... *Sigh*...Leave it."

Getting out of my bed I walk out of my room, my legs seem fine now, so that's good, entering the dining room, and I hear some sound coming from the kitchen, must be Slar.

I walk to the kitchen, and just like I assumed, it was Slar, preparing breakfast.

Rain-" Good morning, Slar."

Slar-" Ah? oh! good morning sir, you had a good sleep?"

Rain-" Like a baby~."

Slar-" hah~, that's good to hear, ..... did you brush yet? food's almost done."

Rain-" I'll do it right away, btw, has anyone else woken up yet?"

Slar-" No sir, I'm afraid not, I went to talk to Miss Riz, but she just gave me my salary ( threw the cash bundle on my face) and went back to sleep, as for others, I didn't bother."

Rain-" Hmm, I kinda wanna, have breakfast with everyone, I'll go brush then wake everyone up, think you can get it done by then?"

Slar-" Oh sure! but sir...., will that.. thing will also be eating with you? *Points at Fluffy hiding behind the sofa*"

Rain-" Iii---------ii..... don't know."

Slar-" Any idea what it eats?"

Rain-" Hmm..., it's a mana beast..., so I assume, something related to that?"

Slar-"Can you ask it?"

Rain-" I'll try....*Walks to Fluffy*."

Damn, I didn't realize yesterday, but she's huge! almost anthropomorphic body, I wonder why she still walks on her four.

Rain-" Hey there girl~, is there anything you fancy?"

Fluffy&Sara-" Bark! [MEAAAAATTTTTT!!!!]"

Slar-" uh... got anything? cuz I sure didn't."

Rain-" Uhhhh...*Points at the fruit basket right next to Slar* wanna eat that?"

Fluffy&Sara -" Bark BARK!![ YES THAT GUY WILL WORK TOO!!]"

Rain-" I guess she likes fruit."

Slar-" Huh...., really?, well I'm not gonna dig too deep into it."

Fluff&Sara-" huh."





After brushing my teeth, I quickly ran to mom's room...., let's just say... even if I don't remember the most of my life, it was the dirtiest room I had seen in my whole life..., glass bottles and cigarettes tails we're just thrown all over the floor, her clothes were also just lying on the chair.

No kidding, this is a very beautiful architectural room.... but...

Rain-"... this is disgraceful....."

Even her sleeping posture was weird, her head was falling off from the other side, and the only thing that dirty blanket covered was her lower body.

Grabbing the side of the bed, I tried to climb it.

Rain-" Why the hell is that bed so tall?!, what if someone falls over?!"

Why the hell am I so short!?

Rain-" ah hell..., ok...Mom! wake up! Mom wak-!?"

Just as I was about to grab her shoulder to shake her, suddenly! her arm just slammed on my back, and as she changed sides, she also grabbed me from my torso and hugged me like a pillow... which is not a problem... but there actually... one problem...

Rain-" Mom.... where is your shirt?"

Yup, she was shirtless, as the two giant milk rubbed against my own chest, I could feel her warm skin touching mine, like soft bread right outta the oven, I will without a doubt would be going crazy, but this woman here is my mother, so luckily I'm not getting cra-.


Holy fucking God I'm going crazy!!!!, was her moaning the stimuli I needed?, Or was the fact that her arm is fighting around my waist?

Rain-" MM M Mom!!!.









Sorry for this stupid ass late chapter, but I'm a little busy in college this week, but I managed to make one Sara&Fluffy sketch, it came out good, changing from Krita to photoshop was a good decision,

and actually, I had this chapter written but I by mistake removed it, at this point I was tired so I just rewrote half of what I already had.

well, that's it thanks for reading.

Please consider dropping a review.
