
Rain's POV.

Mom has her arm around me and is hugging me like a pillow.

Her head rests on my upper abdomen, and her breath feels like butterflies walking on my skin.

I move my hand to her shoulder, trying to push her away, but her grip is way too strong for my tiny arms to budge.

Rain-" *sigh*... I didn't wanna do this...but it seems like I'm out of other options."

Leaning toward her face, I bring my lips near her, after mustering up all the courage I could.

Rain-" *inhale*... WAKE UUUUUUPPP!!!!!!!!"

Sara-" WHAT THE!?"

Mom jumped off the bed like a squirrel who had just been seen while hiding its nuts.

Floating in the air for like half a second, she landed hard on the floor.


Rain-"OHHH!!!....That's probably the nose...."

She comically twitched on the ground for about 3 seconds... then like a zombie with red eyes, she rose.

Riz-" *Nose Bleeding*..... who.... the fuck DARES?!!"

... shit.

Red-faced, she pounced on me, grabbing my hair, she slammed my head on the bed.

She arched her back reloading her arm for a punch, but just as she was about to release it.

Our eyes meet.

Her furious face was slowly turning to the one in terror, while mine was slowly Curling into a crying one.

Tears form in my eyes, my heart was beating faster than a boxer on crack.


Crying like a broken fountain, I only breathed out just to cry even louder.

Seeing me cry like this her face suddenly lost all its color.

Rain-" WWWAAAAEEEHHHHHAAAA--*electric noises*"

ARH!?... What the...everything went red..., I'm..... I... feel like my face was just slammed.....


*Vintage TV shutting down sound*


What... happened...., I just felt like my head was wrapped in a black hole for a second.. then shortly after... it.... stopped?

*Static noises*

Rain-" I'LL EAT! Don't hit me I'll e-!?

Rain-" Rain!!!"

Riz's POV.

My sleep was interrupted by a loud noise that baffled me and made me launch off the bed like a spring, what else, I landed right on my face.

My mind went full haywire, not even looking I jumped back at the person who screamed,

I swiftly grabbed that person by the scalp.

that's when I saw who it is...





it's Rain...

My jaw fell,

My hands lost their strength,

I fucked up.... again...


shit... shit.. shIT. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT! SHIT!! SHIT!!!

I! I! I have to do something about it!

Riz- Sw-.. huh?..."

He.. stopped..., more like.... froze...

Riz-" R R Rain?...., ok? lo look I I I'm sorry... I I. didn't know it was you!... p p p, please forgive your mom! I swear didn't know it was you!.... ah... sweety?... You ok?"

Unfazed, like a stone he didn't react to anything.

Riz-"*Gently taps his cheek*... Rai-!?"

Rain-" I'LL EAT! Don't hit me I'll e-!?"

He curled back, putting his hands in front he closed his eyes.

Riz-" RAIN!!!"

What was that!!??....,, did he.. why... why did he say... that!!

Rain-" *Opens eyes*...ah... Uuu.. wha... *Looks around* what was ... mom... I'm... I'm scared....."

He slowly leaned towards me, reaching his me so that with his small arms, he looked me straight in the eye.

Riz-" No No No! sweety I'm here! I'm here! nothing's gonna happen to you as long as I'm here...., I swear to your father..., I'll protect you.."

His face crumbled down into terror, he grabbed his head between his knees and started to shake like a wet kitten.

Taking him into my arms I hid him under my blossom.

Oh.. god.... lord.. any deity from Heaven or hell... please.. don't take my son away from me... not again.

Covering him with all my limbs I held him close to my heart, ... eventually... he calmed down...

I could feel his breath on my skin, so warm and delicate.

My chest was soaked in his tears, it's fine... let them out on me rather than on your eyes.


Riz-" Yes sweety?"

Rain-" What just happened?"

Riz-" Nothing sweety... it's... just... it's just That you haven't recovered properly yet.., say.. wanna sleep with me tonight?"


Riz-" It's decided then..., let's go wake your sisters too, you wanna have breakfast with everyone right?"


kiiaaaAHHH! my son is the cutest! my sweet baby boy!

Riz-"Well then, let's go~."

Rain-" Wait wait! aren't you gonna wear something on top?"


Riz-" Oops, almost forgot ok gimme a sec, I'll be back in a jeffi~."

I took out a shirt from my wardrobe, eh.. not fancy but it'll do, at least it's clean.

Riz-"ok all good?"

Rain-" *Hard nod*Hm!"

Riz-"good let's go!".

Carrying him in my arms, we walked out to the dining room.

Riz-" So, who's first? Kenny, Jude, or your aunt?"

Rain-" Auntie!"

Riz-" Sooo... you like wanna grab some water or something?"

Rain-"..*Tilts head* why?"

Riz-"...Ah.. for her! she could be parched after sleep."


Riz-" hehe...he..*Awkward smile*"

Rain-"Great idea! Mom, you're so caring! I'll go get it!"

I slowly landed him down, and then he toddled off to the kitchen.

Riz-" Damn my boy is too sweet....., *Tilts head*.. then why did he scream at my ear?"


Rain's POV.

I hurriedly ran to the kitchen.

Rain-" Slar! Slar I nee-..huh?"

Slar-" LET... IT... GO... IT'S.NOT... AAAAA FOOD!!!!!"


Both Fluffy and Slar are doing a tug war.... wait a minute.

That's my shirt!


I Ran towards them, Slar seem to have noticed me as he soon asked.

Slar-" Ah sir Rain!, please help me! this thing is gonna eat your shirt!!"

Rain-" Alright alright!, Fluffy! bad! let go of my shirt!"

Fluffy&Sara-" Auuuu...[BUT MY LOVE!!!! NOO!]

Snatching my shirt from Fluffy's mouth, I gave it to Slar.

Slar-" Thanks sir.., now I would prefer it if you could have this thing go to your room and not get out."

I don't wanna do this.. but, I guess I'll have until everyone gets used to her.

Rain-" Fluffy. *Grabs her face* Please go to my room, I promise I'll return soon, ok? and don't brake anything, you got me?"

Fluffy&Sara-" Y-!?...Ba Ba Bark!"

Rain-" Good~, And Slar, could you give me a glass of water?"

Slar-" Sure~."

Fluffy went back to The room, I grabbed the glass and went back to mom too.

Third Person's POV.

After returning to Riz, both Rain and she went to Ashley's Room.

Ashley doesn't live with them but often comes to visit.

Carrying Rain with her left arm, she had the glass in her right, as they reached the door, Rain leaned down and opened it.

Riz-" Good job."

Riz push opened the door with her shoulder, hoping to find her sister calmly sleeping, but to her surprise.


Ashley was asleep..., butt naked...., with a cucumber stuffed between her legs.

Riz dashed out with Rain, while she was traumatized by this bizarre sight.

Rain on the other hand had confused feelings.

Riz-" Why the hell is sh-... *sigh* Last night.. we were too high....goddess..."

Riz-" Rain why don't you go and wake your sisters I'll wake your aunt, Kenny's and Jude's rooms are right next to each other, upstairs."

Rain-" Y Y yeah good idea, I I I'll be going then."

As Rain went to his sister's room.

Riz, now standing in front of the bed with a glass of water in her hand.

Riz-" you..stupid dumb FUCK!!!"

Riz poured the whole glass on Ashley's face.


Riz-" Huh?"

Ashley didn't respond she was still sleeping gleefully.

Riz-" The fuck?"

Riz grabbed Ashley's shoulder and violently shook them.

Riz-" Oi! wake up!!"



Riz Quickly ran to her room and opened her wardrobe, inside there was a small jeweled box, opening it she took out a tiny blue-colored bottle from it, ran back, and she poured it all inside Ashley's mouth.



Ashley-" *Cough!* *Cough!*... What... the.. what happened."

Riz-" You overdosed last night."

Ashley-" what really?...damn... thanks..., wait, why is your nose bleeding? and how the hell are you still standing all fine."

Riz-" Don't know, just am, and the nose.. well it's a long... no not long but a complicated story so I'll tell you later

Ashley-" That's unfair..., what were we talking about last night?"

Riz-".... My son?"

Ashley-" What about him?"

Riz-" You know..., like how he came back from the dead."

Ashley-" What?"

Riz-" My Son, you remember we talked about him getting registered in the family registry, remember?

Ashley didn't say anything but instead dashed for Riz's room.

Riz-" Whoa! what the hell?!"

Ashley opened Riz's wardrobe and took the same tiny bottle from her box.

Running back, she grabbed Riz's face.


Riz-" What the HELL ARE YO DOING!!"

Ashley-" Drink this! you clearly overdosed!!"

Riz-" What the hell's wrong with you!!!!??"

Ashley was quite muscles than Riz so holding her in one place while forcing her to drink was not too hard for her.

She punched Riz's already bleeding nose and knocked her over.

Riz-" Why the nose!!???

Ashley wrestled with Riz until finally, she managed to shove the bottle inside Riz's mouth.


Riz Moved her hand and grabbed the cucumber that was still inside Ashley's Crouch.

She tightly gripped it and with all her might, pushed it deep inside Ashley.

She did it with such force that Ashley's whole body reached nirvana.

Ashley-" AH..... EHHHAAAAAAAAAA-..."


After making a loud moan, Ashley ejaculated right on top of Riz and then collapsed onto the floor like a bear.

Jude-" What is happening?"


With a victorious smile on her face, Jude with a triumph said

Jude-" DAMN mom!, that was very lesbo to be honest, and pretty incestuous too~, ...AND WORST OF ALL!, Rain saw it all!"

Riz-"...Ah.. no wait!. I I I can explain!.."

Rain-"Mo Mo Mom..."






The Book Cover's been updated, hope you guys like it.

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