CH26-Mornings 2.

Rain's POV.

Mom said she'll wake aunt herself, Honestly.. good luck to her.

I climbed up the stairs, Just like Mom said, two rooms together.

I went into the one near me, Grabbing the handle I didn't think it will be unlocked but well, it is.

Rain-" I'm coming in ~...., Jude?"

Looking around, I see that her room was also a garbage dump.

Rain-" Comics...., lots of them..., with a.... what's that?"

A small capsule with a wire connecting to a handheld switch was attached to it.

Now, I don't like to mess with other people's stuff... but this looks like a very interesting toy to ignore.

I grabbed the switch and turned it on and of twice like a power tool.



That capsule Vibrated as I tampered with thr switch.

Holding the capsule in my left hand I felt my whole hand ticklish.

Rain-" I'll ask Jude to lend me that later."

Putting ut away I finally took a good look at Jude's Room.

Adored with Posters of Comics, action figures, and a Huge Crystal screen a large metal box to its left, the screen sits on the table right next to Jude's bed, it was so close that She could operate it right from the bed.

The room was Dim lit with a small Boy shaped lamp that...

Rain-" his Dick is shining....?"

That was the first peculiar thing I saw in that room, ignoring it I walked to Jude's side and gently tapped her shoulder.

Not making the same mistake...

Luckily it was quite easy to wake her, she moved thr blanket from her face to her shoulder.

Jude-" Hm?....huh..., Oh hey there little guy."

Half asleep she talked with her eyes half closed, she responded.

Jude-" You up early, huh? what are you doing here?"

Jude-" Gathering everyone for breakfast!."

I replied with a bright smile.

Jude-" Ok, Gimme a sec and wait outside I gotta change."



I walked out of the room and waited.

From Room-" FFFUUUUUUAAAKKKK!!!!!!!!!."

Rain-" EEEKK!!???.... wha.... what the hell was that.."


Rain-" What the hell is happening in there?"

Three minutes later, Jude came out, smiling like a flower, and a blue bump on her forehead.

Rain-" Uuhh.., Jude whats-!?"


Before I Could say anything she picked me uo and dashed downstairs.

Right in front of the stairs, Aunt and Mom were wrestling.

Aunt was... naked?..... And wait a bloody is that a cucumber inside her...




Jude Who was silent like me Suddenly started to laugh under her breath.

Slowly walking down the stairs she said

Jude-" What's happening?"

Riz-" Ah .... No!"

Jude-" DAMN Mom!... that was very...lesbo!... and pre---tty~ incestuous too...., OH! And you know the best part!!!, Rain saw it all!!"

Rain-" M M M Mom..."

Riz-" No No wait... I I I can explain!"

Jude put me down and then hurriedly walked to Mom and whispered something in her ear.

Jude-"*Whisper* I'll handle the whole situation and Rain won't ever ask you anything about it ever again."

Riz-"...... Your prize?"

Jude-" I'll tell later."

Riz-" He won't even ask?"

Jude-" He won't."


They seem to be doing some whispering something among themselves!"

Rain-" Uh... What are you gals talking about?"

Jude-" Rain! sweety let's go and wake Kenny, I'll explain everything along the way!"

Saying that she snatched me off the floor and quickly walked to Kenny's room.

Jude-" Ok So the thing is....., Mom... and. Aunt."

Rain-" Un huh?"

Jude-" Are... pretty-----eye...weird.."

Rain-" In wha------ttt way, exactly?"

Jude-"They have a physiological problem... so if they ever happen to be doing something weird... just do as they say.. and don't question anything...., both of them can get violent pretty fast."

Rain-" Really?"

Jude-" Yeah!... sadly they both don't know about it, and after some time they even forget what they just did and act as if nothing happened."

Rain-" That... just sounds weird...."

Jude-" I know!.. that's why. never! ever! talk to Mom about this, ok?"

Rain-" Ok...., poor Mom, I feel bad for her.."

Jude-" Ah don't be, she's on medications and she'll be fine after some time.... maybe...., alright go ahead, knock."

As she directed, I knocked on the door of Kenny's room.




I was expecting it.

Jude-" She must be asleep *Opens the door with her shoulder*"

Kenny's room was huge, most of it was filled with gym equipment and other bodybuilding stuff.

With Posters of guys.. in..... crop tops?..

Leave it I've seen things way too weird than this.. in fact, this one kinda looks normal.

Jude walked to Kenny's side and sat me right next to her.

Jude-" Ok~ do your magic."

Rain-" *Nod* *Turns to Kenny* Sis, wake up!"

She had the blanket covered all over her face so she just muffled her denial and didn't respond any further.

Rain-" Oi! Wake up you sleep bear."

Kenny-" *Sigh*... who the hell you calling bear."

Luckily she woke up quite easily too.

Roughly sitting up she moved the blanket off her face.



Rain-" WAAAAAAA!!!!!??????"


Kenny&Jude-" WHAT HAPPENED!?"

Surprised, I literally rolled off the bed and face slammed the floor like Dice on a board game.

Kenny-" Oh shit!!"

Jude-" Fuck! you ok?"

Kenny-" Aye! don't swear in front of him!".

Jude-"SHUT UP!!"

Jude hurriedly picked me up, the pain was enough to bring out two tear drops off my eyes.

Kenny-" Oh my God are you ok!?"

Rain-" What... ouch... what happened to your face-!?... oh wait I just remembered... it's that tattoo to got last night....., god.... it scared the living life out of me."

Jude-" *Giggle*"

Kenny-" Did you just laughed?"


Jude-" What? it's funny! it just shows that he's just a kid who got scared of a face tattoo, lol!"

Rain-" Jude!"

I threw my arm at her, which she easily caught with one hand.

Jude-" Aaawwweeee~~~~, look at the little guy, aren't you cute."

Kenny-" Ok! ok! enough teasing!, let's go downstairs, I think I'm getting hungry too."

Kenny Grabbed me by my waist and got off the bed.

Rain-" Uhh... I rather walk...., I think I've been carried enough times for today."


Kenny said with almost crying eyes.

Rain-" Uh.. your face..... it.. kind of creeps me."

Kenny-" No... it can't be...., please!! c'mon try to get used to it! you'll love it I swear!!"

She leaned her face close to me and pleaded with puppy eyes...,

Which are honestly not working with that tattoo of hers...

Jude-" Ah~, don't worry he will for now, come here."

Jude took me from Kenny, at first Kenny didn't want to, but after a few 'looks' from Jude, she finally accepted her defeat and released me.

We all went downstairs, It looks like Mom and Aunt are normal again, good for them.

Going to the dining room Mom and Riz both were quietly sitting on their spots...

Rain-" Why do both of them look like they've been in a fight?"

Jude-"Cuz they did..., remember what I told you about them being violent?"


Jude-"Well here's proof for you."

Rain-" Holy...."

Jude sat opposite Mom and Aunt, and Kenny sat next to Jude while I was sitting in the middle, On my right Mom and aunt, and my left Kenny and Jude.

Seeing us, Slar also bought food for the table, it looks like vegetable soup with potato stuffed bread.

Rain-" That smells good! Thanks, Slar!"

Slar-" Hah, just doing my job sir."

Rain-" Well you are doing pretty good in it!"


Kenny-" Well let's dig in!"

Rain-"Wait!, we didn't brush yet!"

Jude-" We can do it afterward, c'mon I'm hungry."

Rain-" NO NO NO NO, Everyone follow me! Slar, we'll be back in a minute."

Slar-" Ok sir~"

5 minutes later.

Third Person's POV.

As Everyone returned after being dragged by Rain to get washed up, Slar was almost done with his morning chores.

Kenny and Ashley, we're normal, while Jude and Riz are grumpy.

Sitting back to their spots everyone began their meal.

Riz-" Rain....., So uh... Are you enjoying this breakfast?"

Rain-" Yup~, eating with everyone is great!"

Riz-" Wanna do it every morning?"

Rain-" We can?"

Rain Asked delightedly.

Riz-" Yes!, whenever you want!"

Riz was overjoyed with Rain's answer.

Rain-" Yes please!"

Kenny-" Oi, focus on eating."

as everyone happily munched on food Ashley continued to stare at Kenny and Rain, finally breaking the silence she asked Kenny.

Ashley-" Uh. Kenny, ... what the hell happened to your face?"

Kenny-" Uh. I got a tattoo, remember?"

Ashley-" Yeah... but.. why?"

Kenny-" My friend dared me to it."

Ashley-" And you did it?"

Kenny-" Well yeah..., what was I supposed to do? back out? No way!"

Ashley-" Holy hell..., you look ugly"

Kenny-" *Cough!*, what the hell!!??"

Ashley-" Ugly as hell."

Kenny-" Aunt!!"

Ashley continued to Poke fun at Kenny for her tattoo.

Their breakfast was going smoothly Until Ashley got a call.

*Ring* *Ring*

Ashley-" Hm?, Hello.....oh...yeah... WHAT!!!!????"

Ashley dropped the phone and was shocked by the caller's words.

Riz-" What happened?"

Riz asked worried, unlike her, Ashley was a very easygoing person.

Ashley leaned down to Riz's ear and Said.

Ashley-" *Whispering* You remember that abandoned building we hide our cash from that property's deal."

Riz-" Yeah...., what about it?"

Ashley-" that...*Gulp*... that.... a...a fire broke into in last night"

Riz-" WHAT!!!!!!!"

Ashley-" A fire broke into in last night!"


Riz-" I'm not asking I'm reacting!!"

Ashley-"Why the fuck did you slap me!!??"

Riz-"Cuz you were the one who said to hide it there!!"

Ashley-" You also agreed to it!!!"

Riz-" Yeah but it was your idea it began with!!"

Seeing their tantrum Rain leaned to Jude and Asked.

Rain-" You were talking about this?"

Jude-" Yup...., you know what?, just tell Mom that you love her and to calm down."

Rain-" ok...., Uh. Mom"

Riz-"WHA-!?...uh.. wha wha what sweety?"

Rain-" Mom, I love you, please calm down."

Riz-" Uh...*Inhale* yeah... yeah.. go a good idea..., *exhale*, I should calm down...., And Ashley you too shouldn't overreact, it's not a big deal...., *Inhale* yeah, it's not a big deal..., it's not like *exhale*I just lost 10 percent of my net worth..., but it's. fine...., he even said I love you Mom...., *DEEP INHALE*. it's all fine..., He said he loves me..."

Ashley rubbed her face with her last hand with tears as she saw Riz hyperventilating.

Ashley-" I overreacted?"



Ashley-" *In tears*...What the....."

Rain-"Uh.. aunt, you ok?"

Ashley-" *Nods in denial*"

Hearing it Rain got off his chair and walked to Ashley's side.

Rain-" Could you lean down a little bit?"

Ashley-" Why? you wanna slap me too?"

Rain-" Of course not! just..... do it!"

Just as Rain said Ashley leaned her head to his level.

Ashley-" All right There yo-!?"


Ashley-" Ah..."


Rain Kissed Ashley's cheek, right where Riz slapped.

Rain-" I do know one thing, that is that I'm cute... so..*Embarrassed and Blushing*... I thought that'll make you feel good."

Ashley stared at Rain's Face for full 2 minutes before turning to Riz.

Ashley-" Slap me again."




Riz&Ashley&Jude&Rain-" Huh?"

Kenny slapped herself.

Kenny-"R, R, Rain...*Points at her cheek*"

Rain-" Huh?"


Riz did the same.


5 minutes later,

After everyone had filled their kisses Quota, Rain went back to play with Fluffy.

Riz-" *Loose face* he.. hehe hehe...."

Jude-" that was... good...."

Kenny-" I could get used to this."

Kenny-" Me too."

Everyone seemed drunk in delight.

Jude-" Ok now listen...., I got a problem..., a bug one actually..."

Riz-" The one you talked about in the morning?"

Jude-" Yeeeeeeeeah...., I kinda....fucked up last night..."

Kenny-" What happened?"

Ashley-" Anything serious?"

Everyone looked at Jude in concern.

Jude-"... aunt..., last night when I said that I got no line and dildo... I..lied... actually.. I had one.. that I used last night..., and I think I might have mistook the bottle of glue..with lube..... and.. now..."

Kenny" *wide eyed*..Now what.."

Ashley-"*Jaw falls*"

Riz-"And now?"

Jude-" let's... just say the heaven closed it gate...., "


Everyone thanks for the chapters.

very few tell about the chapter.




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