CH28-Rain's identity and devil's gift.

Rain's POV.

I feel like I'm drowning.....

But not in the water...., it's not blood either...

Like a moth lost in the dark searching for light.

A moth that can't fly anymore.

My heart is sinking, and my head feels heavy.

This feeling inside me...It's just too much to take in. Too much pain I can't bear.

The only thing I know right now is this.

Pain.....Pain..... More than anything else..., it's loneliness...

I feel scared...

and alone...I don't know where anyone doesn't seem as if anybody will come back for me. No matter how hard I pray.

I just want someone. Anyone...

But no one answers my call.

And there is so much darkness around me...I can't see anything but a black void...

But then suddenly, as if someone shot a harpoon through my heart.

And then it pulls me out like a fish.

Rain-" YHHAAAAA!!! *cough!* *cough!*.... what the... where the hell am I?"

When I woke up I was in a bed that didn't look like mine..., It was a wooden room with a vintage aesthetic.

the wallpaper was a creamy white and the curtains had a pattern of tiny golden leaves. The windows were big enough so you could see the rain falling outside in a perfect manner, they had thick glass panes and it seemed like the sky was painted a soft blue with little specks of morning rays just before the actual sunrise.

Looking at my body, I was fine, with no injuries... I was a little older, maybe about 17 now, but I wasn't wearing my clothes,

I was wearing an overgrown shirt with frills and flowers on it, and tight black shorts...

Rain-".... what the femboy fuck is this?..."

Just as I was wondering about my current condition.


I heard a voice outside, quickly getting off the bed I ran outside.

It looks like someone is knocking, luckily this house isn't that big, and finding the front door wasn't that difficult.

I tried to open the door, but it felt too heavy to do so, trying my best I finally managed to push it open, ... outside..there was a woman clad in heavy royal blue armor, it was adorned with jewelry and gold, but unlike thr armor, thr women were covered in cuts and wounds, her face was also heavily injured.

She was unconscious...

I rushed over to her, she looked hurt,... maybe she got caught in an attack by someone or something...she would probably die if I didn't take care of her...

Thinking about her death made my heart sink, and even more, tears threatened to fall down my cheeks...

"Help...!" The lady gasped, still half asleep, "I need help..." she continued to beg for help as I put pressure on the wound on her side.

"Hold on...," I said as I used all the strength I could muster to bring her into the house...

With my help, she walked over to my bed and lay down.

She was struggling to breathe and aggressively coughing blood too.

"You must be very cold, hold on....." I told her, taking her gloves off carefully to avoid aggravating any internal injuries.

As soon as I took off her gloves, her skin was almost translucent her blood was almost visible through her skin, her chest was rising and falling slowly, and she looked pale...not the usual pink hue of healthiness.

The woman was breathing heavily and her eyes were squeezed shut...her hands were shaking violently...but when she opened her eyes I saw tears rolling down her cheeks...

Suddenly her entire frame went rigid and her face contorted in unimaginable agony as her muscles convulsed...and she started to cough up blood as if she were choking...


I don't know if I can find any bandages here, even the clothes on the furniture and curtains looked dirty,




Fuck it

Taking off my shirt, I ripped it into strips, it's not enough but I think I can at least stop bleeding.

I turned my attention back to the girl who was gasping in pain now...when did she start to hyperventilate...?

I pressed the torn parts of my shirt onto her wounded side as tightly as possible to stop the bleeding, she was already crying loud as she could...I couldn't hear myself think, the room was filled with the sound of her ragged breaths and her sobbing.

Finally, after a few minutes of silence, I decided I should have a look at her ribs...I hope that nothing too bad had happened,

luckily it looks like her armor saved her.

On the floor was the blood-stained armor, with cuts and dents, it looked like a spoil of war, and maybe it is.

Rain-" I need to find more clean clothes."

I ran around the whole house half naked, trying to look for something I can use to wrap around her wounds.

Luckily I did find something.... but it was again more clothes that looked like my size...

Rain-" *Sigh*....."

5 minutes later.

Almost all my clothes are gone now, I'm wearing the same shorts but now with a very skimpy and tight shirt, at least it's something to wear, cuz everything else is in tatters.

Fortunately, that knight is in stable condition now.

Although her face is injured, I can see that she is beautiful, has dark Scarlet hair and brownish skin, a tall buff physique with a generous amount of elegance.

Rain-" Hah...., Shame she's in this condition...., but what's my condition...., .. where the hell am I ?"

That lady knight was sleeping soundly, leaving her, I walked out of the house this is an old log cabin, surrounded by large pine trees and a thick mist...

The morning was still fresh as the little droplets were still sitting on leaves and flowers.

A fresh and chilled breeze hit my nostrils along with a very pleasing fragrance of flowers that were blooming around me.

Rain-" Wow....., It's beautiful in here..."

But it's not my home...., where am I?.. is this a dream?..., it has to be.


God, I'm hungry...., let's see if I can find something.

Walking back inside, I went kitchen, luckily, looks like I'm not gonna be starving here, cuz right best to the kitchen I found the pantry room, and it was filled with dried meat and Waxed chees, there were a lot of wines too.



Wait a second... alcohol can be used with bandages... YES, IT CAN BE!!!

I took a bottle of wine and some jerky should be good too.

Getting back to the room, the knight was awake now, although she couldn't move she was able to speak.

Knight-" Th.. thank you..., I am in your debt."

Rain-" No need to force yourself to speak..., here I have some food, and wine for you...., although I don't know if you'll be able to eat it like this..."

Knight-" I'll"

Rain-" As you wish...., but I suggest you have some water...., Wait a second I didn't for water....., ok give me a minute I'll go look for it!"

Shit how the hell I can forget the water, Looking around the house I didn't find anything, there was a bucket in the kitchen, I took it and went outside, although I was gonna look for a river I found a well right next to the Cabin.

It was chilled and almost icy, but it should be good enough, while pulling the bucket out I almost fell in that Well, I seriously need to get some muscles in this body of mine.

Coming back to the room, I find the knight is now sitting and had already chugged the whole bottle.

Rain-" hooooooly... hell"

Knight-" Ahhh~~~~ *Wipes face* forgive me, but I simply couldn't resist a quality bottle."

Rain-" huh? *Tilts head*.... weren't you dying a minute ago?"

Knight -" Haha I was..., but it is as they say, 'Booz and brawl are what makes the brat brave'... I thank you for saving me."

Rain-" You're welcome.....I suppose you won't be needing this water anymore?"

Knight-" I do!.... I'm sorry for acting like this in front of fair men like you"

Casting her eyes downwards she answered, that alcohol was definitely messing with her mind.

Fresh cuts and painful grunts were nowhere to be seen.





Third Person's POV.

The knight was lying on the bed, she still had her underwear but her chest was just covered with clothes that Rain had used to stop her bleeding.

She was slowly eating the jerky with wine that Rain had bought for her.

While eating, she couldn't help but gaze at Rain's body, not only he was wearing alluring clothes but his beauty too was on par with gods.

Rain-" So....., What happened...., why are you here? who are you and most importantly why am I here?"

Knight-" My name is... Wait a minute... you don't know me?"

Rain-" I wouldn't have asked you if I did."

Knight-" Wha-... I'm the head knight! the right hand of the QUEEN!!!, how the hell you don't know ME!?"

Rain-" Don't scream!, ..... no I do not know you! I was in my house just a minute ago and then suddenly poof! I'm here! I don't know what this place is and I don't know how I got here!"

The knight was confused, she didn't know what Rain was talking about, but based on her knowledge she prepared an assumption.

Knight-" Maybe you were caught in a teleportation magic accident, "

Rain-" Tele-magi-what?."

Knight-" It's a phenomenon that happens when someone uses teleportation magic but gets the initial coordinates wrong, causing things like this to happen."

Rain-" Do people just go around doing stupid magic like that!?"

Knight-" No not just anyone can do it, don't worry, once I get back to Royal Castle, I'll personally escort you back home."

Rain-" Thanks for the offer, I'll happily accept it...., but that comes later, how the hell did you get injured like this?"

Knight-" *Sigh*... I was attacked by the soldiers of another kingdom.., we are currently being invaded by the bordering countries I was on my way to pass a message to our squad... this place is very near the border. ...., I'm kinda surprised you live here."

Rain-" Corrections!.... I spawned here like a minute ago."

Knight-" Oh sorry again!... so you kinda don't know anything? ... like this place or where you are?"

Rain-" None~."

Knight-" hehe... I suddenly just lost all hope of asking you to get me some help from the city."

Rain-" Well.... sorry to disappoint you."

Knight-" No No, .... you someone as pretty as you to tend my wounds has been a very pleasing experience."

Rain-" Uh...ah. That... that just came out of nowhere..., thanks... sorry. I'm not used to being called pretty."

Knight-" Oh please!..., I'm sure our queen would sell her Kingdom just to have a moment with you."

Rain-" Please..., you are embarrassing me.... thank you.."

Knight stands up, there was lust in her eyes and her cheeks were dyed due to alcohol, although she was injured, all the wine and Rain's presence made her forget everything.

Knight-" I never had the pleasure to know your name."

Rain-" Rain...., My name is Rain Young...Miss Knight, I don't think-..."

She puts her thumb on Rain's lips, curling her left arm around Rain's waist she explored his body with her fingers.

Knight-" Elsa..., My name is Elsa..., Say it."

Rain-" Elsa..... No wai-!?"

Before Rain could complete his words his Lips were touched by Elsa's.

She Reached her right hand to his head and gently played with his hair.

Her tongue aggressively explored his mouth.

He couldn't believe it, he couldn't breathe, his heart pounded in his chest, and his breathing started to become heavier.

All he could hear and feel was Elsa's hot breath hitting his face, her lips moving against his, her body moving closer and closer to him, Elsa began to undress him slowly and sensually.

And Rain couldn't move an inch, he couldn't react.

His legs felt numb as Elsa's touch slowly became more erotic.

Elsa moved down towards Rain's neck, kissing it and touching it, caressing him with her hands.

When Elsa's teeth sunk into the tender flesh of Rain's neck, he knew he would never recover.

As Rain's blood was running freely down to Elsa's mouth, Elsa took another bottle and slammed it open to the table, then drank it hard in one go, tasting Rain's blood that spilled on her chin she was enjoying the flavor along with the wine.

Then she licked it clean, as she continued licking, her teeth aggressive but tenderly but on Rain's neck.

She put her other hand onto Rain's thigh, lifting his leg and placing it on top of her lap.

Elsa's eyes sparkled when Rain squirmed beneath her. She leaned forward and kissed the boy's cheek, then his throat, sucking hard on his flesh making him writhe and moan.

In less than three seconds Elsa had

completely removed Rain's shirt.

Reaching down with her hand she grabbed Rain by his buttocks and placed him on the table next to the empty plate and the bottle that she had drunk from, and with her other hand she reached for the bottle of wine and brought it to Rain,

Rain just looked at her face like a statue, unable to say even a single word he just sat there, frozen.

Elsa saw Rain's face and a surge of adrenaline shot into her brain, she leaned right next to Rain's left ear and said.

Elsa-" We can stop right now, I will leave your house and never return, but I still promise to help you get back home....., or we can continue.... and my promise to help you stands regardless."

She took the wine and placed the bottle right in front of Rain.

Elsa-" Whatever your choice is, I'll accept it, you can stab me with a knife if you want...., I'm a slave to your beauty...., and ill do anything you ask."

She said to Rain, while Rain was unsure and hesitant, Elsa was full of lust and desire.

Defeated and aroused Rain leaned his head to the bottle, Elsa's heart started to find like a hammer to the metal, and her lips reached ear to ear forming a large smirk.

It was the first time Rain had drunk alcohol, his throat felt hot

and bitter like medicine yet somehow sweet and soothing all at the same time.

As soon as the glass touched Rain's lips he gulped the rest until nothing remained, it was as though he was drinking the entire bottle himself.

A wave of euphoria filled his body and he had no control whatsoever over his movements.

Elsa was smiling brightly as she looked at Rain's intoxicated expression, she was quite pleased with what she was doing to him and what they had already done.

He was still half naked.

She leaned toward Rain and gave him another kiss on the lips before taking off Rain's pants and underwear with ease.

Rain was too startled at first that he didn't get any simulation that could help his member stand, but that wasn't a problem for Elsa.

Her Nose was filled with Rain's scent, it was like an aphrodisiac, something that made Elsa act like this, Too embarrassed to look Rain closed his eyes, Elsa was too intoxicated to notice, but Rain's skin was slowly and faintly changing color, it was slowly turning to a faint red color, his eyes were transforming even more, black with Gloden glowing iris.

Rain's Complexion was very similar to

Devil-" Me...., he's gonna be just like me!

Sitting at a top of a tree branch was the devil, even though it was a clear day outside, the large tree and thick mist made the sunlight very hard to reach.

Between the shades of trees, her eyes shone like stars in the night.

Devil-" Ah! soon his transformation will be complete! dear Rain~ do you like my gift? I gave you my blessing, with this you'll become an incubus, sadly not a full-fledged one, but just your sight alone will drive everyone mad in pleasure!, Just your touch alone will bring anyone to orgasm! oh, you'll be the reason for conflicts and wars!.... *sigh*.. you'll meet many people... like the gold to a dragon you'll corrupt them all.... but you'll lose your value as a person...., you'll become some people would wanna have...., your presence would be considered a reward..., but you'll suffer... you'll suffer a lot in the way..., but it's fine..., it's fine cuz I want to see you suffer... I know you won't give up and just die..., oh I'll revive you a thousand times if I have to..., just don't give up, entertain me more my beloved!."





Elsa was lying ok the bed staring at the roof she was already dazed and with Rain working his tongue between her legs, she didn't care about what was happening in the world.

Drunk in pleasure and ecstasy she was like a puppet that had its strings cut off.

But there was this still life in her, and all of that life and strength was being used to hold Rain's head in one place, even if he was struggling to breathe Elsa didn't allow him to stop, she had grabbed his scalp tightly and ruthlessly shoved her pussy to his face.

Her mind was foggy, she was drunk, she couldn't think straight; Her mind was clouded by Rain, her thoughts were racing and she wanted only him, and no one else!

Just the feeling of him touching her body and sucking her clitoris, the taste of his lips, the sound of his voice, everything was intoxicating, like a drug that traps its victim's mind in such a way that even a second without it feels life-threatening.

Slowly Elsa was closing in she was reaching orgasm, she was moaning like crazy, biting her fingernails, trying to release all those feelings inside herself, so bad, so intense that she feared they might explode in the next seconds, so she pushed all those feelings to her core, and once they did her heart stopped beating, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her breathing ceased and all she felt was ecstasy and pain!

Elsa's whole frame shook and twitched with pleasure as she moaned with each new sensation that came to her.

Suddenly Rain's head was trapped between Elsa's legs, she vice gripped his head between her legs.

Screaming like an uncontrolled beast she collapsed on the bed, releasing her fluids on Rain's mouth, he was covered from head to toe, being sprayed with girl cum he looked like a toy that begged to be ravaged.

And Elsa complied with it too, like a mindless undead she pounced on him.

Way too lost in pleasure she wasn't even unable to speak, any words that could fork in her mouth were replaced with moans and screams.

She grabbed Rain's legs and held him in an 'Amazon position', positioning his member into her pussy, and slammed it like a hammer.

Like a machine she pounded on his dick, pounding and pounding it mercilessly, while Rain was groaning loudly from the pleasureful pain he was suffering under her, he was so far gone that he didn't feel much anymore; everything around him was blurry, his body was paralyzed, his mind was numb, he was completely unable to move.

Soon, he came inside her, and his dick slowly went limp but Elsa dislike that, She forcefully grabbed him by his hair and punched him hard across his face.



She hit him again, this time she slapped him, it was so hard that tears started to flow down his cheek.

But it didn't help, Elsa was getting impatient and more violent.



She kept punching his face again and again and again.

Not stopping even for a moment she halted her assault when finally Rain's heartbeat stopped too.

But She wasn't sane anymore


Like a brainless beast, she held his dick in her hands and Stroked it like a piston, but it was no use,

She kissed his corpse, biting his lips and tongue, she held his body in her arms and aggressively kept nibbling on his neck....,

Until she finally realized what had happened.....

She took a knife and slit her throat and died right next to Rain.








Rain's POV

Hmm?... I feel like I've done this before....,

??-" Ake up!"


??-" WAKE UP!!"

I'm hearing voices... they are slowly getting louder and more clear.....

Riz-" Sweety wake up!!!"


I slowly opened my eyes, I was in my room with everyone surrounding me with teary eyes.

Rain-" God... I just had the most bizarre dream..."
