CH29-Risk of reality.

Third person's POV.

Lying on the bed Rain was surrounded by everyone, there were some new faces like some people in lab coats and a chubby green girl.


Riz-" Rain, sweety what happened?"

Rain-" *Rubbing eyes* I'll honestly explain if I knew...., but it looks like I fell asleep, ..... in a very deep one too."

Kenny-" Doctor is he ok?"

Doctor-" Well there are no injuries, it doesn't look like he was attacked either..., Maybe exhaustion.... but it just as you said that he was fine this morning, .... maybe it's mental exhaustion or something.... has there been any events or injuries that might affect his brain?"

Riz-" Uh....."

Kenny-" He had an accident not long ago..., sadly his head was hit very badly, do you think that could be the reason?"

Doctor-" That could be a reason..., can I talk to his parent?"

Riz-" I'm his mother, doctor."

Riz's words confused the doctors, being one of the biggest families in the city her casual whereabouts were a hot topic in the news.

And the fact that she didn't have any son was well-known.

Gloria-" Well Miss Riz adopted him just some time ago, it hasn't been very long."

Rain-" Huh?"

Gloria-" Good evening Sir Rain, so you remember me? Oh wait! you were unconscious when Miss Riz bought you here, sorry I don't have a good memory."

Riz's sank, she had never felt so vulnerable in her whole life, she felt so angry she wanted to turn Gloria into her garden's manure, but at the same time, she felt so scared, so afraid she just wanted to find underneath her bead and cry for help, that she knew won't come.

Rain-" M.. Mom?"

Rain was confused, was this a dream too? he wondered.

Jude-" No Gloria, that's not the same kid, the one you're talking about is the kid who you met when you went to Miss Johnson's house."

Jude had come from her room, she was still affected by the anesthesia that doctors gave her, not even standing properly and with eyes, half closed, she Grabbed Riz's shoulder and said.

Jude-" Mom I think Gloria forget to take her medication, please take her to your room, I and Kenny will take care of Rain, Aunt please take these doctors too I think Gloria will require their assistance soon enough."

Not wasting a single second Riz dragged Gloria out of the room, Ashley too took the doctors with her and followed behind Riz.

Gloria-" Wha wait for a second!"

Riz grabbed her by the scalp and forcefully took her.

Left with Jude and Kenny, alone and confused.

Jude-" Hahaha, seriously, Gloria is such a bird brain."

Rain-" She looks funny..., I kinda wanna talk to her again sometime, I think I like her."

Annoyed, Jude and Kenny asked at the same time.


Rain innocently replied.

Rain-" I mean she's the first person who's almost short as me, I mean I'm still short..., but...., you get me?"

Jude-" Oh..., that?.., yeah.. yeah! I do."

Kenny-" Oh!.... yeah, ... damn Rain, being short must be awful! tch~."

Rain-" See!"

Satisfied with Rain's answer Jude casually sat next to Rain, invading his hair with her fingers.

Jude-" So, what happened to you?"

Rain-" I don't know... I feel like I fell asleep and I like had a very bizarre and scary dream..."

Kenny-" Was it that bad?"

Kenny came and sat on the other side, she moved her arm around his neck and gently rubbed his cheek.

Rain-" It was horrible..., I was murdered... rapped...., maybe drugged too-?"

Before Rain could finish his sentence Kenny picked him up and tugged him tightly in her arms.

Kenny-" Don't ever say that!..... I would rather die than see even a scratch on you....*Sob*.

... please don't ever say that again.."

Jude-" I'll go and call doctors.... a dream like this for a kid your age isn't normal...., and Kenny"

Kenny-" *Looks at Jude* ?"

Jude-" Don't leave him.... no matter what."

Kenny-" I won't."

With a last nod to each other, Jude left, slowly walking back to her mother's room, she was absolutely terrified...

Jude-" how the hell Could Rain have a dream like this... there is no way he can imagine things this shit!!!"

Jude hurriedly ran to Riz's room and opened the door.






Riz-" Come here!"

Riz dragged Gloria to her room, throwing her like a wheat bag she instantly kicked her gut.

Gloria-" OOHHHUUU!!!????'am.. please.. what.. what did I do?"

Riz-" I'll tell.... I'll tell....., you almost fucked newfound joy... my only light of happiness... you almost took it from me..."

Gloria-" Ma'am Please...., I don't know what I did.... but please... please forgive me..."

Riz-" Forgive....., ha...hahahahaha....."

Grabbing her by the scalp, Riz lifted Gloria to her eye level, staring deep into her eyes she punched Gloria in the gut again.

Riz-" Gloria....., the sin you committed.... is grave....., it's so grave...., that as a punishment..., I'm gonna fill your brains with lead..... since you've been working for me for a very long time...., I've skipped the torture part..., and since the situation is still in control... dispute your stupidity...., I think I'm gonna let your family live."

Gloria-" Ma... Ma'am..*sob*..., please.... please forgive me..., ma'am, please. I'm begging you!"

Riz-" Maybe if you weren't a foolish goblin you could have taken a better decision...., but too late now."

Riz threw Gloria, to the corner of the room.

Behind Riz, Ashley was sitting on the bed smoking the cigarettes that Slar bought for them.

Right next to her was a group of four doctors that were absolutely terrified. despite being medical department they were praying and crying for their dear life.

Riz walked to her wardrobe and took out her pistol, like always, it was completely loaded, she also took out a blue-colored tape, and wrapped it around the Gun's muzzle, it shone in green light after Riz pumped some of her Mana into the gun.

Aiming at Gloria's head, she was prepared to pull the trigger.

Jude-" Wait!"

Jude stopped Riz.

Riz-" Turning her head*... Jude...*bloodshot eyes* there has to be a fucking good reason for you to stop me."

Not even a bit intimidated, Jude replied.

Jude-" Rain found Gloria funny...., apparently he was happy to find someone short like him.... wanna chat with her sometime again."

Hearing it Riz was perplexed, turning her head back to Gloria, she looked at her... and smiled.

Riz-" He.. ahaha ah...AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!,

Your short goblin physique, saved you today..., bloody hell, it has to be the stupidest reason I ever let someone live...., But..."

Riz gave up killing Gloria, but she hadn't forgiven her.

Riz-" Your Sin..."

Riz again went to her wardrobe she took out an old rusted knife, its blade was dulled, and holding it in one hand was a struggle due to its broken handle.

Riz-" Here... *brings the knife to Gloria*..., I will punish you... no matter what...., now you either cut your ear with your hand..., or I have someone in your family dead..., your choice"

Gloria's heart stopped, of course in this situation cutting her ear was the only valid option for her..., but among the goblins..., one's ears are a sign of respect.... and the most sensitive part of their whole body.

But Gloria had no other choice...

Slowly, she took the knife from Riz's hand, her whole body started to shake aggressively.

Riz-" Hurry up, right now you still got doctors here..., if you delay anymore..., I might just send them back."

Riz was completely unhindered by the situation, as if it was an everyday thing for her.

Jude-" Mom, I didn't come here to see you play sadist, Rain...., he had a.... weird dream...."

Riz-" Yeah yeah. ..., just gimme a moment..., I'm sure this won't take more than a minute..., I kinda wanna see that."

Gloria Gripped the knife with her both hands, she was crying and weeping like a child.

she stretched her left ear with her left hand, slowly bringing the knife to her ear's root.

She planned to finish it in one go, she had to, she won't be able to bear the pain if she didn't succeed on her first try.

Gloria-"Goddess Lilith, bless us lost souls with your light, the weak ones, pray for your protection."

Riz-" Remember....., I want that ear completely removed from that head, I won't take that half-assed chopping, you understand?"

Gloria-" Yes ma'am.....*hyperventilating*... save me lord Lilith!"




Riz-" I never allowed you to scream, ..... do it quietly."

Gloria-" Ye...*sob*. I'm... I'm sorry ma'am..."

Gloria's Ear was still there, as a stream of blood poured on the floor Riz kept her eyes on Gloria, regardless of the gore that was on display.

Jude-" Mom..., I NEED to talk to you..., It's urgent."

Jude was getting impatient, putting more power behind her words she asked Riz again.

This time she used her authority.

Riz-" Tch!...., fine."

Riz stood up, grabbing an empty wine bottle she stood in front of Gloria.

Starting at her eyes for three seconds.


Before she smashed the bottle on Gloria's face, but this was not the end.

Gloria was too fazed out, having her head hit like this was enough to buzz her, her head was spinning, and she no longer understood anything happening anything around her. her forehead was bleeding, and a shard of glass was stuck on her cheek.

Riz-" there you go, use this, I'm sure it's sharp enough to finish the job in one go."

Riz held a long glass piece in her hand, offering it to Gloria, who did not have any other option other than to accept it.

Gloria-" tha.... th... anks...."

Her eyes were hazy, and with her hand completely covered in blood, she took the glass shard from Riz's hand.


Just as Riz Said, the glass did the job,

Gloria lost consciousness the moment her ear fell on the floor, Riz looked unhazed, turning back to the doctors she said.

Riz-" Oi!, fix this green shit... *Turns to Jude* *Lights a cigarette* what were you saying?"



