CH30-Check up

Riz and Jude walked into the hallway.

Jude-" Rain...., he said he had a dream..., said he was raped and murdered...., I find it hard to believe that someone of his age would just imagine this kind of thing.."

Riz-" Are you sure...., but... Lord..."

Jude-" I think we should consult with doctors..., probably explaining to them everything could help."

Riz-" No...., we are not telling those lab rats anything..."


Jude's words were heavy and mighty, with resolve and anger, she replied.


Riz agreed walking back to her room with Jude, they found Slar on the way.

He was doing his regular cleaning chores, seeing both Riz and Jude, he greeted them.

Slar-" Good afternoon ma'am."

Riz-" Follow me, My room's a mess, clean it."

Riz ordered, Slar was still busy with his current work, but seeing her mood, he just nodded and followed them.

Slar was walking behind the two but when they reached Riz's room he hurriedly walked past them to open the door, opening it he stood to the side while still holding the door, waiting for them to enter first.

Riz-" Don't.... scream."

Saying so both Riz and Jude entered, and Slar did the same behind them, but the moment he did.

He froze, a very strong scent of blood entered his nose, he started to shake his eyes lost color, and his face paled white.

Slar-" Ah... A!.....-!?"

His words were stuck in his throat, a scream that struggled to escape his mouth but couldn't.

Riz rested her hand on his shoulder, his eyes flashed before his eyes, and within a second he imagined all the possible outcomes. most of them didn't end well for him.

Riz-' Not a word outside... *points at Gloria* clean that."

Saying so, Riz walked past him and approached the doctors who were still tending to Gloria's wounds.


Slar collapsed on his keens the moment Riz moved her hand from his shoulder.

Riz-" Oi!, which one of you is the boss."

She asked the bunch.

Senior Docter-" I'm the senior doctor..., Probably the most experienced among all..."

Riz-" Good...., come her-!? *turns back*"


Jude collapsed, and anesthesia finally worked its magic.

Senior Doctor-" I think anesthesia finally kicked in...., we thought it's just weak to her during the operation... but...., to think she'll resist it for that long."

Riz-" Yeah...., she's kinda used to drugs....., but that's not what I called you for."

Senior Doctor-" it for Ma'am?"

Riz-" My son...., the kid you just checked...., he said he had a nightmare....."

Senior Doctor-" But.. Ma'am... nightmares aren't something to be scared about..."

Riz-" He said he was Raped..., Murdered.... now explain it to me if it's not something I should be worried about?"

Senior Doctor-" But.. how.. how's this possible?!, I don't understand!"

Riz-" Neither do I, that's why you are here, *Grabs Doctor's collar*... Fix my son..., or you'll be dead...., got it?"

Senior Doctor-" *Gulp*... *Nodding*...., I need more information...., is there anything else you can tell me, Ma'am?."

Riz-"..... *inhales the cigarette*..."

Riz leans backward, looking at the ceiling she is thinking about the best way to explain it.

Riz-" *Blows the cigarette on the doctor's face*... all right.. listen.




Riz told the Doctor every, but the doctor wasn't allowed to react in any way besides nodding in agreement.

After a full 15 minutes of storytelling and rid finishing her 8 cigarettes, she asked.

Riz-" So.... what do you think?"

Senior Doctor-" Ah.... but... but... ha.. how?..... I need some time to think about it.."

Riz-"Fine... time's up."

Senior Doctor-" wait...WHAT!? BU-!?

Riz-" Too bad *points a gun at Doctor* see ya never."

The panicked Doctor kneels to Riz.

Senior-" Wait! wait! I have something! I have something! I just need to talk to the mid once let me talk to the kid! I swear I will find a treatment for it!"


Senior Doctor-" Please *sob*.... have mercy..., I don't I, don't wanna die.. please.."

Riz-" Fine~"

Riz smiled, getting off the chair she raised her hand towards the crying doctor, a gentle and bright smile was spread across her face.

Senior Doctor-" Th... thank you ma'am-!?"


Riz Slammed the Back of her pistol on the doctor's face.

Riz-" I'll let you ask him some questions...., but if he felt uncomfortable or if you asked him anything that he didn't like, ..... you won't be walking back home alive....., clear?"

Senior Doctor-" Ye.. yes....yes ma'am...."








Rain's POV.

Rain-" Who is that?"

Kenny-" that's the heroine of thr movie."

We are watching a movie on Kenny's phone, it is an action comedy about a woman who is forced to marry the son of a Mafia boss.

Rain-" That girl breathing fire..., is this real?"

Kenny-" Yup, she's a dragon."

Rain-" And that guy doing parkour."

Kenny-" That's fake."

Rain-" How does she get horns?"

Kenny-" She's a Minotaur."

Rain-" That boy is so small."

Kenny-" He's a fairy."

I asked Kenny many things, and almost every time a new character came I asked about it, Many different places with cities that were standing on clouds, homes carved from huge trees.

People of different shapes and sizes, sometimes..., it just..... it all feels like a dream.....

Riz-" Sweety, Rain? how are you doing?"

Mom came back, she was with the doctor.

Rain-" Watching a Movie, it's really good."

Riz-" That's good...., so..., you see this, the nice lady here? she wanna ask you something, you can answer if you want, you don't have to if you feel uncomfortable.

Rain-" Uhhh ok, I'm ready."

The doctor sat next to me, on the floor, she first started at my face and then asked.

Doctor-". So it's gonna be a little long, but I want you to trust me and answer everything honestly."

Rain-" Ok"

Doctor-" As your... Mom... told me you were in the hospital...and sadly lost your memories..., now it hasn't been too long since then..., so can tell me that everything you remember from start to till now?"

Rain-" Uh..., well the first thing I remember is laying on the bed..., my eyes were closed and... I think I heard Mom Kenny and Jude talking...., that was when my ventilator started to beep rapidly."

Riz-" Wait.., you were awake that time? why didn't you say anything?"

Rain-" I couldn't..., my mouth wasn't working at that time, ..... I think that night... someone whispered something in my ears..."

I explained everything, things that have happened until now, including my dream and my weird headaches that happened in the morning while waking up Mom.

The Doctor quietly listened..., taking notes and making assumptions that I could tell weren't positive.

Senior Doctor-" I think... I've come to a conclusion....., Kid.. you might have a mental disorder.... that constructs a fantasy world around the patient, making it hard to differentiate between reality and illusion..., it's called schizo-!"

Rain-" Schizophrenia."

Senior Doctor-" Where did you hear that?"

Rain-" Nowhere... I.. just... knew it.."

Senior Doctor-"...*Gulp*...Well, I assume you also know what it means then.... because there is no known cure for it right now..., I can prescribe some medication..., but they are not a permanent solution..., but for now all I can say is....., Rain... you might see things.. that are bizarre, .. scary... brutal..., but they are not real...., don't give them attention...., sometimes your brain will trick you and make you think that it's true and right in front you,...

sometimes you might even feel the touch..., but don't worry...., I suggest you have a smartphone with you...., whenever you feel like you are seeing something that is not true..., just open your phone and look at that thing through your phone camera, if it's still there you are good, if it's not..., just ignore it.., the more you focus in reality the better, ok?"


Standing up, the doctor looked at Mom.

Senior Doctor-" Miss Riz, can I have a moment with you?"

Riz-" Hm."

They both left, and I was again alone with Kenny.

Kenny-".. Hey... you ok?"

Rain-" I. I don't know anymore"

I don't know..., Doctor is saying that I have schizophrenia..., but... it was just a dream.

Kenny-".... it's gonna be fine..."






Third Person's POV.




Riz and the Doctor were walking out of the room, while Riz was worried About her, Poor Doctor was scared for her life.

Riz-" So... what is it..., and are you sure there is no cure for this disease?"

Senior Doctor-" No... actually.. he is not suffering from schizophrenia..."

Riz-"?..…... the fuck are you talking about?"

Senior Doctor-" Please calm down!...the thing is..., just as you said..., that he could have been kidnapped..... I think his dream.. and all that... it could all be his trauma from that time...."

Riz-"...Wha...*Realization*..... oh lord.."

Riz's heart fills with terror, she cups her mouth with her right palm and leans to the wall for support, as if her legs have lost all strength she falls to her knees.

Senior Doctor-" Ma'am, my main reason to lie to your son was... so that if he gets another trauma seizure of... uh.. your assault on him.. you can just excuse it away with his schizophrenia..."

Riz-"??.. why?..... I didn't ask for it..."

Senior Doctor-" I assumed.. th.. that you might don't want your relationship with him to get affected.. so.. that way you can always stay on his good side, as for his trauma from the time of his abduction..... we.. we can not do anything about it, only time can heal that wound."

Riz-". ....You know what?..., I was gonna kill you afterwords...., but not anymore..., write me some medicine for his trauma, take you people and fuck off."

Senior Doctor-" Ye! YES RIGHT AWAY!!!"

Not waiting for even fir a second, the doctor dashed out to Riz's room and ran out with her people.

Riz, was still sitting on the floor, leaning her back against the wall, her mind was filled with anxiety..., horror...., and anger, everything in her mind was cooking something..., something not good.

Riz-"... Trauma.. of rape... and murder..."

No tears fell from her eyes, but inside.. she was dying ..., not like a mirror that falls all at once.., but like a flower that was slowly losing its petals, wrapping her fingers around her head she pulled her hair.



Riz-" Lord... Lord of the lord, ... Lilith... please have mercy on my Son....., please... kill me.. take me to depths of hell..., but... please... not my son....., please..."

From the doorway, Fluffy was staring at Riz...


Chewing on Rain's shoe..., she was listening and following her since Rain woke up.

Fluffy-" She... she.....hurt.. my beloved..."

Sara-" Kill.... kill her... must... KILLL HERRRR."





