CH31-Curtains of Evening.

Rain's POV.

It's evening now, sitting in front of the TV I'm just watching a cartoon, fluffy currently sleeping with her head on my lap.

Fluffy-"[ Weren't we gonna kill that bitch?]"

Sara-" [ shut up! let me enjoy this moment for now.]"

it's a story about the daily life of a girl, who just can not seem to find a boyfriend....., for some reason, it feels unnecessarily sexual..., in a weird way...

There was a scene where the girl walked around the house in just pants... there was no drama or like.. nothing on it..,

but then the moment the guy took off his shirt and showed off his collar bones or even just showed off his shoulder..... people just seem to lose their minds...

Hell, there was literally an advertisement about stickers that guys could use to hide their nipples...

But that was not the most bizarre one...., the weirdest one was a capsule..., that girls could use to avoid pregnancy....., what was weird about it?..... slogan...

TV-" One capsule~, helps you bang carefree, since preschool~"







TV-" Are you unemployed? call on this number to get professional job guidance."


Rain-" Mooooooom."

Riz-" Whaaaat?" (From the dining room, drinking tea with Jude, Ashley, and Kenny)

Rain-" Are you Unemployed??"

Riz-"Splosh!!!....*cough* *cough*...WHAT!?"

Jude&Kenny-" Yeaaaaaah she is."

Riz-" Aye!!"

Rain-"....Wait, are you actually unemployed!?"


Ashley-" World?"


Kenny-" Country? didn't the government find your billion kelos worth of illegal gold inside a tree trunk?"


Jude-" Uh..correction, just yesterday, you lost 10 percent of your net worth, remember that building fire?"

*SLAAMM!!!* (Riz punches the table)

Riz-" *Mumbling*.... fuck..."

Rain-" The hell are they talking about?, Hey speak a little louder!"

Jude-" Mom owns a Bank, so..... yeah... she is not unemployed, Is this good enough for your curiosity?"

Rain-"ehhhh...Yup... I guess?.."

Mom owns a bank..., no wonder, ... this house feels quite luxurious.

Slar-" Sir, would you like some tea?"

Rain-", is there anything chilled?"

Slar-" Hm, how about some Soda? or fruit juice?"

Rain-" Soda!"

Slar-" *Thumbs up~* ok!"

Slar seems to be quite nice to me since the doctors left, he'll ask me if I need anything, about every 20 minutes, hell he even came to wipe my face every time I ate something.

Kinda feels weird, I told him that it was fine, but then he suddenly made a crying face, now I don't know what kind of black magic is this..... but god he makes a very convincing Crying face...

T.V.-" And on Today's News, we talk about the rapid success of Riz Young!, is it a miracle? or a Scam?, No! it's a Story of a tough grind of a Woman with determination and willpower!"

Rain-"Wait...a ....MOM! MOM! LOOK YOU ARE ON TV!!!!

Riz-" Huh?"

As soon as I yell her name Mom came to.. aaa I don't know what this room is called, let's just call it TV room.

She came to the TV room with a cup of tea in her hand, and an expression of suspicion.

She came and sat on the sofa, watching the screen intensely, after 5 seconds of staring she took a sigh of relief and then laughed.

Riz-" Hah!, sweety you see, your mom's kinda a big shot of the city."

Rain-" We are popular?"

Riz-" Uh... not exactly... popular.., but we are powerful! and the city respects us."

Rain-" How much?"

Riz-" *Smirk* Very much."

Rain-" *Eyes sparkle* If I were to go outside, will people bow to me?"

Riz-" Wai-... what!?"

T.V.-" And even after the death of her Son and Husband, Riz Young still raised her children alone, of course with the help of her sister too sometimes! the story is really inspiring."

Rain-" *looks back at T.V.* Wha... what?"


Rain-" M! Mom...."


Before Mom could finish her sentence Jude came from behind and poured her cup on Mom's back.


With tears in her eyes, she rolls on the floor like a crocodile in a river.

Jude-" Ignore her, So, you wanna know why the news report said that?"

Rain-" *Gulp*... *Nod*"

Jude-" It's gonna be a hard truth..., you ready for that?"

Rain-" I,...I don't understand.. what kind of truth?"

Jude-" *Sigh*...Before you were born, you had a brother..., his name was Alan, sadly... he died due to some illness, after him, dad did too, after 5 months of... dad's death..., You were born, Mom didn't want to ruin your childhood with media and stuff so we all decided to keep your birth from media, hidden, NOW! I could have told you this with a little bit of dramatic lighting and stuff...., but that just ain't my style...., Now you might understand why Mom is so over-protective with you, she... just didn't wanna lose another son, .... now this is the last time I'm..., Not Mom, Not Kenny, Nor the Aunt, ME!, this is the last time I'm allowing you to go all this ' MOM I DON'T UNDERSTAND ' shit! , she's your mom, me and Kenny your sister, and Ashley's your aunt! whether you like it or not! And if I hear you nagging one more time, I swear to god I'll slap that ass so hard, people will confuse it for a traffic light, is that clear?"

Rain-"...*Jaw falls*....*Fazed*...."


Rain-" * Aggressive nodding*..... *Hugs fluffy tightly*...."

Jude-"..... Good."




Third Person's POV.




After Jude gave Rain a piece of her, mind she casually walked back to Riz and whispered.

Jude-" You owe me a new PC."


Jude-"And I also want a new hike theater."

Riz-"...Can I hire you at my bank?"

Jude-" No."

Walking past Riz she went to the dining room and sat with Kenny and Ashley.

Jude-" Slar, get me another Cup."

Kenny-".... *Stares at Jude*"

Ashley-" What the fuck?"

Ashley looked at Jude like She saw a ghost.

Ashley-" There was no need to yell at him."

Jude-" People tend to trust you more when you are angry or represent your frustration."

She sat there with no emotions in her eyes, Kenny and Ashley were simply surprised by the fact that how good Jude is at lying.

Kenny-" *Slurp* *Finishes her tea* Imma go check up on Rain."

Saying So Kenny Left.

Ashley-"..... You know, when I was training at the police academy, People like you..., were listed in a special category..., and the best precaution against them was..., to never trust them...., What do you think will happen when Rain learns the truth."

Jude-" He won't."

Ashley-" Hehe... *Looks at Riz*... He won't... never will."







In the Faraway City of Lumina, the central city where the Royal Family lived.

Inside the Royal Family's Secret Service headquarters, Avira was undergoing stealth training under Big B's guidance.

Big B-" Why the hell are you walking like you wanna murder someone?"

Avira-" THIS IS HOW I WALK!!!!!"

Big B-" *Calm* Well try again, You need to blend in with the crowd but also make it look like you are not in it."

Avira-" Are you even making any sense?"

Big B-" Listen here, You don't need to hide among the crowd, No, Blend in."

Avira-" Yeah sure, Why don't you just chop my head along with the crowd's and just mix it."

Big B-" *Facepalm* Good lord, you are stupid beyond explanation....., *Sigh*... When you walk among the crowd..., you look obvious..., you need to look boring, casual, someone whose death just won't make a fuss."

Avira-" *Tch!*.... being an Oni..., I got the last part covered...."

Avira was currently training to be part of The Royal Secret Service Also known as.

Big B-"The Golden hounds....., this... agency... is not just about saving the Royal Family..., or the Government VIPs..., No, we also take care of people's enemies, but we do it all from the shadows, You..., are now the part of this shade....., Please..., try your best..., I..... have out my faith on you."

Avira-"....I... I'm trying.."

Big B-" I know..., let's try again. *Smile*"

Avira-" Hehe....., Yes ma'am~"






Back with Rain.

Camera Women-" Ma'am, little right please, uh.. yeah Perfect!, Stay like this!....., Say Cheese!"

Rain&Riz&Jude&kenny&Ashley-" Cheess~"

Fluffy&Sara-" Bark!"

They were taking a family Photo.

While Riz and Ashley had their luxurious seats,

While Rain was Sitting atop Fluffy.

Jude and Kenny were standing behind Riz and Ashley, They all wore Res Tuxedo and black shirts.

While Rain Just wore a White shirt with Short black pants.







TV anchor-" And On Today's news we learned about Riz Young's second Son, But wait!, there's a twist~, Apparently, ... After her husband's death, Her second was born, but yes as we all know, she wasn't going through a very good situation at that time, so for her son, she decided to keep his identity a secret, But Not anymore!!! Gentlemen and Ladies! Please welcome!!! RAAAAAAAIIINNNN YOUNGGG!!!!".

Rain-"..>Th.. Th. tha...thank... you...."

Riz-" Heh.. you see my son's Kinda shy."

TV anchor-" Damn.. boy..., you are... pretty..., like... banging go-*Looks at Riz*... Oh. respectfully pretty!..., yeah that's right!".






Volume 1 ends here...

Thank you for reading this story that I wrote only to make a story for my character creation Practice.

It has been a great journey up until now, I got love from you all for writing some... really fucked up things...but I'm Thankful for all of your support.

I'll return with the second Volume, some short stories.

Enjoy and Thank you fir reading.

And if you haven't written a review, please write one.