Short story 4-Wildlife.

Today we all went for a little trip to the Zoo.

Ever since I lost my memories, I've seen and met many people, and even tho they all look different.... they kinda look familiar.... not everyone tho, like elves and goblins

Slar and Gloria have long ears and they look very much like humans, and I don't think I have any memories of people like them.

But then whenever I see Beast people like Dog kin or Cat kin they don't look like me, they have fur and sometimes are huge, and can also be of very different feature.

Now there are people like Fluffy too, but they are in the category of... well, people.

While Fluffy is considered a pet of an animal, ... so.. what are the criteria? , what separates Them?

I actually, searched for it on the net, apparently, Fluffy is a mana beast and solely relies on mana to survive, while she does regenerate mana on her own, she would most likely not survive any kind of situation where mana is sealed or blocked.

There are three types of beings.


Mana beast.

Soul beasts.

Races are creatures like Me, and Mom or Slar, While creatures like Fluffy are mana beasts.

Now about Soul beasts, unlike Mana beasts, they are normal animals that although don't need mana but are capable of using it.

Races and Soul beasts don't need mana to survive and hence are also not equipped with its benefits,

Mana beasts need mana to survive but then again they are also equipped with a special element that is a gift of mana.

Like fluffy is equipped with fire it's something I learned when we went to bath together, and then her fur became so hot that all the water just evaporated.

Guess she doesn't like water.

And today I will finally get to see some soul beasts, while I did see them on phone, the real ones are gonna be quite a thing.

But what confuses me is that even if I'm searching for them I somehow know the name of most of them.

Images of animals that I already know came.

what were they one might ask?




Third Person's POV.

At the Zoo In front of a caged-

Rain-" THAT'S A T-REEEXXXX!!!!!!!"

Rain yelled in excitement.

He was sitting atop Ashley's shoulder as she was the tallest in the bunch.

Ashley-" You know that one too?"

Rain-" I think I know them all!!"

Going from one place to another, Rain knew the names of all the creatures.

Rain-" It's a Sabertooth! and that one is a velociraptor! Oh! and that's a Triceratops!"

Ashley-" Rain I would love to continue the ride, but please stop dropping ice cream on my shoulders....."

Kenny-" Wow, who knows? Rain could be a genius~"

Jude-" heh~, I think he just watched too many nursery rhymes."

Fluffy-"[ Why thr hell is he so excited to watch mindless animals lazing around? I mean, we are a hundred times better than them.]"

Sara-"[ Don't know, don't care, I just wanna go back to my Prince's room and cuddle on him...., I wonder when hell bath again.]"

Fluffy-"[Don't that is too much for us..., we almost vaporized the bathtub last time, and since then he hasn't allowed us to bath with him."


Inside the manager's office, Riz was sitting and enjoying her moment with some cigarettes and booze.

Manager-" There you go Ma'am *Hands her a small vail*, Anything else?"

Riz -" Hm? *Inhales the Cig* You sure this one works? I need something solid."

Manager-" Rest assured, this is thr finest product."

Riz-" Hm...., We'll see."

Riz finishes her Cigarette and Booze then chugs the whole Vile in one go.

Throwing it into the side and then going back to the group.

The Vile lands on the ground, its sticker labeled its name...


The best mouth freshener in the world!""""""

"side effects like dizziness and drunkness with mild mood swings are possible.."







Fuck this shit,

I'm starting the second Volume.