CH 1-Rain's Birthday.

Rain's POV.

Boom baby!

I turn 15 today!

Laying on my bed I thought to myself, yesterday when I was having dinner with everyone, suddenly a thought came to my mind, ...

Third person's POV.

Back to last night.

Rain-"When's my birthday?"

Rain asked them out of nowhere, and upon his question, they all flinched.

Kenny-"*cough* Where did that come from?"

Rain-" Well exactly from where I did, So, when's my birthday?"

Jude&kenny&Ashley-" *Looks at Riz*"

Riz-" Uh... it's... Tomorrow!, we had a surprise planned... but.. well .."

Rain-" Aah.. tch!.. I ruined it."

Riz-" Eh~, it's fine, not a big deal, *Pretends to look at the time* Oops! look at the time! Rain, Baby, go to your bed."

Rain-" Huh?, No, I think it's still pretty early."

Rain-" No Nooo No!, Tomorrow's a big day, you're gonna need a lot of energy, Slar!, take him back to bed."

Slar-" Yes Ma'am, Sir Rain, let's go."

Rain-" Eehhhhh?, Ok."

Slar took Rain with him, and Fluffy also followed them.

Riz-".... We're fucked.."

Jude-" Congratulations."

Ashley-" I should call a party planner."

Kenny-" Imma call the bakery."

Within seconds everyone was running around the dining room, making calls.

Riz was Calling her business partners and colleagues, she wanted Rain to have some friends of his own age, and of course, girls weren't on that list.

Jude was preparing gifts on behalf of everyone.

Kenny was preparing cake and snacks.

Ashley called the party planners and also planned decorations.



Rain's POV.

I got off my bed, and just like every morning, Fluffy was ready on her Four, surprisingly I simply don't need to walk, I can just ride on Fluffy's back the whole time.

I hopped on her and we went to brush our teeth.

Well, I went to brush mine and Fluffy's too, although I'll have to grab her neck and force her mouth, and then brush her teeth.

it's tough, but hey! can't compromise one's dental health.

After we are done we went to the kitchen, Slar, as usual, was cooking, and upon seeing us he greeted me and then threw last night's Dodo leg piece at Fluffy, Fluffy munched it in one go.

Rain-" Aye... I wanna do that."

Slar-" Sorry sir... that was the last piece."

Sara-"[ I'm telling you we can still eat the elf.]"

Fluffy-"[ No we can't... sadly....]"

Rain-" Ah..., b/w anyone else woke up yet?"

Slar-" Surprisingly, you are the last one to wake up today, Everyone else has been running around the house."

Rain-" Wow, really? damn..., guess I'll just watch some TV till breakfast is ready."

Slar-" Yes sir."

I've been hooked on a morning shown for quite some time, it's just a casual roast show where celebrities make fun of each other.

There are many players, and I've been fanboying over a Six armed Ant-girl. Her name is Anna queen, No, she's not from the royal family, it's just her name.

I was enjoying my show, that's when the advertisements came, So I just changed the channel, sadly I can't use the remote yet, as I still haven't learned the mana manipulation, so I'll just have to walk to the TV and change it myself.

Sad life...

As I was scrolling through the channels a news channel came, now usually I would skip it without even thinking....but...

TV-" And on today's News!, the mystery boy from the Young family is celebrating his 15th birthday! Just this morning, our source informed us that Rain Young is turning 15 this year, Now, ever since his introduction to media, thousands of people have been discussing about him, and it is also heard that there are some Fan pages for him, and people are also making fanarts of him in their own fantasy since there aren't many photos of him, many professional photographers and magazines personals are looking forward to tonight's party that is supposedly be held at Young Manor's luxurious garden, More on this topic after the break."



Rain&Fluffy&Sara-" Huh?"

Rain-"*Flinch'es at Fluffy* huh?"

Fluffy&Sara-" Ba.. bark..."

Rain-" *Turns back to TV* What the..."

What the hell is happening?...

Slar-" Sir, your family members are busy today, so I thought I'll bring your food to you."

As I wandered, Slar came to me with a plate of pancakes and...

Rain-" What's that?"

I asked, pointing at the yellow sauce that smelled sweet.

Slar-" Sir, That's altaria seed jam, in my home town it's supposed to be a good luck charm during birthdays...., I... I don't think I'm capable of giving you anything besides this..., I'll be grateful if you accept this."

Rain-" Slar..., I have no idea how you turned me emotional over a plate of pancakes...., but... I'm thankful... I'm thankful for your efforts in my everyday life."

Slar-" *brightened* Thank you, sir!"

And with that Slar left.

Well, the jam is sweet and it's very nutty, not gonna say it's my favorite, but it's good.





It's almost evening now, no one came home even once during the day, Slar is the only one that came to check on me once in a while, besides him, Fluffy has been with me all the time, I don't why she starts to drool whenever I'm cuddled up into her, but due to this reason, I had to keep tissues with me all the time, there was once a time she started to humor on my leg, now if Fluffy was a guy, I'll be worried, but she's female, I don't know if that's a normal thing or something else.

Well, I don't have any problems with her humping on him me...., but damn she's huge, if she could stand on two legs she would be tall as Aunt, maybe more?

Rain-"... God... this is getting boring....., hey Fluffy, let's just go out in the garden, a walk might be a good idea."

Fluffy-" Bark!"

Well, she seems ready~, I hopped on her and we went out...





Is this a construction site?

People were running around the whole garden with heavy machinery and sometimes with flowers and stuff, the whole garden was decorated with white flowers and red balloons how the hell did I not hear anything from inside, and why am I not hearing anything even when I'm outside?

Just as I wondered I noticed Aunt, sitting at a table and going through papers, she seems busy.

As I walked toward her I soon realized that the whole house was around some type of a sound barrier that muted everything happening outside, cuz just as I stepped outside of it my ears were greeted with an unpleasant noise of the construction process.

Fluffy was too sensitive for it so I left her there, she seemed sad, but I just had to check what was happening.

Ashley-" Hm? Oh! aye birthday boy! happy birthday! how's your day been?"

Rain-" Boring."

Ashley-" Eh! why?"

Rain-" What do you mean why? no one is home what am I supposed to do?"

Ashley-" Well, you could go out and play maybe go shopping?"

Rain-" Mom never gets me out!"

Ashley-" Ah.. right you're a guy.... so.... well, I guess you can go back to the house until preparations are done."

Rain-" That's not fair!"

Ashley-" Well, I ain't your mama, so don't go complaining on me."

Riz-" I think we can do something."

Just as I was talking with Aunt Mom came from the side, she picked me up and kissed me on the cheek.

Riz-" happy birthday Rain."

Rain-" Thanks, but where have you been?"

Riz-" I was a little busy, ...., here I got you some friends."

She pointed behind her, there were three Adult Women behind her.

Riz-" Rain these are my friends, This is Melissa Moss, that's Stella Bates and the last one is Sia Carr."

Melissa Moss is a plump woman with green hair and light green skin, is about 7.10 tall, she is wearing a suit and hat of matching color, along with golden glasses, and her eyes are green too.

Stella Bates is a tall but lean woman of about 6.5, she's pale as a moon and is wearing a simple white shirt with white pants, and she got bird wings behind her, her hair color is ashen.

And the last one, Sia Carr, she's a Short woman with a husky frame that, she brown and unlike the first one, she's kinda short and broad, her hair color is red and she's wearing a long coat with golden flowers adorned on it.

Ashley-" Riz?"

Melissa-" Hello, happy birthday."

Stella-" Happy Birthday Rain."

Sia -" Happy Birthday kid~."

Rain-" Thanks... Mom?... are they.. my friends?"

Riz-" Hm? oh, no no, not them, but I think the ones behind them would love to."

Just as Mom said so, Three boys, one from behind each woman came out, they were all looking like them.

Melissa-" Meet my son, Glenn Moss, Glenn, go greet him."

The boy shyly walked toward me and wished me and then gave me a gift box.

Glenn-" Happy Birthday, I... I got this for you."

Rain-" Th thanks."

Stella-" Here's my son, his name is Eric Bates, I hope you two can be friends."

Eric-" Happy Birthday Rain, it's good to meet you, here."

Rain-" Thanks."

He also gave me a gift, and I received it with thanks.

Sia-" Ethan, Go for it."

Ethan-" Wassup, Birthday boi~, there you go, got something special for ya~"

He gave me the gift and then came forward for a hug, which, I, received happily.

Riz-" Rain introduce yourself."

Rain-" Ah yeah!, umm, my name is Rain, Rain Young, and thank you for coming to my birthday party."

Riz-" Great, now that introduction is over, you kids can go inside and watch some TV, Rain, take them inside."

Rain-" hm? Yeah, sure, come with me please."

I took all the boys with me and went inside the house.

Ethan-" So, you're the popular kid, huh? I have to say I'm impressed, you are sure a sight for sore eyes."

Rain-" Well, thanks, you do know how to flatter someone."

Glenn-" He's not wrong, you are the most popular kid on the internet right now."

Rain-" Now, that's a surprise."

Eric-" Why? are you not on any social media or something?"

Rain-" Not... yet...., b/w you three know each other, or are we meeting each other the first time?"

Ethan-" We three are friends actually and have known each other since like, last two years, I and Glenn came to Eric's birthday, and that's how we met each other."

Rain-" So it looks like birthdays are a good thing to make friends."

Glenn-" It sure i- HOLY HELL WHAT IS THAT!!!???"

Glenn pointed at Fluffy, who was sitting at the door eagerly waiting for me.

Fluff-" That's... uh.. my therapy pet.., her name is Fluffy"

Ethan-" That ain't Fluffy, ... that's fucked up that's what it is."

Rain-" Please don't say that..., she's sensitive.."

Glenn-" No, she's huge."

Rain-" Well, you can just ignore her, come let's just go to my room."



