CH 2-Rain's birthday 2.

period the boys calmed down I somehow managed to have Fluffy taken away by Slar for some time.

it's already evening and I don't think it'll take too long for the party to start.

Glenn-" That's a nice room you have there."

Rain-"Why, thank you."

Glenn is just as tall as me, he wears flower petal earing and is wearing green blue shorts with a crop top, his features mostly match his mother.

Eric-" So, turning 15 eh? gotta say you look ravishing for your age."

Rain-" Don't say that in front of Mother, after a lot of begging I somehow convinced her to have some musical channels on the TV, I don't want her to remove them."

Eric is also the same height as me, but just a little taller, his skin is very pale, with ashen hairs just like his mother's, he also has small wings sprouting from his back, wearing a Light Tunic with a poncho on it and tight long pants he looks calm.

Ethan-" Now, let's get down to business, So, Rain....., who are you actually? like, no one knew about you for so long, and then you just pop out of nowhere, what's the story?"

Eric is shorter than me, but clearly, he fills the room with his presence, his red hair and brown skin make him unique, wearing a shirt and shorts adorned with gold and silver, and his looks too, are admiring

Basically, this room is filled with pretty little boys, and yes I'm counting myself too.

Rain-" *Inhale*..*exhale*... the story... huh... it's... actually a long one..., and...honestly, I don't remember any of it."

Glenn&Ethan-" Huh?"

Eric-" what do you mean?

Rain-" Ah shit... here we go again...






Eric&Glenn&Ethan-" WHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!???"

Rain-" yyyyyUP~"

Eric-" So now you don't remember anything..., like totally nothing?"

Rain-" *nods in denial* Un hm."

Glenn-" Damn.. man.., that must be awful... like to just forget who you are... it just sounds horrible..."

Rain-" Not.. that bad.., I mean. I'm still with my family, and mom said that I'm just a kid, so I still got a lot of memories to be made."

Ethan-" Well, that's nice, you know what? we just thought that you were gonna be a spoiled brat, but you're actually quite very nice."

Rain-" Wow..., that kinda... hurts."

As we were chatting, Slar came in with some snacks and drinks.

Rain&Eric&Ethan&Glenn-" Thank you!"

Slar leaves, Rain with guys alone again I couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

Rain-" Hey guys, so, just as you heard that I don't have any of my old memories with me, so could you tell me what you guys are? like Eric got wings, Glenn is green, and... Ethan... eh? Nah... nothing special about you."


Glenn-" I knew my Color is weird."

Eric-" Glenn you are not weird, you are a dryad you are supposed to be green, there is nothing weird about it."

Glenn-" Really?"

Eric-" Yes!....*Turns to Rain* just as you heard, Glenn's a dryad, I'm an angel, and Ethan's Drawf, so he may just look like a human to you, but he's a capable Drawf, at least his mother is."

Ethan-" I can give my introduction!.., *cough*. My name is Ethan Carr, I'm the son of Sia Carr, the owner of one of the biggest mineral mines in the nation."

Glenn-" I'm Glenn, Glenn Moss, My family's into real estate, it's kinda big so yeah, Mom's kinda big shot."

Rain-" *Nods in agreement*."

Eric-" And lastly, Me, I'm Eric Bates, My Mom owns thr nation's biggest pharmaceutical company."

Rain-" Uh. Hello my name is Rain, Rain Young My Mom, is thr owe-"

Glenn&Eric&Ethan-" Owner of the Stone and Silver bank and also the biggest investor in the entertainment industry blah blah blah."

Rain-" Huh?"

Eric-" *Giggle* Please don't be offended, we just have the habit of saying things at the same time whenever we get the chance to, and what we are trying to say is, Everyone knows about your Mom, It's you, you're the one everyone's curious about."

Rain-" Everyone is curious about me?, wow what a surprise, Me too!"

Eric-" Uh. I'm sorry was that sarcasm? I clearly couldn't tell."

Rain-" *Sigh*... Yeah, it was sarcasm...., Ok enough about me, ... what are you guys gonna do after this..., like after the party and stuff."

Glenn-" Actua-."

Ethan-" Actually, we all are preparing for entrance exams at the National Academy of Magic and Sciences, we've been preparing for two months, and I think we got some pretty good chances of acceptance."

Rain-" National what?"

Eric-" National Academy of Magic and Sciences, it's the best Academy in the whole country, if we get accepted we'll be set for life!"

Eric said with enthusiasm, Ethan and Glenn were the same.

Glenn-" Here let me show you, I think I follow the Academy's page on my phone."

An hour went by, and we talked about college, and our favorite TV shows, apparently I'm the only one who likes that Ant Girl, well so what! I'll support her on my own!

Glenn showed me his Social media page, apparently, almost everyone is on this thing called the 'Moment Train'.

It's a social media app that allows everyone to share pictures and send messages, people can comment like, and even create communities for their favorite topics.

And who's the current most hot topic?

Rain-"Holy...What the.."

Ethan Showed me My name on a Community Forum...

And god the amount of Fanarts of me in.... questionable clothes..... is... concerning...

Ethan-" Damn, Man you are popular, I'm jealous."

Rain-" You are jealous???, of this???"

Glenn-" Rain, I think you misunderstood something here, look none of us likes seeing ourselves be discussed by creepy old woman, but hey..., we can't do anything about it, even if our Mothers are rich and powerful, she can't stop everyone from talking about us...., special when you are popular."

Rain-" Wait a minute... it means you guys too?"

Ethan&Eric&Glenn-"...*Slow Nods*"

Rain-" I should really call the cops on this."

Ethan-" Don't bother, It's just like Glenn said, we can't stop people from Talking, So."

Rain-" So?"

Eric-" So We decided to change that, nowadays that's how one finds out his much popular you are, Cuz like, if we ARE getting attention..., might as well enjoy it."

Rain-" You... Sound... suspiciously convincing."

Glenn-" Well, cuz it's the truth, b/w you are not on MT(Moment Train) right?"

Rain-" No..., not yet, Why?"

Ethan-" Well, let's get you on one then!"

Eric-" Hey, you gotta grow up one day, consider this a part of it."

Glenn-" Yeah, C'mon man!"

Rain-" Wait wait wait....., I don't have my own phone yet, and I'm absolutely not doing it on my Mom or sister's phone."

Eric-" Ah... tch!..., Well it's yours I'm pretty sure someone must have a phone you."

Rain-" Well, I do hope so."

Glenn-Ok, leave that!, ... hey Rain..., are you not gonna take the exam for the Academy?"

Rain-" No, I don't think I have any plans to."

Ethan-" Then why do-"

Rain-" Hold on! this is not something I can decide myself, hell I don't think I have any say in it."

Eric-" None of us do, And we didn't go to our parents saying that "Hey! I wanna go to this Academy!" no..., we went to our parents and respectfully requested them, and beyond that, it was all their wish."

Glenn-" You don't need to go too hard on her like you just go and ask her calmly, and if she says yeah then great!"

Rain-" And if she said no?"

Glenn-" Then nothing changed."

I pondered over their words, they are not talking absolute nonsense, someday in the future, I'll be sent to school or college.....

Nothing will be different, but... I think if I did go to college..m I wanna go with them...

Another hour went by, and we again talked about many things they showed me their MT accounts we took some photos, and had a great time.

*Knock! Knock! knock!"

Kenny-" Rain?"

Rain-" Uh, Yeah come in"

The moment I said so everyone flinched a little, and as soon as Kenny entered the room all three of them git behind me.

Kenny-" Got some guests eh? the venue will be ready in 30 minutes, get ready... And oi! you brats!..

Eric&Ethan&Glenn-" *Flinched* *Hold Rain tightly*."

Kenny-"help My little brother here...., Got it?"

Glenn&Eric&Ethan-" *Nod*

And Kenny left after saying so, as she did these guys also let go of its arm.

Rain-" We MiGhT aS WeLl enJOy tHe AttEntIon"

I said in Sarcasm, but to my surprise... the trio seemed... blushed.

Eric-" R R R Rain that's your Sister?"

Glenn-" She's so Tall! and and and she looks so strong!

Ethan-" And Her voice!"

Rain-"...hh?..*Processing*....*Processing*...*Processing*.....*Processed!*... Aye!!! Don't go thirsting over my sister! especially in front of me!"

Glenn-" Sorry... but she's just... so...*Looks at Rain*... Uh...yeah right.. let's help you get ready."




