CH 12-Call for Crimson.

Fluffy and Sara's POV.






Fluffy&Sara-"mmm... What... happened??.."

We were in the garden..., what happened?....

We felt like someone was surveying the house...

Wait.. this is not the garden...

We were in a room..., white... the room is, completely white...

It took us a second to realize, that our.... skin.. is... normal... now...

We had the hands and legs of a human..., we might no longer have separate minds.. but we are aware of each other's presence.

We..cupped our face with our hands..., it was a human... face..., we... recognize.. this... its... mine...


*Knock knock knock*


What the!?, who is that?

???-" Sara!, open the door."

Sara&Fluffy-"...WHO IS THERE!!"

???-" Huh?..., It's me Rain, your boyfriend, remember? the guy who proposed to you, recall anything?"

Sara&Fluffy-"..ah.... what..... haha.."

I couldn't hold myself and dashed to the door.

I opened it and.....there he was...



He was taller..., the... more beautiful... he was taller than me..., refined face..., clear eyes... my jaw fell.

Sara&Fluffy-" Ah... you.."

I fell flat on my bum, he looked way too beautiful, I was at loss for words.

Rain-" What the hell you ok?"

Sara-" Wh.okk..but.. how...."

That's when I realized....., that I was the only one in my head...

It's... me.. and.... him... all alone...

Rain-" let's get back to bed"

Within seconds he picked me up in his arms and carried me to bed.

Rain-" You seem weird today, need me to love you?"

Sara-" Yes!!!"

Without me noticing I had my arms around his neck, I flicked both of us to bed and climbed his chest.

Ripping his shirt away I was graced by his naked flesh.




His skin...

Oh heavens..... pretty.... beautiful...

I did it... I have my love in my arms....yes...

His eyes were closed, laughing he opens them...



Only to scream in horror...

Rain-" HAHAHA...HAAAA.. darling wh-.AAAAHAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

Knocking me off he ran away...



what happened...

that's when I felt my head going wet.

a Single drop of blood fell on the bed...

I touched my face again...

....Chipped....., Torn.....






Third Person's POV.



In the garden, fluffy's body was chopped open her head tossed to the side...

Her heart... blooming in a flower, ... still beating,

Her head cracked open, her brain surrounded by the roots,

meddling with her thoughts and making her see things

In a state worse than death, she was still alive.

or if that's what her current state can be called.

Roots that leaked with blood surrounded her whole body.






In the morning,

Riz and Jude have returned, and the house.... is normal...

electricity is back...

Fluffy.... is found sleeping in the garden..., unhurt.





Rain's POV.

I woke up with a sharp headache.., ever there was a moment when the blanket got too hot and suffocating,

But I just couldn't find the courage to remove it, whenever Kenny adjusted herself in sleep I could feel my heart halt for a moment.

After some time exhaustion overthrew my weariness.

Waking up I walked to the dining room, where Kenny, Mom, and Jude were having breakfast.

Slar-" Good Morning Sir, had a good sleep?"

Rain-" No..., my head hurts.."

Riz-" What happened sweety, you ok?"

Rain-" I'm fine..., just a headache.."

Riz-" Come sit here *pats her lap*, have some tea, we'll go to a doctor if your head is there after it."

Rain-" No... I'm fine..., just need a bit of air."

I don't like doctors..., they treat me like some sort of animal..., exotic animal..., they ask what more I'm seeing, hell, I know I'm not stable but at least stop treating me like a lunatic.

Slar gave me tea, and taking a sip, I realized something..., I can't taste it at all.

I asked him if he served me something new, but it was just the same ole one.

ignoring it all I just drank it, two weeks more until, I can return to the academy.

Getting off Mom's lap I just went to watch some TV.

I planned to watch my usual show, but it was interrupted by the emergency news forecast.

TV-" Another student has been found dead, inside the academy grounds, even though all the students were sent home, it is still unknown why this student's body was found here."

Rain-" Again... what.... wait.. a min... it's the same girl whose hand exploded inside the class."

Slar-" Sir her-"

Rain-" HOLY SHI....., Slar..bloody hell, you scared me.."

Slar-" I I I'm sorry for that Sir, .... Sir is there something that is bothering you?..., anything with I can help... if possible?"

Rain-"No..No... I'm fine.. just saw this news and you came from behind so I just got spooked for a second, I'm fine, totally~."

Slar-" All right Sir, if you say so."

Saying so Slar left, the house for some reason feels eerie today.





Three days have gone by.

I'm currently suffering from insomnia it seems, I can't sleep, not properly, and during the daytime, I feel like my body is broken.

My head feels heavy.

But luckily I didn't have any more hallucinations,

For some reason Fluffy, haven't approached me much since then.

During the night, I can feel her eyes on me, inside the blanket I am not asleep, I'm never asleep, I just pretend to be so.

There are times when I feel like I saw her shadow stand up, my window is usually open, and the moonlight usually falls on the wall on my right side.

I have seen Fluffy stand on her two legs.., I have felt her gaze drilling into my heart.

What is happening...





Third Person's POV.

Stop of the Rain's house The Devil sat on a thin cloud, with a doll in her hand she kept creasing its hair with her hand.

in front of her, a red ball of light could be seen, radiating violently.

Devil-" Kana..., you were not supposed to die again..., this is the fourth time.., I can not revive you anymore, you are now trapped as a sprite....., forever, hehe.., or maybe you are a ghost now?, doesn't matter, I helped you by districting Rain's Mutt, but I won't meddle into this anymore, you are in your own now."


Devil-" What? cat got your tongue? oh, wait! you got none!!.hahaha...., So... *Pissed* why are you torturing Rain like this?"


Devil-" You wanna be with him? how you are a ghost, are you gonna kill him too?"


Devil-" You wanna enter his body?.... ah...aha..., a soul in a body can enter on the condition of near life death experience..., it during a mental breakdown..., do you seriously want to have him suffer this much? are you sure you care about him?"


Devil-" You do?...., ..Ohhh, so you love him so much that you wanna be inside of him...., but then where will his soul go?, Two soul or two brains can't stay inside one body.., *finger crossed* *Smiling* it's just not possible."

Kana-" *Radiates aggressively*"

Devil-" You'll take control of his soul..., and then merge him... with...*Smile grows*... yourself?...., haha... but you'll just kill him..., that's just straight up murder."


Devil-" Huh?, not absorb?, but that's what merging means..., no? then what?.... oohhhh... Possession..., You want to have him hostage inside his own body?..., wow.. [and here I thought I was creative and cruel], Well you do you, I don't care.., but then a mental breakdown is needed for this...., are you sure you want to do this to him?, on you know about that?...., but how I didn't tell you about it...., you assumed it lol.. wow..., you are... extraordinary... really... extraordinary "


And so Kana's sprite goes back to goes to Rain's house.

Devil-" hehehe...HAHAHAHAHAHAH, she thinks rain will understand her after he finds out about her being his sister....but~...HE REMEMBERS NOTHING!!!!!, OH!!!!, THE TWIST! THE PLOT!!, I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!!, RAIN!!!...., darling.. please... don't break so easily..."





It's finally the day when Rain return back to Academy, Fluffy is coming with him, their journey was quiet, dropping him Riz returned back home, he was the first one to arrive.

Rain-" this.. feel.. alone. *Takes out phone* Hello, Ethan?, yeah I'm here.. where you are?, ok ill wait..... *sigh*... hey Fluffy?"

Fluffy&Sara-" You?"

Rain-"..... *Gulp* Wanna go out for a walk?"

Fluffy-". ..... Sure"


Fluffy-" Bark"

Rain-"....*Shakes head*.... let's go"

That was Rain's first hallucination...


The chapter is short, but I'll soon be done with my collage work, then we can have some quick chapters on consistent bases.

well, at least I can try