CH 13-A Normal Day.

Rain's POV.

Having a leash around Fluffy's neck we walked around the town, It's 11 AM, stores are open and crowds of people busy in their daily life can be seen.

Among them all, we..., Fluffy and I, in particular, stand out, how is this little boy capable of handling such a huge mana beast?

Heh as if I know, I doubt I can handle her, ... she just listens to me...

A candy shop, catches my eye, they are selling soda-flavored candy...., how does that work? I don't know~, but I'm buying it.

I bought myself the bag and a steak for Fluffy.

Luckily Mom gave me some extra money, I don't know how she got it, cuz only the academy can provide it with this currency, but I'm not complaining.

After walking for a little more someone called me.

Rain-" Huh?"

Turning around I could see a group of women from different races, they had camera equipment in their hands and a woman who wore a suit came in front to introduce herself.

???-" Hello Sir, My name is (I'm out of names), Me and my team would love to take some pictures of you, would you allow us?"

Rain-" Why?...., and who are you, people?"

(I'm out of names)-" I run a Studio, and right now we are taking pictures of the city for tourism advertising, you Sir are very beautiful, so we were thinking of having you as our modal for this shoot, would you agree?"

Rain-" I... gotta ask my mother for this...."

(I'm out of names)-" Ah puff~, oh please you'll be a star! if you don't know I'm very famous in the film industry and this could be your big break! Maybe you'll get movie offers too!"

Rain-" A big name in the movie industry?..., and you don't know who I am?"

(I'm out of names)-" What do you mean?.... *Whispering* aye! we know this kid?"

Assistant-" *Whispering* Ma'am that's Riz Young's Kid!!, how could you forget this!?, we have to get out of here! if she finds out that we tried to use her son for a mere replacement modal we'll be in deep shit!"

(I'm out of names)-" *Gulp* Too late, what if he tells her about us, and what if she misunderstood..., we'll have to finish this matter carefully, *Back to Rain* Ok So do you wanna take photos?, No pressure~, All right! No need to do this if you don't want to!"

Rain-" Hm..., Well, I got nothing to do until for next half hour, Ok fine~, but only for a little while, after that, I'm gone."

The whole Crew-"[ Fuck!!]

(I'm out of names)-"Yes..., let us proceed [Save us, Lilith!]"





Third Person's POV.

The Crew decided to first go to a restaurant, they gave Rain a Butler uniform, for the shoot of local delicious,

Rain-" This kinda feels tight..."

(I'm outta names)-" *Honest* We did not expect this to be tight...."

Rain wore a white shirt with strap pants, that tucked his buttocks and frontal area tightly.

(I'm out of names)-" *Gulp* let's start with the scene, You, Sir, hold this serving of pastries, you'll be coming from that door, and we'll have some of our crew as customers, Just serve them and pass a smile to the camera, that's it."

Rain-" Ok... seems easy enough, uh....*Turns to left* Fluffy, you stay there and please stop chewing the wires."

Fluffy-"Grrrr [We feel troubled..., that dream that day..., It felt too real..., and when did we fell asleep, to begin with?]"

Rain-" Ok, I guess I'm ready..., that door right?"

Assistant-" Yes."

Taking the tray, Rain went behind the doors and stood there waiting for the Que.




It's taking quite a long...




What the hell.. he though, , filled with frustration, he banged the door open.




It's.. a bar..,

The morning that graced the him was nowhere to be seen.

Infact it was evening, it was an empty bar with rustic aroma of redwood, and the essence of vintage alchahol filled his nose.

Looking at his clothes he wasn't wearing his butler outfit, but infact it was a simple white shirt with black pants.

In his hands all the pastries were turned into empty wooden mugs that gave a strong aroma.

Rain-"..... *Gulp*..., Ok .. dreaming again it seems ..., let's just ... wait to wake up...

Rain puts the tray on the counter, and sits back behind it.

Rain-" It' there are cofee beans too.., *looks on the shelf* with tea and wine too...., let's just wait....., for it to be over...."

*Knock knock knock*

Rain-" What the!?"

From outside-" Aye Oliver!, it's already evening when's the bar opening?"

Rain-" Oliver..., is. that me?, it looks like it.., should i open the door?, no need its just a dream..., I'll just wait here."


From outside-" Oliver!!!, Open the fucking door!!, look! I even got the money to pay my last month's tab!."

Someone else-" C'mon! I need some beer after a long day's work!"

Rain-" Women...., rowdy...., ok fine it's just a dream..., what could go wrong."

Getting off his seat he went and opened the door, the moment he did so A mass of people, from women to men, all of them stormed inside, pushing Rain away with ever step.

Women-" Ah finally!!, aye! get me a regular!..... Oliver?"

Boy-" Where's Oliver?"

Rain-" All right! all aright! let me in!, stop pushing me away from my own shop!"

Women-" Ah there!, C'mon darling!, make me something that'll keep me high till the morning~"

Rain-" Coming right up~."

Going behind the counter he, took out some bottles and then within seconds a drink was prepared.

Just after serving her, more people piled up their orders, they took their drinks and then tossed the money in the jar on the counter.

After about 20 serves, Rain stood on his place for a second and thought...,

Rain-"[ Since when did knew how to make drinks?.... ]...*feels tap on shoulder* huh?"

Women in Soldier uniform-" The Countess wishes to book the whole bar for a welcoming party for the war elite, how much is the cost of one night?"

Rain-" Depends, how many people are coming, and how many drinks are served, not to mention the war elites are a rowdy bunch, the payment for repairs totaly depends on how much they drink, and if I do not serve enough drinks, my life and the reputation could be at risk, [ WHERE THE FUCK ARE THESE WORDS COMING FROM!!????]"

Soldier Women-" That is not my responsibility, the most I can do is have you escorted to the countess's mansion for the discussion, beyond that, it's upto the Countess to decide."

Rain-" I...Uh.. I'm kinda busy here..*Points at the people waiting for their drink* I can't just come."

Soldier Women-" Are you sure?, the Countess won't take this lightly."

Rain-" Hey! I'm not saying that I refuse!..., ok, 5000 gold coins, up-front, No questions asked, unlimited drinks, highest grade, and no restriction for the ruckus that they might cause."

Soldier Women-" Fine *Takes out the contract* here I'll write the amount, and I just need your signature right... here! Ok, now this deal is done, I will return tomorrow with the date and information about amount of people coming."

Rain-" Very well, good day Ma'am."

Soldier Women-" Hm."





Rain's POV.

The bar's closed now, sitting alone on the counter I counted the coins, for some reason I knew the rates and I could tell that people left tips.

Holding the coin in my hand I scratched the surface with my thumb.., the metal felt too real to be called a dream.

Slowly the realisation of being somewhere that is not my home starts of swarm my heart, I could feel my heartbeat fasten up by every second that passes by.

Getting off counter I went to the room from which i entered this place, opening the door, I saw stairs leading up and down, downstairs is the wine celler, upstairs is my room, I went upstairs.

My room, was..., modest, decorated with..., feathers and small wooden statues that.., were of birds....

I climbed into bed.


I felt something underneath the sheets, taking them off...

I found a dead bird....




I flipped the whole the bed upside down, tore the mattresses and cushions too.




Everything was filled with dead birds....


That's when my eyes peak over to the walls, ..., feathers..., decorated in a pattern that resembles a women..., she is red, with bat-like wings and horns.

My mind at this point was not processing the situation anymore.

Unable to stand this site I ran to the wine celler, I was not scared, but curious.

It looked normal, but that's when I decided to open the barrels, from top it was just wine.

but after dipping my hand inside I took out a


a baby head.

Its red, as if the skin had absorbed the wine.

Rain-" FUCK!?"

I threw the head to the side and that's when my stomach hurled out whatever was inside.

I used the wall to support myself, that's when my attention was caught by the a symbol that was carved on the wall, walking upto it I saw a upside-down star inside a circle, things in different languages were written around it.

Everything looked scary but at the same time all the things felt freakishly similar, like ....., like I had seen it all before i could not remember where, but i simply couldn't feel the surprise from all this, there was clear horror and disgust...., but no surprise.


I walked back to the counter and poured myself a glass of water,

My eyes peek at the window, night.., street light lit up with oil torches, the mist too was visible in the environment.

*pach* *pach* *pach*

A sound of something soft hitting the floor could be heard from the same room where the stairs are.

looking there, a headless baby, covered in blood, while pushing it's chopped head crawls toward me.

I was frozen in spot, my vision started to blur, and then in a very old and crooked voice the head said

Chopped Baby head-" You forgot today's prayers."




