CH 14-Red.

How do you carve.. on the skin? carving on wood is easy, just take a knife and scratch the surface, at most cut the needed carving into it, same with the stone, just hammer whatever you want with a sharp and tough metal chisel.

But carving on the skin is hard, the surface moves, and the blood that flows disturbs the view for carving.




Rain-" Do what?..."

Chopped Baby head-" CarVe tHe pRayErs oN tHIs fLesH ANd coMplEtE thE RiTual."

I stood just behind the counter, with a glass of water in my hand, I had just drank the whole glass but now I feel like I'm gonna need a barrel worth more.

As the baby crawls it leaves a trail of blood on its track.

Chopped baby head-"yoU make tHe lOrdS wAit, hUrrY uP!"

The head spoke like its life was on the verge of death, the question is how it still spoke.

My hands were sweaty but my spine felt chills, in that moment I could feel every second pass as if the clock ticked right inside my head.

My mind screamed that I should run, run away fast as I can, but then ... my body moved.

My heart was still pounding like crazy, but my hands felt calm, I picked up the head and the body, carrying both in my arms, and I went inside.

Chopped baby head-" YoU sEem tRouBled, whAt iS iT?"

Rain-" N..N Nothing..., just not in the mood to speak."

Chopped baby head-" THat'S NeW ..... uSualLy woN'T shUt uP aBouT yoUr faTe foR thE goDDess."

Rain-" Just...., *gulp* not in the mood."

Chopped baby head-" wHateVer, jUst gEt iT oVer, thIs boDy iS liMiting!!"

I placed the baby's body on the place in the middle of the Circle and nailed it there with a brick that was there and placed its head on the head of the star that pointed toward me.

Chopped Baby head"- oF compliment yOU mIrAcSe bEsSiLlY, yOU sAy ThAT tHaTS gEtT iT oNe."

I placed two nails around the star, i took the stone, hammering each nail until it finally fit perfectly on the star, and when it was perfect i hammered it one last time, then lifted it off of the ground, placing my fingers beneath the star, I pressed the nail and hammered my finger in the star.

It hurt!

I do not know why I did this, but the accuracy of my hammering and the calmness of my finger told me that this was not my first time doing this.

Chopped baby head-" YoUr fAte iS nOt sTroNg sTrOnG enOuGh, aRe yOu eVen tHe sAmE PerSon wHo sWorE hIs fEalty tO tHe lOrd!?"

The head screamed in anger, I could feel its blood boil.

Why am I doing this, how long will this dream last!?

I don't want this, please wake me!

Rain-" What are tonight's spells?"

I asked, the words came from my mouth of their own as if I was possessed.

Up until now everything that had happened was unexplainable mind fuck.

what could go worse I had thought, but that's when the head reminded me, that it was not over.

The head started its chanting...

Its words sound like they would spill one's brain.

With each word, the temperature around me starts to grow colder.

As the chanting continued, the blood that had collected on the floor started to back to my hand forming a blade of some sort.

Within seconds a fully-fledged knife was in my hand, holding it with my other hand, I started to carve the words of the chant on the baby's body.

God forgive me, whoever is out there, just kill me, free me from this, please.

But none came.

Blood kept pouring, pieces of flesh kept falling, and every second I could feel my soul Losing my body, I tried to yank my hand away, I tried to chop my hand with the knife and just run away, but my body didn't move.


A ripping sound came, and the drawing started to glow in red, to make it worse blood flushed from the carvings.

And then... it happened.



A crack appeared, tearing it open like a portal, a pair of crimson-red hands peaked out, they grabbed the baby and its head, plucked them out, and then took them inside the portal

that's when another voice invaded my ears.

??-" Finally~, the realm of living is graced by my presence, behold!"

A pair of horns, came out, followed by a head with jet-black hairs.

Rain-"[ it's her..., it's her!! the woman on the wall!!]"

??-" haha! Oh, so you are the one who summoned me, very well!!, I can smell your virginity! tribute it to me and I shall bestow you the riches beyond comparison!"

Rain-" [What!?] Bless me with your touch [NOO!!!]"

Red skin and butt naked, her looks seemed to burn the very soul inside me.

She grabbed my hand and yanked my finger free which was nailed down, the pain was immense, but no scream came from my mouth, the whole finger was shredded, and I could feel my bones making contact with the cold air.

She pushed me down and ripped my clothes away.

My member was surprisingly active, even though I was losing blood, my body transferred what was left of it directly to my dick.

???-" Ohh ho ho! you seem excited! I am flattered~."

Her whole body was covered in blood, and where ever she touched me, stains on my skin were visible like paint.

???-" Let me feel your skin, hnn...*heavy breathing* oh looks like God took his sweet time making you, haha, only for me to claim!"

She kissed me on my neck, and I obediently allowed her, my heart is beating fast! my breath is ragged, but nothing, .... nothing is displayed on my face.

Her wings flapped with intensity compared to her excitement.

And with every second the flapping got aggressive.

Satisfied with kisses she decided to get a taste.

Rain-" ....ah?.... AAAAA.....arrrghh!!??"

She gnashed her teeth into my skin, it wasn't a predatory bite, but a Lovely one, maybe lovely to her, the only thing is felt was pain...,

Mix with a wired sense of adrenaline and excitement.

She was biting and biting, but I couldn't feel anything, and neither could my body.

"Ah...! hahahahaha!", She chuckled, her tongue running from the bottom of my ear, licking up my chin, to my lips, and finally,

Finally, she stopped.

But the joy wasn't shared.

I felt her claws dig into my skin and she pulled me up, forcing me to stand.

My legs gave in.

She was holding me up by my hair, forcing my head back.

Devil-"Hehe you are delicious, I'm called devil, we.."


Devil-" This may be a dream, but be sure that our moment will come, you will come running to me! and pin me down and take me! but till then..., ...ahaha..... you are in my mercy! Rain!, you are at my mercy! oh, I'm waiting for us to meet with me filled with passion and you filled with resentment oh! it's gonna be on hell of a night!!"

My legs were like jelly, my head felt foggy, and every single neuron in my body was tingling with lust, I could no longer understand anything that was happening to me anymore, and my skin was almost freezing.

Devil-" Hoo, let's start I can't wait anymore!!"

Her voice was husky but demonic, her flesh was hot, and her fingers felt like hot iron.




Third Person's POV.

Rain was held inside her arms, his manhood was already between her legs, and her mouth was continuously biting down his skin leaving marks that very slightly bleed.

Her frame was bigger, and she her weight was significantly greater than the Rain himself, every time she jumped on his Crouch his breath left his body.

She aggressively kept biting him like a rabid dog, her mouth dripping with saliva while her hands gripped his neck in an attempt to keep him still.

Rain-" Ahh!....oh, no! no! ahhh!"

His cries echoed through the room.

Devil-" It feels good, doesn't it!? Don't think about it, just think about how much I love you! you have done so well, I am so proud!"

Devil's hand traveled up Rain's thigh and cupped them like buns.

Devil-" Ohhhhhh I just wanna eat you!!"

The devil started to suck on his shoulder.

Devil-" Ooohhh I'm feeling really bad for him right now... I should let his mind wander, let the nightmares take over, he'll never stop, won't stop hurting you, just enjoy this..."

Her nails dug deeper into Rain's back, causing him to cry more.

Rain-" Oh!! ah! ugh....!"

Devil-" Don't fight back! you are mine! don't resist me! you're just my property!"

He bit onto Rain's nipple, making him arch into her, begging her for her attention.

Devil-" You are like wine, every time you suffer your taste refines! but I think you have suffered much, don't worry, I shall rest after this... hehe but I can't say anything about Kana..., ha, who knows what she'll do? but that's for later."

She grabbed Rain's hair, and yanked his head back, exposing his collarbones, she ran her tongue across his neck.

Rain-" Ahh!...Singh!...!"

Devil-"You know, I love it when you moan like makes me horny, it makes me want you... but I cannot do it yet, not right now."

Devil licked his way back to Rain's lips.

Devil-" Let me make you cum baby, let me drink you alive!"

Her tongue made contact with Rain's lips again.

Rain-" AAAHHHH!"

Devil-" Ahh, yeah~~ I love sucking you off! you taste so good, baby~!"

Rain," Ahhhhh..."

Devil-" Oh! what's that? Oh shit!, your spirit's fading...., eh looks like I went overboard, sadly you are not ready for me yet... hehe.."

Saying so she got off him, Seeing him he looked like a dead body, she picked him off the floor and went to another room, sitting down, he was unconscious and almost lifeless.

Seeing his face, her expression slowly started to change, what was lust and smug until now was slowly changed into sorrow and grief.

Her eyes did not wander away from his face, she did not blink nor did she look away, ... and soon a single drop of tear fell from her eye.

Looking into the sky she said.

Devil-" Hey author, are you not gonna tell my back story?"









Rain's POV.

??-"..ak.. .. up!"

... hmmm.

??-"Si... Wake... "


??-" Sir wake up!!"

Rain-" YhAAA!!...haha.."

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, ... I.. was... in.. that.... what?

Avira-" Sir!!, Oh my God!!, thank God you are ok!!"

As soon as I woke up was hugged by a massive pair of breasts.

Rain-" ah.., why is it so dark in here?"

Avira-"Ops!!?, sorry sorry sorry!"

Rain-" Eh..., *Looks around* good morning... I guess....., *Looks at Avira* Hey, aren't you my bodyguard?"

Avira-" Yes sir!"

Rain-" What are you doing here? and where is the camera crew?"

(I'm outta names)-" He... he.. here... SS Sir..."

Looking to the side I saw the whole crew beaten up to a pulp and their equipment, broken.

Rain-" Did..., did.. *Looks toward Avira* "

Avira-" *Proudly* Do not worry Sir!, I have saved you!, now I just need to call the cops and we'll get out of he."

Rain-" *Facepalm* *Looks back at crew* I.. I.. send you some reparations..., later..."

Assistant-" Ju.. just take her away...., and your... pet.. too..."

Not wasting any second I took both Fluffy and Avira with me, Look back at my phone it looks like I was only asleep for 10 minutes, ... which, .... seems...., oddly short for a dream this long....,

Rain-" A nightmare would be a more correct term."

Avira-" Sir what happened there!?"

Rain-" I'll explain.... first let's just go back to our apartment....., I feel... mentally exhausted."

Avira-" Ah.. yeah certainly."

Rain-" Fluf-....? huh....."

Unlike before Fluffy... does not seem enthusiastic to see me..., what is happening with her.



And what is happening with me?...

His come I'm so calm?..


Maybe it's just as they say...

"Ghosts are not scary when you know you'll be seeing them again."

Some people might ask, why is it a positive saying? well, when you know something is bound to happen you do not worry about it, cuz it's useless, especially when you can't do anything against it.

Rain-" I hope boys come soon.."








At the moment of uploading this chapter.

This story has reached a thousand (collections) meaning A thousand people have added this story to their favorites. (i hope that's what it means)

I just wanna say to all one thousand people....,

You all are wired for liking this story.

Thank you.