CH 19-Chat buddy.

Third Person's POV.

It's 12:53 noon.

Sun shines pleasantly, and the breeze to just good enough to sway the leaves playfully.

On a day like this, anyone would wanna go out on a picnic or a trip, at least some do.




Ethan-" You think he's alright?"

Glenn-" *Nods in denial* He has stopped going out, he rarely walks out of his room let alone talks to us, and I don't know who's he talking to these days but he's always on his phone."

It's been a week since Rain got the A.I., and ever since then, he has been talking to it like there is no tomorrow.

Not just days but even nights, and usually he would go to sleep by 3 in the morning, now he has completely abandoned it, but he feels happy, or so he thinks.

Getting weaker, Day by Day.

Eric-" He's not opening the door...."

Eric who couldn't see it anymore was now very angry, there was a moment when he tried to snatch his phone.

But Rain held onto it as if his life was inside it.

He's figure was pathetic or one would say, pitiful.

Ethan-".... I'm calling Miss Riz."

Glenn-" What!?, what if she takes him out of the Academy!?"

Eric-" Well at least he'll be fine, I can't see him anymore like, he iS neITHER EATING nor SLEEPING PROPERLY, FUCK THE BEAUTY HE MIGHT LOSE HIS LIFE HERE!"

Eric screamed in frustration.

Glenn-"... *Looks at Ethan*... Fine, do it."








Riz, Riz Young.

Currently walking in the fields of a city outside of her own.

Warm and dry air was hitting her face with sand and the fragrance of herbs, With a cigar in her hand, she followed a boy who guided her.

She carefully strolled around the field inspecting the produce.

Wearing her classic black tuxedo and Red shirt, she was the odd thing in the environment,

Farmer Boy-" A Are they good?"

Riz-" Hm? why do you ask? Has your mother not told you what it is?, *Chuckle* Huh? have you been watering these fields without knowing what it is?"

Farmer Boy-" tch..., M My forbids me from coming here."

Riz-" Then what are you doing here?"

Farmer boy-" *hangs head down* she is sick today.., father's busy taking care of her.... we..... We need medicine but."

Riz-" But you are not allowed inside the City..., heh~, What critter were you again?"

Farmer Boy-" Uh....We.... are from the skuad tribe."

Riz-" I'm asking about your fucking Race boy."

Farmer-" Ah..we-"

Farmer Boy's Mother-" WAIT!!"

Farmer Boy's Father-"Darling please, you need rest!"

The original owner of the fields came.

Farmer Boy's Mother-" I told you to stay inside the house!!"

Hearing her mother scream the boy shivered in fear, he was about to speak his reason but seeing his mother's angry face stunned him too much.

Farmer's Boy's Mother-" You just wait when we get home! you'll wish I!-..A.."

Just as she was about to finish her words, Riz planted her hand on Boy's shoulder.

Riz-" Damn boy you didn't then you were coming here? you are in big trouble, tell me, does she hit you?"

Riz kneeled on her knee and asked the boy while passing a sinister smirk at the couple.

Farmer Boy-" Uh *Sobs*"

Riz-" Eh Shu~ Shu~ No need to cry, you see I'm your Mom's Boss, so if you have any problems with her you can just tell me, *Looks the couple* I'll fix that right away~"

Farmer Boy's Father-" Honey I'm!"

Farmer Boy's Mother-" Calm down!"

Farmer Boy's Father-" But she!"

The Father of the boy was struggling to free himself from his wife's grips to run towards his son.

Farmer Boy's Mother-" I SAID CALM DOWN!.... *Nervous breathing*... *Whispers* No matter what happens..... DO. NOT. CHARGE., I'll get our son back....just trust me, Ok?"

Farmer Boy's Father-"... *Nods in agreement*"

Riz-" C'mon kid, got anything?"

Farmer Boy-" N N Nothing...., I love my parents..., I... wanna-"

As he was about to Run back to his father, Riz stopped him.

Riz-" What's the hurry? You know what kid?, you remind me of my Son...., but well of course Minus the ugly part about you and the fact that you are not him..., but then again, all kids are the same, *turns to the Couple* the Kid will give me company, hope you don't mind."

Riz calmly rested her hand on the boy's shoulders and said.

Farmer boy's Father- How long?"

He inquired in fear.

Riz-" Hm~, how about, the entirety of my time here? I mean if want me to go, We can finish our deal quickly."


The moment Riz saw the boy she knew he would be useful.

Farmer Boy's father-" What ar-* Coughs blood* Ah... *gulp... hnnn haaa..."

Farmer boy-" Mom!! Unh!! let me go!!"

Farmer Boy's father-" Dear No!...."

The father feels miserable, He looks at the state of his wife, then turns to see his son, captive.

He feels useless and wishes to cry, but that will bit help.

Farmer Boy's Father-" *Gulp* Please... take me... let him go..."

Riz-"What the hell, what kind of image do you have about me?"

Saying so Riz lets the kid go, he runs up to his father and hugs him on instinct.

He too quickly pushes him behind him and creates some distance b/w his family and Riz.

Riz-" C'mon people Chill~, it's not like I'm gonna kill any-"


Riz's gun slipped out from her coat.

Farmer Family-"!!!???"

Seeing the Gun, the mother quickly yanked her son and husband behind her and extended his arms to protect them.

Riz-" Ok, Ok Calm down, I just happen to be carrying it, ok? I don't plan on using it."

She picks up the gun and throws it at the family.

Riz-" Go ahead kid, pick it up, might make you feel safe, worked for me."

Farmer's Boy's Mother-" No!"

The boy gets berated by his mother as he was about to pick it up.

Farmer Boy's Mother-" The deal, we'll sell it at the decided rate."

Riz-" Ah... decided Rate...., and here thought u got scared...., BUT! fine~, I'll have my people come in with the trucks and money."

Saying so she turned around and started to walk her way out but


A gun sound rang, along with the sound of someone falling.

Riz-" Hm?, What happened?

Farmer Boy's Father-" NNNNOOOOOO!!!!, kurin No!! PLEASE LILITH NOO!!"

Riz-" Oh, So that's what his name is."

Farmer Boy's Mother-" YOU FUCKING GUTTER ASSHOLE! *Turns back to her son* No No No No No please no."

Farmer Boy's Father-" I... I'll Kil-"


Riz-" Hey I didn't do anything ~, and I don't think he's dead yet, maybe a healer or doctor can still help you-? oh? what are you doing here?"

A Wolf woman in a black tuxedo and the K9 mask comes while holding a with-worth rifle in her hand.

Wolf Women-" That boy tried to pick up the gun."

Riz-" Tch can't blame you..., *turns back to family* The boy reaches for the Gun, not my fault, ok....., *Sigh*. Ok listen here, I got my car right outside your farm, get in it and my driver will take your son to a doctor, or something, till then I'll wait here until a new can arrives."

Farmer Boy's Farther-"* Sob*... *Looks at the Wife*..."

Farmer Boy's Mother-" *Nods in agreement*"

They talked with just that, truly, their love was strong.

Wolf Women-" To the Hospital? or

Riz-" Whatever may be the nearest..., *Whispers* you may tolerate them until you can..., But if they trouble you, then do as you wish."

Wolf Women-"*Smirks* .... Anything."

Riz-" Anything...., but only when you can't tolerate them..., shouldn't be too hard, right?"

Wolf-" *Grunts* Yes Ma'am, You Lot!, carry him and follow me."

Saying So the Women left.

Riz-" Well what are you waiting for? Do you plan on letting him die from blood loss? C'mon Scram!"

The couple didn't waste a second and quickly ran to Riz's Car.




The family left, and Riz was left alone in the fields, she decided to sit under the hut that was built near there.

Riz-" Haaa..... *Puffs Cig*... Poor kid.."

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Riz-" Hm? *Takes out her phone*... Unknown caller... on this number..."

It was very unusual for her to receive any call from an unknown person on her private No.

Nonetheless, she decided to answer it.

Riz-" Hello?"

Eric-" Uh.Hello?, Miss Riz?"

Riz-"Yeah... Who's that?"

Eric-" I'm Eric, Rain's friend I came to his birthday party remember?"

Riz-" Yeah... I do...., why do you call me?"

Eric-" Miss Riz..., uh it's a little hard to say but..., Rain is acting weird, he is not eating properly, and not sleeping either, he is always on his phone chatting with someone that he never gets out of his room, we were worried... so... we decided to call you."

Riz-" *Frowns* What do you mean?"

Eric-" Ah. I, I do not know, but it's not good, you should really come here and take a look."

Riz-" I'm on the way."

Riz hung up in hurry and called someone else.

Riz-" Hello?, I need a pickup, .... hurry."

Putting down the phone, she threw her cigar away.

Riz-" Who dares...., to message him."






Inside Rain's room, Sara&Fluffy watched him giggle as he stared at his phone.

Weak, so weak that he couldn't even type in his phone, all his conversations with the A.I. were being done with the help of the Text to Speech option.

And just like him, she too looked very weak, her bones were visible through her ribcage, and her cheeks had sunken, it was all because Fluffy was a mana beast, and Sara too was suffering from seeing Rain in such a state, but not interfering with his life anymore is their decision,

Or one should say "Was"

Fluffy&Sara-" wE caN't baRe iT anY moRe"

Since morning she had been scratching the floor, her mouth salivating literal gallons.

Her fur had no longer was smooth but rough and hard like needles.

Was her condition due to not interacting with Rain? well, some of it,

The main reason was.

Rain had been taking his nude pictures and sending them to the A.I., Why?

He doesn't know, but every single of his choices was directly influenced by the A.I. itself.

Not eating, avoiding sleep.

Everything planned to break him mentally, every single day he had been reading the A.I. messages, and not just as messages but as orders.

And even now he was nude...., and helpless.

Everything was enough to encourage Sara&Fluffy's inner lust to go over the normal levels.

Sara&Fluffy-" haaaaa...., fuck fuck fuck fuck faaaaaaaack....."

In the corner of the, she was clawing walls and floors, and every single second her crotch was getting tighter and itchy.

She was speaking normally but everything was ignored by Rain.

He was completely enchanted by the person inside his phone.

Fluffy&Sara at this point had enough, and now were ready to pounce on him with full intent to ravage him.

but before they could.


His room's door was blown away by a powerful kick, and from the smoke of destruction.

Four figures came into the view.

It was Riz, Ashley, Jude, and Kenny.

Armed with guns and anger, they were in the mood to kill.


This volume is almost half done.

Next chapter will be lengthy.

With a good chunk of mind fuck.

I'll try my best to avoid gore.