CH 20-Invasion.

8000 words, longest chapter yet, still not done. 2000 words of content was to be added but i'm tired, i'll add it as another chap-

DEVIL-" Author had a stroke and fucking died.

As the splintered wood flew over the room and a huge cloud of dust formed by the destroyed entrance.

Four figures emerge from the dust.

Armed and aggressive.

The whole room became gray as if the current moment itself was lifeless.

Fluffy/Sara who saw it all didn't take it kindly and launched at them with fangs bared.



Riz pulled the trigger and unloaded the whole magazine on her.

Bullets fly so fast that they almost look like lasers.

Fluffy/Sara who was surprised by the sudden assault jumps out of the window in retreat.

Not wasting any other second Riz walks up to Rain.

As soon as her eyes fall on him.

Riz-" .....*Gaaasp*"

A slow gasp escapes her lips, her eyes running all over him.


She fell on her butt too stunned to speak her hands shaking in horror.

Jude-" Mom!"

Jude Ran up to her, her gaze too falling onto her brother but she controls herself and instead tries to drag her mother away.

Jude-" Kenny!"

Jude yelled at her sister, and both of them dragged Riz out of the room, Ashley, seeing them as walks up to Rain.

He was nothing but all bones, naked and with eyes that look drunk and dead, completely different from a child's.

But putting it all aside she managed to shake it off her head, reaching her hand she tried to snatch Rain's Phone away.

But the moment, she tried to do so he started screaming, his screams weren't loud, just painfully little moans, maybe that was all he could muster up.

Seeing him like this she thought that he was possessed or something, she is not religious but God is the only one she can think of right now.

Using force she snatched his phone and shoved it inside her pocket.

The moment his hands parted with his phone, his body starts to shake violently and then.

Suddenly it stops, and Rain falls unconscious.

Wrapping him in a blanket she orders her family to prepare the car.

Soon they leave.

As they do, Avira watches them leave, talking to Big B she explains the situation.

Avira-" Yeah..., they've now left..., boy... He seemed cursed ..., his friends didn't let me enter the house.., and soon even they could not meet...., I'll continue to monitor the other three kids."




Inside the car, Kenny is driving, and Riz in the backseat is being held by Jude who is trying to calm her, Riz was restless and every second tries to take Rain from Ashley's arm.

Who is sitting in the front, carrying unconscious Rain, she refused to let Riz near Rain, his condition was too bad, and Riz could act rashly in panic.

They remained calm all over the journey.

Arriving at the nearest hospital Ashley turned towards Riz.

Ashley-" Get us an ambulance, and a doctor too."

Riz just nods and gets out of the car.


Riz-"Huh?..., what?"

Ashley-"No Guns..., it's not our city..., and I'm currently off duty...., remember that."

Riz-"... *Heavy Nod*"

Jude-"Wait I coming with you."

Ashley-" No, I need you here, Riz you go."





Riz's POV.

No No No No No No No No No

Doctor Docter Docter I need Docter!

Panic grows into my nerves, I'm trying not to run but my legs are moving on their own.

My breathing is ragged and my ears seem to hear everything in echo.

Soon I arrive at the reception, a guy is checking files.


Riz-" *Slaps the table* I need a doctor... And an ambulance."

Receptionist-"the hell, it takes an appointment for a doctor lady *scoffs* ....*Takes out some papers* please sign here, a doctor will meet you shortly, you shall pay after you meet with the doctor."

Riz-" I need a doctor right now! My son is in critical condition!"

Receptionist-" *Leans toward her* And so is every patient here, we can't prioritize one over another."

Hearing it Riz snaps, in anger, she reaches for her gun but then.

Kora-" Miss Riz?"

A voice calls her name from her left, turning around, a familiar face greets her.

Riz-" You...."

It's Doctor Kora, the one who treated Rain when they bought him to their hospital.

Kora-" What... Happened.., what are you doing here-!?

Before she could ask anything Riz grabs her by the shoulder slamming her to the side of the wall.

Receptionist-" Hey!, security!"

Kora-" No! No! Wait!, ..... *heavy breathing*. Wait... What... Happened to the kid?"

Riz-" I'll tell you on the way...., you can access any ambulance?"

Kora-" A what?"

Riz-" Fuck it! just follow me!"

Receptionist-" Hey where are you taking her EII!?

Riz points her gun at the Boy and says

Riz-" NOT. A. WORD. .... or I swear you'll regret coming to work today."

Horrified, he agrees and quietly goes back to his work.

Riz took kora with her to the parking lot, and fortunately, an ambulance was parked there, walking up to it she found it locked.

Riz-" Fuck!... Who keeps the keys here?"

Kora-" Uh...., the guard at the front gate, keeps a spare of every key."

Riz-" Well let's hope that she cooperative, cuz my gun is loaded, and my mood is bad."

Kora-" She.. she is..., I'll talk to her."





Kenny's POV.


Kenny-" She's taking too long!"

Jude-"Arg!... I should have gone with her!".

Ashley-" Worry not..., everything is gonna be fine..."

Trying her best to calm us, she turns her attention back to Rain.

Ashley-" Jude..., take my phone and call the "Other Office", and make sure to put the call on speaker."

Jude-" Ok.."

I get restless with every second passing, Aunt won't let me see Rain, she's been covering his face this whole time, what is happening?





Third Person's POV.

It is said that a person's brain is a very powerful thing.

When experiencing things in real life, you feel every detail of it, but the part that you don't get automatically filled by your brain.

The brain loves to make assumptions, that's how one plans actions before taking them. But even when plans are not needed, assumptions are made to be safe.

Avoiding a dark alleyway late at night is a wise decision, but you never knew what's there until you check it, maybe you find a bag full of money, or maybe someone might cash your entrails out of your gut.

But the fear of loss is usually greater than the excitement of reward.

Hallucinations are a perception of seeing, hearing, or in some cases even touching things that don't exist at the current time and place.

Now a huge misconception of people is they think all of this is due to people having mental illnesses or some kind of disease, but that's not always the case.

The mind may control you, but fortunately, you can train it, and unfortunately, others can train it for you too.

When others train your brain for something that you've never experienced, your brain can give you many outputs, one of which is fear.

Fear is an emotion this is only hard to deal with until it is encountered, you are not scared of a person that might be behind your main door with an axe, you maybe be unprepared, but with another axe, you can deal with it too.

But..., what to do when you don't know what is out there, yes you have an axe for your protection, but... Will it be any of use? Or maybe you don't even need it.

But then it can be called anxiety too, but ... Can it?

A simple difference between The stake of loss can turn any anxiety into absolute horror.

The person behind the door could be a friend whose belongings you broke and now you are anxious whether they know about it or not....,

Or maybe the person behind the door is a killer you heard about in the news, it could be a simple delivery guy, or maybe a friendly neighbor, but the risk to life is too big and can cause you to panic before you even get near the door.

Now many times fear and panic can cause someone to hallucinate, a hallucination that isn't caused due to any illness but due to the lack of information.

You don't know who the person behind the door is, and that's when your brain starts to play with you, and you start to assume, sometimes the assumptions are so strong that your brain plays them in your mind,

And that's what disease-less hallucinations are.




Rain's POV.




??-" ##ye... We** up!"

Rain-" ynhaaa....haaaa..."

I woke up with a jolt, a ringing noise is constantly hammering my ears,

Rain-" Arh!..., what the..."

I opened my eyes that seem tired, and even itchy to some extent.

Soon my hands that were rested felt the warm sensations of smooth bed sheets.

A second later my eyes clear up.

Rain-" It... too bright..."

I can feel a strong light coming from my left, there is a window there, and orange morning light falls on my face.

A room....., it's ... Weird.. modern? Like the ones, I saw in my pho-.....

Rain-" My phone!!"

I ran my hands over to my pockets, but nothing is found.

Wait... Why am I looking for my phone again? My .... Mind seems hazy too, but at this point, that too feels like an everyday occurrence.

But this itself is concerning, but that is not the biggest of my worries, This place... Is unknown to me,... Wait a minute.

This... Room... It's not symmetrical...,

The wall on the left side... Feels smaller and even the decorations on the wall seem tilted..., tilted in a way that defies gravity.

*thump* *thump* *thump*


Footsteps, they are coming closer.

??-" Just how long do you plan on sleeping!"

A shrill but cherry voice calls.


Slamming the door open, a girl with black hair, holding a large spoon in her hand smiles at me.

??-" Ah! About time you woke up~, say?, you still like stake?, or do you fancy Chinese today?"

Wha...., who is she? why does she act so familiar? as if she knows me.

??-' Hey? any preference?"

Rain-" No!"

She draws closer, making me back away on impulse.

??-" Wait...., why... Why are you scared? this is me! your sister Kana!"

What... Who is she?

??-" Ok... ok..., *deep breathing* let's start over..., maybe I should bring you something."


She vanished into a black cloud.

Rain-" What the fuck!?"

No! No! No!

I gotta get out of here!

Jumping out of the bed I hurriedly ran to the door, outside I found stairs on the left leading downstairs.

It's a wooden home, unlike mine things here are different despite being alone here ..... This place does not feel... Unknown.

But that's a worry for later, right now I gotta find the exit.

Running around at random I found it.

Rain-" Ha! Bye bye! Stran-.....huh?"

I opened the door with the excitement of freedom... But..., there is nothing here.....

I looked down... the ground itself is gone, there is nothing but mist.

The thick white fog extends to any that exists.

I can't feel any wind...nor any sunlight.

What time is it?

??-" Hey~ you shouldn't wander around at late night."

A hand lands on my shoulder, while another covers my eyes.

An unpleasant chill envelops my chest, and my breath feels leaving my lungs.

??-" Let's get back inside, a warm glass of milk should calm you down."

Saying so she removes her hand from my eyes.

Rain-".... What..."

It's ... Night outside..., are those stars?... But. They look kinda... Close...., these stars they... feel like I can grab them with a jump.

A starry night sky, with a blue tint, spreads across the horizon,

Ground that was once mist was now turned into a sea..., a reflection of sky planted on the water and gave a grand yet scary view.

It's captivating... yet intimidating.

??-" It's beautiful isn't it?"

She rests her chin on my right shoulder, her face shines thanks to the stars that lit everything.

??-" let's get inside.., I gotta warm meal prepared.

Rain-"Kana... Wait..... you from...Who are you?"

Kana-" I still don't know why you don't remember me..., but I'll make sure you remember me... for now."

Her arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into her embrace.

Kana-" let me just ..... *inhale*...enjoy this..."




Back to

Riz and others.

Inside the ambulance, Dr. Kora was still checking on Rain.

Kenny was driving, Jude was beside Kenny and checking Rain's phone, and lastly, Riz and Ashley were talking with each other.

Riz-" What do you mean it's not a health issue?"

Ashley-"Seven years back, when I was working on a case, I... Lord this is hard to explain... *Sigh*..... Ok, tell me... Do you believe in ghosts?"

Riz was pissed and stressed, and her shirt was stained with blood.

The guard was not s cooperative person.

With a cigarette between her lips, she held her scalp in frustration.

Riz-" The fuck are you talking about?"

Her words were slowed and lengthy.

Ashley-" Just answer me, it'll be easier to explain."

Riz-" No... No, I don't, nor do I believe in God."

Ashley-" But you believe in magic, and even use tools that power from it."

Riz-" Magic is different"

Riz takes out her lighter, igniting it so she could control the flames at her will.

Riz-" It comes from a mere stone, some fuckers are born with such stone inside their ass."

Ashley-" Are... you...not born with a soul, *Takes a cigarette from Riz* heh..., *sigh* I never believed in ghosts either, but ... I've met some people ... Some alive .... Some dead, but all very real."

Riz-" What are you suggesting here? you wanna bring my son to a fucking shaman or a Bloody Nun, huh?"

Ashley-" Exactly!"

Riz-"hehe... No."

Ashley-".... Sis, these things are not rare, they may seem different nowadays but forget not all stories don't end nicely and you are not understanding it here, I've checked his phone, he was talking to a bloody A.I., and look at his state, Do you think your son is so stupid that he'll ignore his appetite for a mere someone on phone? No!, this all is way too weird to be true, We have to keep our minds open to all solutions."

Riz, at first, was not taking any of Ashley's words seriously, but soon her words seem to make sense.

Riz-"We have a freaking doctor here, .... it must be a girl who manipulated my son... I swear to god once I find that bitch I'll skin her alive-.

Ashley-" Woah Woah Woah..., I never said anything about a lover or anything..., all I'm saying is... It's worth a shot."

Riz-" how the fuck this thing is worth it!?"

Ashley-" ...Just!... trust me.."

Riz-" ... Fine..., but this better be safe."

Ashley-" That's gonna be the priority."

Kenny-" What are you two talking about over there?"

Ashley-" Just drive, I'll tell you later."

Even tho told, Kenny too was restless this whole time, seeing her like this Jude asked Kenny.

Jude-" Hey, I know this isn't a good time to tell you to call down, but I think you should focus on driving."

Kenny-" Sorry, can't help it."

With each car passing, Kenny talked about how her head is not right.

Even the steering wheel itself was getting heavy, her palms were getting sweaty and even her eyes seem to wander off every minute to look at the mirror pointed to the back.

Soon they crossed the city border and seeing the familiar cityscape her nerves calm down to some little degree.

Kenny-" Ok, we're in the city now, where to next?"

Ashley-" Ok, Park on the side, I'll be driving now."







Kana-"No No No No, hold it like this."

Rain-" Like this? who the hell even eats like this?"

Rain is currently learning how to use chopsticks, sitting at the table with food on the plate, he could do nothing but struggle to handle the food.

Rain-" Argh!, I'm done with this! *picks with hand* NOM!"

Kana-" Aye! no! That's not how you do it! how can you forget this!? You are the one who showed me how to do this!'

Rain-" *Still chewing* Noh Ih Diwd nawt"

Kana-" You can finish first it... *sigh* Hey do you know any women with red skin and horns?"

Rain-" *Gulp* No *Eats more*"

Kana-" *Sigh* wait imma get you a spoon."

Rain-" *Gulp* Could've done it sooner."

Kana-" So you don't know anyone with that feature?"

Rain-" Hmm.., I've seen some Onis but Mom never lets anyone near me."


Kana roared, her face distorted dramatically, her eyes charred black, with lights flickering and even some of the furniture moving slightly.

Seeing it all Rain froze in his seat, his heartbeat soared high and his hands were tightly gripping the chair he was sitting on.


Rain-" ...."

Rain was way too scared to speak, and struggling to even make eye contact, he averted his gaze in horror.

Kana-" EYES ON M-...Oh no."

She Grabbed Rain'a face and forced him to look at her but soon she returned to normal after she saw droplets of tears falling down Rain's cheeks she saw his arms shaking in fear of her, Realising it she backed away.

Kana-" I'm... I... I'm sorry.., look I can explain-"

Kana once again closed the distance between him and her, but as she tried to do so, Rain instinctively picked up the spoon in self-defense, seeing it she didn't dare approach any further, raising her hands in the air she slowly backed away.

Kana-" Fine, I'll back off, I'm sorry."

Her eyes scanned him thoroughly, looking for a moment to snatch the spoon away, and although she doesn't need to, the fact that he was trying to back away from her is irritating or even frustrating for her.

And although she is happy after her reunion with him, the fact that he can't remember her and even accepts Riz as her mother is simply unacceptable.

Jealousy and gladness are all mixed in but for now, she decides to retreat.






Ashley is driving.

Lonely road with dusk on the clock, and flowers on the sides that very soon are replaced with barren desert, sand with no life, and rocks that are too dull to express any story.

Ashley-" [Haaa, I could reeeeaaaaally use a street light.]"

Ashley thought as she struggled to remember the path, last time she came here was a long time ago and now the memory of that time is simply not easy to recall.

But the events of that time are unforgettable.

Jude-" So, what makes you think that this place will be any help to us, or if those people would be any help at all."

Ashley-" Honestly, ... the place we are going is a cult house, they believe in things that are way too gross to explain, when I met them they were..., *sigh* in the middle of a game to please their..., Lord.. or something"

Jude-" What kind of game?"

Ashley-" ..., they would tie a kid or an animal, and then one by one everyone will come and stab it once, the one who gets the last stab is then killed as a sacrifice, Lord..., I'm getting, flashbacks, the amount of carcass they had piled up was..... *sigh* the saddest part is that those kids are given to that cult by their parents themselves, in return, they are paid handsome-."


Ashley-" Calm down Sis, nothing gonna happen to Rain, you have my word, now, if you kindly do not point your gun at my face."

Riz-" I swear if-"

Ashley-" If anything happens to him you'll kill me blah blah blah, .... Kid I've lived 7 more years than you, alright?, so it's the last warning here, PUT. YOUR. GUN. DOWN."

Hearing her sister's long-lost serious tone Riz was startled for a moment, but soon regained her composure, and returned to her seat.

Ashley was driving, Riz was sitting with her in the front seat, Dr.Kora was taking care of Rain in the back while Kenny and Jude were sitting in the back going through Rain's Phone.

Kenny-" ... You got something?"

Jude-" I can't understand ...., why the hell are we even going to a fucking cult? this makes no sense, how the hell did we even come to this conclusion?"

Kenny-" I don't know...., but we got a doctor here.. And she seems to simply not know anything that is happening here, and if this can help him,... I am prepared for it..., and if anything goes south...., I have guns that are loaded."

Jude-".... Hey aunt."

Ashley-" Huh..what?"

Jude-" Why are we going to a cult? how did you even think of this?"

Ashley-" I'll tell you later, now's not a good time."

Jude-" No! I need to know, Cult! ghost!?, I have never in my life heard you talk about these things, then how come you know this now!?"

Ashley-".....I..I... was once one of them..."




Riz&Kenny&Jude&Dr.Kora-" What!?"

A silent dread filled the whole ambulance, no words were spoken but an extremely strong sense of distrust was felt by everyone.

Riz-" Wh... What ... Are you talking about ?"

Ashley-" what am I talking about ?..., you think 'Stone and Silver Bank' just popped out of nowhere? do you think you are smart enough to manage a fucking bank?! ONE OF THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS BANKS IN THE NATION?!"

Her voice was slowly cracking, veins visible on her forehead, and her grip on the steering wheel became so tight that she could almost rip it off.

Ashley-" DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY PEOPLE I'VE SENT TO THAT HELL FOR THE SAKE OF THIS FAMILY!!??, YOU THINK EVERY SINGLE LUXURY YOU ASSHOLES HAVE IS THANKS TO CLIT BRAINED BITCH!?...NO!, ALL THE GOOD LUCK SHIT THAT HAVE HAPPENED UP UNTILL NOW IS THANKS TO IT!.... I... HAVE .... DONE THINGS THAT MUST NOT BE SPOKEN ABOUT...I always talk about how I haven't had a kid of my own yet.., it's because I'm scared, I'm scared to have a family that will live with my crimes..., but you ..... People are the family I have right now..., the ones I'm ready to do anything for..... *Sigh*..they own me... treating Rain is under the debt they owe me...., so shut up and ... Just trust me, even if you don't want to."

Ashley accelerated the ambulance, Riz wouldn't dare open her mouth, and Jude and Kenny were the same too.

Dr.Kora-" Can I call my Husbands..., *Gulp*, who knows if this is my last conversation with them."

Ashley-" I SAID NO ONE'S GONNA DIE!!....yes you can call them...., wait a sec did you just say 'Husbands'?

Dr.Kora was now married to Adam and Dane and was living happily, and had come to another city for work temporarily.

Ashley-"[ Fucker's getting two husbands huh...]

Riz-".... Is...Ra-. Alan...coming back to our life. Related to-"

Ashley-" No...Lord blessed us, nothing more, but now it's up to us to protect this blessing, I may not be his mother..., but he is my child too and I love him."

Riz-"... I believe your words..., but why did you have to do something, like this?"

Ashley-"... I don't wanna answer that..., but to simply put it, it started with small favors that manipulated me with greed, and before I know it I had the blood of many people on my hands, *chuckle* I've probably killed more then you've met in your entire life."



Kenny-"..., Can we actually ... have him with us?.., should we?"

Kenny said, breaking the silence, she put her hand on Rain's head, creasing it, a single drop of a tear falling down her cheek.

Riz-" What?"

Kenny-"... Mom..., I'm sorry for treating you like an outsider... But.., why is Rain with us? We don't deserve him, how come an angel like him is living.. with people like us."

Ashley-"... They say every child deserves parents, but not every parent deserves a child, it's our responsibility to take care of our children until they are old enough to take care of themselves, Rain will decide whether he wants to live with us when he is old enough to do so, until then, he lives with us, and we take care of him, and if possible, try to live an honest living, so at least we look decent humans when he's old..., but this too is a load on me and your mother, not YOU TWO, both of you are innocent and all your actions are direct reactions to our way of raising you."


Ashley-" No buts!, ... You two have done nothing, and this fact will remain unchanged..., and recheck your guns, we've arrived."

It was almost night now, and dead trees surrounded everything, with mist covering everything and silence, it was a scary place.

Jude-" What's with this dead tree? and why do all cults gotta be in places like this?"

Ashley-" Too many dead bodies were buried around here and now the soil itself is eroded, I'm gonna go and announce our arrival, DON'T LEAVE."

In the middle of the desert, a small oasis was formed, thanks to the lake in the middle some trees stood there, but they too were dead now, right next to the lake a huge manor was standing.

It was an old manor that was eaten by moss and rust.

Mysterious symbols were drawn on the outside walls.

Ashley walked to the front door and knocked, soon a boy with cat ears opened the gate wearing a leather jacket and jeans.

Ashley-"Ah..... Who fuck are you?"

Boy-"Miss Ashley?..., what are you doing here?"

Ashley-" You know me, good, where are those lunatics?"

Boy-" M.. mother? she's here... but... that's it, it's only us, no one else here."

Ashley -" don't care, call her."

Young Man-" Right away...., uh.. *looks at the ambulance* would you like to come in?"

Ashely-" I don't trust you yet...., I'll rather stay here."

Boy-" Very well."

Saying so the Boy returned inside, Ashley turned towards the ambulance and flashed a thumbs up.

Riz-" Uh... She seems to be doing fine."

Jude-"...Lord.., I can't believe it..., Mom runs a mafia and Aunt was part of a cult, My sister doesn't have a brain, .... This is not a normal fam-."


Kenny-" *Readies Gun* fuck... You."

Jude-" *chuckles* Just tryna lighten the mood...., by the way, Kora, was it? You said that you married ....Both of them .... So how the hell did you manage that?"

Dr.Kora-" Well... you bunch did threaten us to kill us, and when we survived I took both of them to dinner... And then well, they ended up in my being in my bedroom-."

Kora stops her words as soon as she feels cold metal on the back of her head.

Riz-" If you finish this story I swear to god lord you won't be leaving this place as a doctor."

Dr.Kora-" Your daughters Asked me!"

Riz-"I'm the one who'll be paying you so shut up!"

Dr.Kora-" Ok ok..o. You gonna pay me?"

Jude-" Mom you've been sulking since morning, a small laugh once in a while wouldn't hurt."

Dr.Kora-" um ... Pay."

Riz-" MY SON IS HALF DEAD IN FRONT OF ME!, HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO LAUGH!?, What possible reason could there be for me to be happy."

Jude-" Eh.., maybe the fact that at least this crisis in your child's life isn't your fault."


Dr.Kora-" My.. uh. Payment-."

Kenny-" Alright alright, this was funny I got my laugh, you two calm down now."

Riz-" this is not funny!"

Jude-" it kinda is~."

Riz-" Oh yeah? Do you know what's funny? you weren't planned, it was just a cheap condom!!"

Jude-" I WHAT?"

Kenny-" Ok ok ok, Dr. Please hold my sister, and *turns to Jude* It was not a broken condom..., at least not without their knowledge, she's just pissed."






Kana-" Twelve knights stand guard against the witch who had come to kidnap the prince-... You don't like this story?"


Kana had placed Rain on her lap and was reading him a story, it was a popular story about an Evil Witch who got attracted toward a Prince and then later tries to kidnap him to marry, unfortunately for her, Rain wasn't fond of this story.

Kana-" What happened? you haven't said a word *kiss* you wanna tell me something?"

Kana wraps her arm around Rain's waist, rubbing her lips on Rain's neck she kissed him in discrete.

Rain-".. I ... I wanna go back home."

Kana-" Home?..., say how do you define ... Home?"

She asked him, her hands automatically creasing his face like he was a doll, touching his lips feeling his skin, embracing his warmth.

Kana-" Why are you not saying anything?, you were quite talkative when I was inside your Phone."

He now knew that she was the one he was talking to this whole time, from that moment he did an unusual feeling of uneasiness had taken over him, up until now he had been thinking that all of his conversations with the A.I. were secret, but now he has realized it was someone else this whole time, he feels exposed, uncomfortable. a sense of trust that he had in A.I. was now gone thanks to the fact it was Kana all along in disguise.

Kana-" You... don't remember it. But you are my family, you are my older brother..., we used to play all day long, you used to bring me chocolates, I used to cook you breakfast, ... We had a fath-... we had more family members, ... But they abandoned you..., but I didn't..., I never lost faith in you...., but .... *Sob*...when I found out that... That. *hic*... That you were gone... I. I lost it....., I didn't... I didn't k we what to do... You were .. always there to help, always there with a plan..., but when... you needed me ... I could not... I wasn't able to....and even now..."

Kana-" Tightly held onto Rain's body, with each word her tears leaked from her eyes, she rested her head on Rain's shoulder and cried.




Rain's POV.

Holding me like a pillow she cried on my shoulders, I don't know her past I don't know her story, but seeing her cry like this saddens me, her tears on my...


Wait a minute, ... Her tears don't... I can't feel her tears on my shoulder... My shoulder... is not.....


What the shoulder is wet now?... But it was not a second ago..., it's as if the details are only filled in when I concentrate on them.

This... has to be a dream..., there were times when I had hallucinations... But...this feels different.

Kana-" You are not even listening to me, do my tears not matter to you?"

Her voice turns cold, tightening her grip on him she gently claws his stomach.

Kana-"I... know you remember the punishment we used to get as a kid for not studying? what? You don't remember it?.... Hehe... it's fine....we can relive the old days."

Her tone scares me, I try to free myself away but my strength disappoints me, kinda used to it now, but then a new idea hits my mind.

I relax my arm to which She too relaxes her grip on me, and the moment I got my chance I BITE HER ARM WITH ALL MY MIGHT!!

I know my mouth isn't too big, but no matter the strength I must've dealt good damage.



But did I?..., I was expecting her to yell in pain and completely release my arm... but nothing happened ...

Kana-" What are you doing.... what were you expecting?"

She grabs me by my scalp and raises me in the air.

Kana-" How could you do this to me... I.... am...your beloved sister.."

She squint's her brows in anger, and her face distorts into a hideous one.

The air around her changes, and I feel her grip on my head tightening.

Rain-" Aaaahh...."

I flail my legs in pain and grab her arm trying to pull myself up enough to ease the pain.

Kana-"You need to be punished!"

She swings and throws me to a wall, I slam on my back... But...

It did not hurt, I did not feel the pain I was expecting....., but then soon I felt iron like taste inside my mouth.

Rain-" Hn!?"

Then soon a sharp pain hits my ribcage, slowly I start to feel difficulty in breathing, and a strong paralysis overtakes me.

Kana-" Your punishment... is that you'll have to stay behind this line until I say so.

Walking close to me she draws a line around me, sitting in the corner I see her stare me in the eye and say.

Kana-"If you cross this line..., a doctor will come and cut your fingers away."

She places a candle and lits it and then leaves the room, this time I comply in fear and horror.


Suddenly lights go out, the whole room is dark now, devoided of light and warmth, that candle was the only thing which made me feel safe.

Soon I managed to pick myself up, hugging my knee I rest my back on the wall.


Rain-" Ah!?"

Sounds of wood creaking jump scared me, my heart pounds fast and my hands shake unnaturally.







Third Person's POV.

Riz carried Rain inside the building, his body was limp as dead but still warm, followed by Kenny and Dr.Kora.

Boy's Mother-" Lil Riz here, isn't that a surprise~."

A Mature woman was leading them, wearing a black robe, she held a wooden staff in her hand with a skull with horns crafted on it.

Riz-" Do I know you?"

Boy's Mother-"No but my name is Syren, and you've met my son Cran already."

Riz-"Ok, so... Can you help my son?"

Syren-" We'll find out in just a minute, follow me."

Syren leads everyone to a room underneath the mansion, this place was built with black rocks and was decaying with time, it was a place where any dead bodies were stored in a mummified way.

In the middle of the room a flat stone was placed, and there were carvings of a language that were unknown to them.

Syren-" Place your son that stone."

Riz-" What are we doing here?"

Syren-"Finding out what's wrong with your son, maybe you won't need rituals to treat him."

Kenny-" how would you do that?"

Syren-" kinda hard to explain, but you'll see soon enough."

Cran-" Mom?, I'm back."

Crane returned with Ashley and Jude following him, they were carrying boxes and jars with ingredients.

Syren-" Miss Ashley, good to see you again."

Ashley-" Fuck you, just get it done so we can leave this place."

Syren-" Certainly, Cran, draw the symbols, I'll prepare the stuff in meantime.

The mother-son duo began their work as they were working Jude asked them some questions.

Jude-" So... how do these things work?"

Syren-" You asking with doubt? curiosity, or is it fascination?"

Jude-" Curiosity and doubt, not a hint of fascination."

Syren-" Ah... Sad, but well if really wanna know, I don't mind."

Syren continues her work but also explains it.

Syren-"Do you see all these coffins? They are bodies with their souls still attached... Hehe ever heard anything like that?"

The souls of these people were trapped inside their bodies and were suffering because they can't go to an afterlife. And that's how this cult operates, all these souls would do anything to pass to the afterlife.

Syren-" So I advise you to talk to me with some respect, cuz even death won't end your suffering."

Hearing it Jude feels chills running down her spine, up until now everyone has felt fear, shock, anger, and horror.

But this is the first time... they found something ... That was evil.

Horrendous, something that was not born out of rage or anger, a deed that was not done in a drunk state of mind or by a state of mental illness.


She knew exactly what she was doing but still decided to do so...., for her very own profit.

But everything they have heard from this lady is not very convincing, in fact, Jude still has her doubts, she believes that her Aunt was conned by this person.

And is currently carrying a handgun in her pocket to use just at the right moment.

Jude-"Yeah.. sure."

Kenny-" ..."

Kenny, on the other hand, is currently praying, silently, the moment she stepped into this place she had been scared shitless, everything here screamed evil and she was not comfortable with it.

Dr.Kora, on the other hand, was curious, not only it was her first time seeing something like this but thanks to her profession, her queries were genuine.


Syren and Cran completed their task.

Syren-" Alright, now place your son in the middle of this circle, after that we will leave this room, we will return after 6 minutes, when we do, there will be a piece of paper inside his mouth, whatever is happening to your son is gonna be written on that paper."

Riz-" Wait .. wait... you want me to leave my son inside... among those dead bodies? especially after you've told me that they are fucking ghosts inside them?"

Syren-" That is the only way..., you people can go back if you want to."

Ashley-" Trust her, lying is one thing people like her can't do."

Ashley rests her hand on Riz's shoulder, assuring her.

Riz-" ... fine....."

Riz questions herself, how the hell did she agree to this?







The cold wind hits Rain's face, it's been hours since he was punished to be in that corner, and he is still there, cold and anxious.

Every time he relaxed and tried to sleep crackling off the Floor woke him up, it was someone who kept walking around him not letting him sleep, or even calm.

??-" Hey... past."

Rain-" ?..."

A voice calls him, startled, he backs up to the wall again, listening carefully.

Rain-"... Wait... I've seen you before.. in my dream-."

??-" No~ No~ I don't know what are you talking about but No need to be scared."

Two bright orange lights, flash up, and soon a red face is revealed, with horns and purple hairs, a woman with a humble smirk approaches Rain.

??-" Hey there pretty...., I got something for you..."

she extends her arm and offers him an empty crystal goblet.

??-" Ya thirsty? how about a drink to warm you up~, just hold it and imagine what you wanna drink, and the cup will fill with it."

Her words felt convincing, he took the goblet from her hand, and suddenly it was filled with.

??-" Soda?.... wait... you are freezing right now..., and you wanna drink soda?"

Rain-"'s .. my comfort drink."

??-" he... hehe. HAHAHAHAHAH .... HAAA HAAAA... I can never predict you... you are the only one I don't know about..., the only one whose thoughts I can't read, that's why you are so interesting."

Rain-" Ah what?"

??-" Nothing~, enjoy your drink... and don't worry you'll be meeting with your Mom soon enough."

Rain-" Really!?, thanks!... Wait who are you.. and where is your lower body?"

Rain asked in confusion, that woman had popped out of a small pond of black tar.

??-" Oh this? *smirk* don't worry about it..., just keep that info of me coming to you a secret.. ok?"

Rain-" *finishes drink* hm! *Nods*"

??-" Great~, ok then I'll see you later."





Riz had been staring at her watch this whole time, not a second went by where she was not worried.

Jude-"Ok... One minute left..., you do realize... that I'll put a bullet in you if your claims turned out to be a scam."

Cran-" *Scared* Mom..."

Cran grabs her mother's arm in fear, but she just smiles and says.

Syren-" With an attitude like you won't believe Lilith even if she stands in front of you."

Jude-" Rightfully said~."

Everyone was sitting in the dining room, presented with delicious food, but none had the appetite for it.

Syren-" You know it's not poisoned, and my son went to great efforts in preparing all this on such short notice, so please at least eat some."

Ashley-" We will, just once my nephew's all cured up."

Syren-" *Sigh*... Doctor? please at least you eat some..., cuz I don't think they asked you to come with them."

Dr.Kora-" Thanks.., I just it'll be rude, but if you insist."


Suddenly a loud bang is heard from the room with Rain in it.

Syren-Well that's unexpected."

Riz-" SHUT UP!"

Everyone ran towards the room, Dr.Kora sadly didn't get to bite the food she had in front of her.


Riz kicked open the door, and the moment she did, she was left speechless, as if her ability to speak was lost.

Jude-" What ha-....."

Kenny-" Is he ok..."

Syren-" Ok move it! let me see..."

Everyone who came to the room was horrified at the sight.

In front of them.

All the dead bodies were out of their coffins and were kneeling to Rain, who was still in the middle and had a piece of paper sticking out of his mouth.

Syren-"This... this. has never happened before."

Bodies, from kids to adults all were kneeling with their heads bowed down on the ground, the dirt on their skin was still there as if these bodies were like this for ages, even coffins were unmoved, and there were no signs of anything suspicious at all...

As if everything was like this too began with.

Riz-" R.. Rain my so-"

Syren-" No wait!"

Syren Screamed, her instinct telling her to not enter the room.

Syren-" Don't enter the room yet, wait right here, I need to get something first."

Syren runs and returns with a bowl of ashes.

She throws it at the bodies, expecting something, but when nothing happened, she took a breath of relief.

Syren-"..*sigh*... it's safe to enter now."

Riz-The fuck was that!?"

Syren-" Take your son and get out of here."



Riz-" Bitch I'LL KILL-"

Ashley-" WOAH WOAH! CALM DOWN!...*Turns to Syren* ... What happened?"

Syren-" I don't know!... there has never Been a situation when I don't know what's happening... but .... but this time...., i... I don't.. JUST LEAVE THIS PLACE I BEG OF YOU!"

Hearing her in panic Riz snaps, grabbing Syren by the collar she slams her to the side wall and punches her hard, right beneath her right eye.


Then another one.


Another one.


The last one was so hard that her first finger was dislocated, she grunted but kept her grip right on Syren, and then took out her gun she shoved it inside her mouth.

Riz-"You... *tired breathing* will cure my son... or I'll kill yours right here right now."

Threatening her she pointed her gun at her son.

Syren-" You wouldn't... dare..."

Riz-" Oh.. you have no idea....."

Cran-" LET HER GO!"

Just as she was threatening Syren, Cran came with an old shotgun in his hands, he aimed at Riz.

Ashley-" How bout you give this to me."

But then Ashley came from behind and snatched it away.

Ashley- You're too young to play with these things boy."

Riz-" So... you decided something?"

Syren-".. I... I don't know.. what to do... there is one thing we can do... but.."

Riz-" But what?"

Red light from candles shone on her face, she mustered her courage and said

Syren-" It's dangerous..., he could die... or worse... become one of those ghosts that are trapped in their bodies."

Riz-" What are the chances of success!"

Syren-" It's 50-50, nothing is predictable."

Riz-"..... DO IT...., but if I lose my son.. then you'll lose yours too."

Syren-" You fucking Asshole!"

Riz-" Hehe..., kinda sounds hypocritical don't you think?"

Syren-" well I am honest about it.... even with my son... *Grunts* ... Are you?"

Riz-" *Pissed* That's none of your fucking business!.... just treat my son and wish me away."






Rain is sleeping on a cold floor, cuddled up to himself.

slowly, the red light of the morning sun hits his face but is soon shadowed by Kana.

She squats to her level and stares at her face, obsession, love, lust, all is mixed, she feels guilty too, but the feeling of authority.. a feeling of ownership over him... feels addicting..., like a drug that pollutes the mind.

She picks him up and hugs him tightly, and sits in the exact place where Rain was, mushing her nose on his head she just stayed there, not wanting this moment to end.

but she knew that it will never be the same, he is alive.. she is not, she can't revive herself, not anymore, but she doesn't wanna part with him.

This moment will eventually end, just what possibly could she do to be with him forever, at least till her journey in this world?

But what?

There is simply no way she would be satisfied by just watching, no... She wants to be with him.

??-" Oh~, a reunion huh?"


She remembers this voice, It's the devil.

Devil-" Hello there~"

Kana-" What do you want."

Kana never trusted this entity but knew she was the only one who could help her.

Devil-" I'm moved~, after seeing your love for your brother...., I thought ... Maybe I can do something for you."

Kana-" ..... What do you mean."

Devil-"*Smirk* You'll know soon enough."





Syren was busy, inside her library she kept researching for a way.

Outside in the dining room, everyone was having dinner, and Rain was placed in Cran's bedroom.

Jude-" Damn boy, you are a good cook."

Cran-" ...."

Dr.Kora-" You guys... are not going to kill him right ...., it's just to scare his mother ... right?"

Riz-" *Smirk*..."

Seeing her response both Kora and Cara tensed up, Cran was scared for his and his mother's life, while Dr.Kora did not want to see any more deaths.

Dr.Kora-".... I'm sorry..., I can't do anything about your situation."

Cran-" What are you apologizing for, you talk as if you could have done anything."

Cran reminds Kora about her uselessness, but he was still impressed with his efforts to save him.

Cran-" *blush* ... But thank you... for trying."

Ashley-" *pissed*....he's married you know... and has two husbands already."

Dr.Kora-" I wasn't trying anything!"

Ashley-" Yeah...Sure."

Soon, Syren returned.

With a single book in her hand, she presented the paper that was with Rain.

Syren-" It says "the flower will bloom with the morning dew"... What it means?..., we don't know, and until we do there is nothing we can do actually."

Riz-" You said you knew a way..., are fucking playing tricks on me huh?"

Syren-"... I..."

Cran-" Mom.. how about we ask the doll?"

Jude-" Doll? what is he talking about?"

Syren-" A Spirit that is trapped inside a doll..., but it's not that easy."

Ashley-" Why?"

Syren-" Why do you think this place is empty? Miss Ashley all the other members were killed by that sprite...., that thing is not a ghost of someone dead..., but the physical manifestation of Evil energy."

Kenny-" Well shouldn't you two be on good terms then?"

Syren-" Heheh.., sarcasm will not help..., that thing..., literally plays with one's mind, making them see hallucinations of their deepest and darkest taboos, something they will never agree on, but will surely would wanna commit."

Jude-" And.. How did they all die.., and how are you two alive then?"

Syren-" We were in the city at that time..., right now that sprite is inside that doll so it can't harm us, but the hallucinations are still an issue."

Dr.Kora-" How bad are these hallucinations?"

Syren-" I don't know, but if we wanna find out what's wrong with your son..., I guess that thing might have some answers."

Riz-" we'll do it."




Inside the underground caller, a storage room was built, it was a huge room with a doll in the middle of it, it was tied to the ground with chains with were carved from bones. Each chain had chantings written on it.

Jude-" Lord... You people are disgusting."

Cran-" *embarrassed*"

Dr.Kora-" *Hushing* She doesn't mean it."

Cran-" *Blush* *Hushing* thanks."

Syren-" ... go, you have to whisper your questions in his ear, and then place your ear in his mouth, and soon you'll start to see things.., Things that will tempt you, but if you manage to resist them, he'll answer you..... We all must leave this room, only one person can be here at the time."

Kenny-" Mom, I'll do it."

Riz-" Fuck off."

Riz was left alone in the room, the doll in front of a was a creepy doll that was made from mud, with a sinister smile, with eyes missing.

She approached the doll, and said.

Riz-" I want my Son back, all healed and healthy."

After saying so she backed away a little bit, waiting for a response, but nothing happened,

Rain-" Mom!"

Riz-" huh!?"

She heard Rain's voice it came from outside, she dashed to the door, but it was locked!

Riz-" I'm coming!, wait for me!"

She slammed on the door but it won't move.

Rain-" Mom! I think someone is here!"



